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    Friday June 1st 2001
    The GuestBook 9:00 am-
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    I had some activity in the GuestBook and never mentioned it. First up was Saddler. The Saddler who wrote the hilarious Private Ryan commentary. Here is what Saddler had to say:

    Name: SADDLER
    Date: 05/29/01
    Time: 10:31 AM


    Troy says this weekend, probably Saturday. Pearl Harbor was a movie that mixed Titanic with Private Ryan. Three hours. First two it’s a chick flick. Last hour is for the boys.

    Views: 882
    Find Another One 2:30 am-
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    The hotel had an employee meeting today for the front desk staff. I love these meetings. “They” make them so fun. Some of their ideas are so ridiculous that even I sometimes think I make this shit up. In the meeting we were told about a new plan to raise employee awareness about litter.

    This plan stinks of the whole First Concern? thing that was started a long time ago. Here is the plan. In order to raise awareness of liter in the hotel management is going to drop more litter in the form of notes and such that have slogans and prizes written on them. I kid you not. This is one for True Tales of Induhviduals if I ever seen one.

    “They” also made us take a test. A test on procedures at the front desk. I hate taking tests. I hate when work the workplace tests you on what you do. If I wanted to take tests I would go to school. That and the fact I hate jumping through hoops for anyone. One of the questions was to define teamwork. I can’t define teamwork. I work alone so I don’t have any teamwork going on. My answer was that there may not be an “I” in teamwork, but there is an “I” in audit.

    Besides the” team” I’m on are made up of second and third stringers as compared to the good old days. Either I’m going to get fired, again. Or I go to school this fall.

    Views: 976
    Friday May 25th 2001
    This And That 6:30 am-
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    Wow I tried to whip something up yesterday around this time and just couldn’t find any momentum. Not that I have any today. I just don’t have anything to say. End of May is looking to be pretty boring and I’m not looking forward to June. Last years May and June were pretty good except for the very end of June. I just really don’t have anything to say. Sorry.

    Views: 738
    Friday May 18th 2001
    Fan Chat? 5:00 am-
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    Well I have no major rant for today. I have been rather edgy as of late. Most likely because of my quitting smoking. But I’m trying to cope. Just hit three whole weeks of a non-smoking non-drinking life. I have decided that the nicotine is probably out of my system by now. So I could commence with the drinking. But I have decided to keep up with the non-drinking thing. Just for the hell of it.

    Here is a link to a chat transcript I had with a person who described themselves as a big fan. Names were changed to keep people out of harm. I like this interaction with my audience. So thanks to my big fan. Anyway check it out and think about getting a hold of me. I would like to know why any of you come here. More to the point why you come back. Think about it and maybe e-mail with some comments or sign the GuestBook.

    Views: 851
    Thursday May 17th 2001
    Clientele Anger 3:30 am-
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    I’ve said it before that I really don’t care for a lot of the people the hotel calls customers. Hold on to your hats because this could be another long one. There are so many types of people I can’t stand. Our little hotel is located in a very small town which happens to get enough business from overseas customers. So this rant is directed towards our foreign customers. The easiest was to do this is to tell you the ones I can stand and/or like.

    Short list (remember this does not count customers in the US). First up, British people. Love them. Very cool and very nice. I have yet to meet a brit I didn’t like. British women are even better. I dig the accent. Secondly and oddly enough in the same vicinity of the British are the Irish. Just another group of people that are very easy going. And finally I have to say that despite the language barrier, I do also like dealing with our Japanese customers. Another group that are very nice. I also dig the whole feudal Japan setting and also enjoy the idea behind the Samurai and the Bushido Code. And that’s the entire like list.

    Who to start with? There are so many. Germans, I just don’t like them. No good reason. Next let me say that the French are also a group I just can’t stand. Comedians joke about how the French don’t bathe. I always thought it was a joke. Well let me tell you it’s not a joke. The French are stinky, smarmy, pompous assholes.

    Then you also have a wide range of nationalities that I can’t stand for the sole reason that they hide behind the supposed fact they can not speak English. These people are in a greater number than for me to list individually. Except these people snicker and talk freely in their native tongue. Anyone who does this is just rude. I can’t think of anything that pisses me off more than this one thing.

    Ok one other thing. People who check in and say that they are Mr. So And So and then say that they are with the So And So Company. Now I am supposed to be impressed that they work for the So And So Company. Well guess what? I could give a shit what company you work for. I’m not impressed by things like that. And god forbid I hear the classic line “my company brings in lots of money for your hotel.” I could give two shits about that.

    Before you think my attitude stinks. I treat all guest with the same level of respect. No more or no less. I don’t care if your Joe Blow on vacation or Joe Blow the VIP of the So And So Company. I treat them the same. And I will not treat the Company guy any better than the regular Joe off the street. I will not kiss ass.

    Views: 863
    Wednesday May 16th 2001
    Sinking Ship 3:30 am-
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    You guys are going to have give me some slack on this. It could go long, seeing how once I get going I have a hard time shutting up. Number of things I want to hit on. Lots of what’s coming is either my opinion or just a base rumor. But I have sat back and watched for long enough. And this spiel is about the hotel not about anything else. So should I start with the rumors or with my opinion?

    Opinion first. My opinion is, well just that. And remember what Harry Callahan says: “opinions are like assholes everyone has one.” Also remember that this is my personal opinion. These are just a few of the things that irritate me.

    First up managers who are to lazy to print up their own reports. Small stuff? I don’t think so. If you are a manager then you make more money than me. You also should be better educated and smarter than me. So the process of printing a report should be trifling for you. Or… and I’m reaching here. Maybe you managers are worth the money your getting paid? Maybe you managers are lazy. Hell it could be a combination of both.

    Next let me just say that an administrative assistant is just a secretary. Ok? Yeah the politically correct version sounds so much better. But don’t forget who you are. Now get me my coffee and pronto or no slap on the ass for you.

    Now let’s cover a very nasty rumor. The hotel is going to be sold. That’s a big one. The only reason I bring it up is because I feel it effects me. New owners are new. They won’t know any of the employee’s. They also won’t put up with say a wise ass punk with a website. Big impact for me. That idea of college is looking like a great move. I’m really starting to think this.

    And again remember this is all my personal opinion. And if you happen to be one of the managers I’m talking about and you read this, I say too fucking bad. You were not invited to the site, piss off.

    Views: 771
    Tuesday May 15th 2001
    This And That 6:00 am-
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    Lets start off with a few links that kind of go hand in hand with the official announcement by Paramount on the new Star Trek series called Enterprise. Scott Bakula will play the captain of the ship. The Fifth Trek series is going to take place before the original Star Trek show. So hopefully it will be good.

    Here is a website for the NASA Breakthrough Propulsion Physics Project. This one is about how NASA is trying to invent the Warp Drive. Also check out Warp Drive- When? This one is done by the Project Manager for NASA’s Breakthrough Propulsion Physics (BPP) Project.

    Douglas Adams is dead. Douglas Adams was the author of the Hitchhikers Guide To The Galaxy books. The guy wasn’t that old. It’s unfortunate. If you like sci-fi and you have my kind of sense of humor check out his books. I highly recommend them. Back in the eighties he even made a pc game out of the Hitchhikers Guide To The Galaxy. It was a text based game and it was fun and hard. You can play it here. Watch out though it really is hard.

    Views: 711
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