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    Saturday August 18th 2001
    The Long Haul 4:00 pm-
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    Well today is the start of my seven days in a row of working. With the possibility of more. The one part of me can’t wait for the paycheck. The other part wants to fuck with “them”.

    What I mean is that I would tell them I’m only working my normal four days. The rest of the shit, well to fucking bad. It’s not my problem. Unless say you give me a few more bucks a hour.

    I’m not to sure I will do this. It’s a gutsy move and I don’t want to screw up all this overtime. I’m greedy, but not that greedy. Anyway with all this overtime I can get my 400 buck GeForce3 with the next check. Whoa!!!

    Views: 834
    Tuesday August 14th 2001
    Hotel Happenings 5:12 am-
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    Is anyone tired of me geeking about my new pc? If so here is some hotel stuff I can fill you in on.

    First is that the lady that does night audit with me is quitting. So that leaves me all alone. I think this is good. This means that I am needed. No one else knows the audit. New GM? Nope doesn’t have a clue. The Front Desk Manager does but she needs a refresher course.

    Good news is I get a raise. Bad news is I’m going to be working weeks in a row. But it will be more time and time is money. And I have to get me one of them 400 buck GeForce 3. So that’s going to be ok for awhile.

    I also heard that the Paycheck Nazi is bitching about me having the laptop at work. I find it funny because having the laptop here at work doesn’t interfere with me doing my job. My boss doesn’t seem to mind and the GM doesn’t seem to care either. So I guess this would be a good time to remind the Paycheck Nazi that she is only a secretary.

    Other than this stuff I’ve just been playing with the new pc.

    Views: 992
    Sunday August 12th 2001
    Not Enough Time 6:55 am-
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    I continue to enjoy my new computer. I’m running into some time management related problems though. For example, I work the next couple of days. Yet I have been getting little sleep because I have been playing on the new computer.

    I also have a back log of PC games I have to get to now that I have the PC to run them. This is another example of not having enough time. Tons of games. Baldurs Gate 2, Tropico, Deus Ex, Red Alert 2, Black And White, Kohan, The Sims, and probably a few others I have yet to play.

    I mentioned Max Payne a few posts ago. Cool game if you get into that kind of thing. The graphics are awesome. You do need a hefty system to run it. I will put up some shots of it in action later.

    To those of you interested in the inner workings of the site. I have switched from Newspro to Coranto. Newspro was the cgi script I used to use. Coranto is the new version of Newspro. Coranto is more flexible and easier to modify. The comments thing is gone. Not to many people used that feature anyway, I think it’s cool. Coranto doesn’t have a working comments add-on yet. When it’s released I will use it.

    Views: 962
    Saturday August 11th 2001
    It’s All Good 1:01 am-
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    Oh yeah, I am in pc heaven. My new box that I built myself is up and running. And it is as bad as I hoped. In this instance bads means good. I just wanted to point that out.

    To my friends (and hey enemies too) send me an e-mail so I can get your address in my address book. That is it for now.

    Views: 749
    Friday August 10th 2001
    New Computer Fuck! 5:09 am-
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    If you read the site then you know that my old Pentium 166 (no MMX)died on me back on July 16th. I had planned on saving up for a few months and get a new one. But on a lark I decided to stop in to a local computer store. Not a chain, just a mom and pop kind of place.

    The prices were awesome. I picked up a case, 256mb of ram, a AMD Athlon Thunderbird 1.2gz processor, and a motherboard all for around 400 bucks. Now to me this seems like a good deal. I figured it would cost a hell of a lot more than that.

    The guys at the store were really nice. I ordered my parts on monday. And after one motherboard ending up backordered they finally got my stuff yesterday. So I put the thing together. I used my 20 gig hard drive, cd-rom, sound card, and modem from my old computer. I followed the instructions to the letter.

    A few hours later I had a killer system that didn’t do a damn thing. Needless to say I’m a little bummed. Shit I’m really crushed by this. I had picked up a Geforce 2 with 64mb of on board ram to add some umph to the graphics and picked up Max Payne. Max Payne is a game with recommended system requirements of at least a 1gz processor for max graphical settings. I had planned to use that as a benchmark for how badass my system was.

    I’m hoping the guys at the computer store will be able to help me. It’s just not fair.

    Views: 1,051
    Sunday August 5th 2001
    This And That 8:38 am-
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    Well it’s been a slow weekend, or at least to me. The hotel wasn’t sold out. We were close to selling out. We had a bunch of little softball girls here at the hotel this weekend. I find these teenage girls close to the most annoying of all are guests. And these chicks must of been in heat, because they were all over are poor night bellman like stink on shit.

    Not that our bellman minded. This guy is a teen himself and is one of those guys you knew in high school that got all the girls. I’m not saying that bad. And I’m not jealous. All I’m saying these cockteasers may be getting in the way of this guy doing his job. But hey that’s his problem.

    I got a party I’m going to today. A cook who used to work at the hotel is having his B-Day celebration today. Last years was more fun than I had in a long time. So I’m looking forward to tonight.

    That’s about it. let me get back to work.

    Views: 929
    Friday August 3rd 2001
    The GuestBook 4:09 am-
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    Well I just love it when people sign the GuestBook. I mean that. It’s great to hear from intelligent people. I listen to what they have to say and try to follow their advice. Or in the case of this guy:

    Name: hey
    email: shark280@yahoo.com
    Where: some dude
    Date: 07/30/01
    Time: 01:29 AM


    Dude you need a hobby this site sux hard and long fucking get off your self

    So this guy I don’t. Anyone who uses the term “sux” isn’t high up on my valuable insight list. Most likely this would be a case of me telling him to go fuck himself.

    I also heard from an old co-worker named Amanda. This is what she had to say:

    Name: Amanda:)
    Where: from the source!!
    Date: 08/01/01
    Time: 01:16 AM


    Hello to you!!!! Just writing to catch up on things. So how goes life in your neck of the woods? I’m doing alright in Michigan. I’m still working at the Sterling Inn in Sterling Heights, (go fig). And I am once again doing the Target thing part time. I had a display fall on me Sunday night and my neck now looks like a drunken vampire tried to get ahold of me. It’s proving to be an interesting conversational piece. School starts on 8/22. Can’t wait. I need something to do!!! In an effort to continue my education, I have a piece I am entering in a writing contest. I would be interested in your input. I would rather have someone I know shread my work than a complete stranger. Let me know if you are interested. Must run for now. I’ll try calling you tomorrow at work. bye for now!!!

    It’s good hearing from you. Send your piece to me in an e-mail and I’ll check it out.

    Views: 1,363
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