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    Sunday July 29th 2001
    Planet Of The Apes 2:45 am-
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    First let me say that I read some where that the reviewer didn’t understand the ending. I guess maybe I have watched to many sci-fi flicks, because I didn’t see what could be so baffling. I won’t ruin it for anyone who hasn’t seen the flick. Of the movie of the summer Planet Of The Apes was mediocre at best. And lets face it mediocre is as best as we can hope.

    Of the big movies of the summer I’ve seen Scary Movie 2, Jurassic Park 3, and now the Apes movie. The next big movie is Jay And Silent Bob Strikes Back. Yeah I have a weak spot for the Kevin Smith flicks. It’s a return to his dick and fart jokes venue. But that’s ok.

    Views: 887
    Friday July 27th 2001
    The Banner Is Back! 11:42 pm-
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    Well after a few days of no banners I feel a little happy and maybe a little sad now that it’s back. Happy because my whole layout was thrown out of whack without that damned banner. Sad because my plans of offering ad space on the website has come to and end. That’s a joke.

    Views: 854
    Phone Lines Are Down 3:37 am-
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    So from two until five the hotels phone line are going to be down. I’m a little bummed by this. On one hand there will be no outside call coming in. Yeah! But then no internet for me. Which is bad. I have realized I’m a net junky. Really the net has turned into a form of addiction.

    I have been having a cool e-mail conversation with Pat the gentleman that runs the Sobo Alumni website. I have been able to talk about stuff like perl and cgi scripts. It’s refreshing to be able to chat with someone about this stuff.

    Well other than that it’s been slow. Note to self, e-mail Ross.

    Views: 893
    Wednesday July 25th 2001
    Jurassic Park 3 1:36 pm-
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    Last time I asked if anyone had seen the new movie Jurssic Park 3. Before I say what I thought of the movie let me pass this along from Sherry the webmistress of Life Of A Crackwhore:

    i was just reading your site and saw that u wanted an opinion on Jurassic Park 3. i went and saw it this weekend and i thought it was awesome. alot of action and a few new dinasours to add to the mix. it is definately worth seeing if u liked the past 2 movies.

    Here is what I think. The movie sucked! Before anyone takes this as I’m trying to throw mud in her eye let me explain. I really liked the first movie. Read the book and everything. I read the second book when it came out. The book is great. The second movie sucked. The reason? Well I guess it didn’t follow the second book as closely as the first movie did the first book.

    I just feel the third movie was a cheap attempt to cash in on the whole dinosaur craze started by the first movie. A kid goes parasailing over Jurassic Park? Jeez they could have come up with a better plot device than that. To me the movie just made no sense. What do the rest of you think? Am I way off?

    Views: 1,226
    Saturday July 21st 2001
    This And That 8:41 am-
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    Well it’s been slow going since the computer crashed at home. I got to say that has really bummed me out. I should mention yesterday was Izer’s boys birthday. The little shit is one year old know. Tomorrow is the big birthday party. That will be fun.

    So I went and picked up this big ass wagon for the kid. The kind the kids sit in all relaxed and you have to pull them. I brought it to work thinking I could put it together here at work. Right. I don’t have any tools. It couldn’t be simple. The company does have a website. Step 2 is what their called. I’m going to wait and have Troy help me put the thing together.

    Anyone see Jurassic Park 3 yet? I was wondering if it’s worth seeing. I hope to see it this weekend sometime. Well that’s it for now.

    Views: 835
    Wednesday July 18th 2001
    Early Morning 6:32 am-
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    Well my home pc is still down. I had two hard drives. One was two gigs and came with the computer when I bought it back in 97. The other hard drive is about a year old. But the twenty gig is one of those 7200 rpm drives. Which my ancient mother doesn’t support. At least I think. I have tried to make the twenty gig drive go and all I get is it being recognizes as around eight gigs. Then I get a windows error once I’ve installed Windows 98. So I don’t know.

    This whole episode does give me motivation to save up for a new computer. A nice brand spanking new 1GHz would be nice.

    Anyone see the Robocop specials on the Sci-Fi channel? I watched the first two parts that were broadcast Monday and Tuesday. This tv version is more on par with the first movie. This is what the second and third movie should have been. If you dig the first movie, then it’s worth checking out.

    I also went and saw the Final Fantasy movie. This is kind of based on a series of japanese console RPG’s. It’s a great step forward in computer animation. I liked the movie. It had an Aliens feel to it. To me though it’s more along the lines of japanese manga/anime. Which isn’t a bad thing. Worth checking out if your into that kind of Sci-Fi.

    Views: 797
    Monday July 16th 2001
    My PC Is Dead! 2:31 pm-
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    Well it finally happened. My hard drive took a shit on me. I’m a little shocked by it. Because this really sucks. All of my important stuff is gone. What a pain. Now I’m having problems getting up and running again. My little 2 gig hard drive is the one that crashed. My 20 gig is still good. But I can’t get it to let my install Windows 98 on it. So I don’t know what to do. But give enough time I will figure it out. I just need a break or I’m going to destroy the computer in a fit of rage.

    Views: 935
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