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    Thursday July 5th 2001
    Life In Space? 4:51 am-
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    Well it’s another boring night at work. Dead as a door nail. We have about twenty rooms rented. So me and the security guard start talking. This isn’t a bad thing. A very smart guy. Anyway were talking about where life on our planet came from. I have talked about this before. But the security guard thinks we came from outer space. And keep in mind I don’t want to get in any fights about creation theory. I’m not saying what I think, or that you should think these ideas.

    But the idea that a superior race seeded us on earth does have a romantic flavor to me. I would like to think there is life out there. It would be a terrible waste of space if we were all alone in this huge place in which we live on one planet. Perhaps the surest sign of intelligent life in space is that they have yet to contact us. Well on that subject here are a few links to some stuff that shares some of the opinions I may or may not have:

    And again I want to state that these are my opinions. And I am not forcing them down anyone’s throat. These links are just there for you to take a look at (or don’t).

    Views: 959
    Wednesday July 4th 2001
    Early Morning 8:26 am-
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    Well it has been a very slow night. Nothing going on here at the hotel. I work tonight and then I’m off for four days. I should mention it’s the 4th of July. So about the only thing I’m doing is going to the fireworks with the Izer’s. Just make sure everyone has a safe holiday. Watch out for those fireworks.

    Views: 690
    Tuesday July 3rd 2001
    Bye Bye Scully! 6:39 am-
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    Gillian Anderson is leaving the X-Files. It’s not like I watch the show for any other reason. I don’t watch it because of Mulder. I watch the show because of Scully. Really I’m serious. I would watch anything with that woman. She is a goddess.

    But that means both of the show’s stars are going to leave the show. It doesn’t sound like Duchovny will be around for another season. So the two characters that make the show are leaving. All kidding a side regarding Scully’s babeness (and she’s hot). The other characters are not strong enough to run the show. The show will die without Duchovny and Anderson. Fox better cancel the X-Files without them.

    Views: 980
    At Work 4:26 am-
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    Well I have my Archive problems sorted out. I had to futz around with some of NewsPro‘s settings. But I have got it the way I wanted it. NewsPro makes posting easier. Maybe a little to easy. Just the last couple of days I have had multiple posts for each day. Which again everything is so much easier. And again I’ll say I love how NewsPro automatically puts old news into the Archive. I just love it. Now the Archived news is in chronological order. So I’m a happy guy.

    Views: 902
    Monday July 2nd 2001
    Opera 5.12 1:03 pm-
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    So I have been downloading different browsers and testing to see if my site displays right. And Opera has caught my eye. I of course have expressed my feelings on Netscape. Which to recap I just don’t like netscape. Mozilla to me is the same as Netscape. So no Mozilla for me. But this Opera has really got me thinking about switching from IE. Here are a few of the features these guys brag about:

    • Opera is renowned for being the world’s fastest browser. Measuring speed on the web is harder than it sounds, but our users know and feel the difference.
    • Opera is much smaller than other major browsers. In its standard configuration, it almost fits on a floppy disk yet it is all you need to surf the web. We also offer a version of Opera with integrated support for Java. This makes our distribution larger, but still smaller than our competitors.
    • Opera support all common Web standards needed to surf the web, including markup languages (HTML and XML), network and security protocols (HTTP, SSL and TLS), style sheets (CSS1 & CSS2) and programming languages (ECMAScript, Javascript).

    And I got to say they deliver in spades. This is one fast browser! Hit the back button and whammo your back to the previous page. A couple of other neat features. Mouse gestures are a feature they mention, at first I thought it was a flashy stupid feature. But man all you got to do is hold the right mouse button down and flick left and you’ve just hit the back button. It really comes in handy.

    Another neat feature is that there is only one browser window. So no matter how many pages you open it’s all one window. And annoying pop up load but the page you went to stays in main view.

    Of course there is a negative to this what seems to be a uber-browser. A big one. It’s a free download. No time limit. But you have a banner ad plastered into the top portion of the browser. After I play with sucker some more I may actually pony up and buy it. Any one else have any recommendations for a preferred browser? Let me know what you think.

    Nmd KfznUz
    Views: 1,124
    Learning Pains 8:22 am-
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    NewsPro is great. It makes updating so much easier. But I have to actually learn some html. The pluses of using NewsPro are numerous. All I have to do is type in what I have to say and presto! Instant update. It will put old news into the archives all by it’s self. Lots of snazzy search options, which I have yet to use. Plus you can subscribe to an E-Mail Update list. That’s down on the bottom of the page.

    But as I said I have to learn some basic html. Ouch what a pain. Frontpage made it easy, in a way. No coding. Just futz with some option menus. But I had to go and format each item every time I did a update. So I’m learning. You may discover some hiccups along the way. Try to be patient.

    Views: 827
    First Editions And Love 1:49 am-
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    So my Oldman had a bit to say on my June 28th post:

    you know why you got friends do you ever wonder why you got a father i often wonder about both a theory i broach to you about papa especially if pa inclines to write and talk a pa is usually 20 years older than a son a pa has therefore gone through a lot of what a son will this pa has in spades this pa has had heart throb and breaks in spades his heart must be a timex cuz it’s still ticking… [my] way of saying this gal you pine will become memmorable… let her go and check and see if that king novel is a first edition before you give it hieve ho

    I hear you on this. I do. And I have let it go. It was no big deal. I just forgot for a while we were just friends. The book was another thing that I threw in as a joke. A joke only I would get. Remember it’s not a joke if you have to explain the punch line.

    ql gPu ZXyy D Ha bI IaiXC
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