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    Friday August 24th 2001
    The GuestBook Returns Again 2:28 am-
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    Well here is another one from Mr. Lee. Who apparently had nothing else better to do in class but sign my GuestBook:

    Well turk, its 1021 am and im at class…well waiting for class to start at 1220..and the scary thing is ive been at this infernal institute of “higher” learning since 740 am…thanks to an 8am class, which by the way the professor was an hour late, damn fuckers always say they hate people who show up late, yet do that themselves.. pitiful really. but i ramble. um there is just one or two more things i gotta ask, but ill just talk to you later on tonight, ill prolly stop by with the little moron, but it does involve black and white, im having a few problems with it and like i said, ill tell ya about them tonight, but i have to get going, strangely, this college library seems to be a hang out for fairly attractive women..i think im gonna go try out my non-existent people skills on them Later the SoboGuy

    Game support that’s me. Heh, good luck with the ladies.

    Views: 779
    Thursday August 23rd 2001
    Day Five 2:19 am-
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    Well it’s day five of my 10 days in a row of doing the audit. It was going to be longer, but the lady leaving is going to come in for four nights to give me a break. What’s the point? I still will have enough hours to get my expensive graphics card.

    Yesterday was rough, because we got paid and I got a total of two hours sleep. Today I got about five hours. I’m playing on the computer way to much. I’ve got under 5 gigs left free on my 20 gig hard drive. To many games.

    Views: 771
    Tuesday August 21st 2001
    Steers & Queers 3:08 am-
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    Hey with a title like this can you guess that I’m talking about the state of Texas? And of course it’s a reference to Full Metal Jacket. Where is this going you may ask? Well it’s the latest poop on the hotel being sold.

    It seems that a group from the state of Texas is looking to pick us up. And the headline pretty much sums up how I feel about people from Texas. And remember this is how I feel about these fucks from Texas. If in the future you read stuff with me saying otherwise, well that’s me lying ok? Well that’s how I feel about people from Texas looking to buy the hotel.

    So if these boys come in and buy us, it seems that they will be changing us over to another brand. Fuck that I say. I’m not learning another computer system. Unless it’s a windows based operating system. You should see this old unix clunker we have.

    The other thing about switching brands is that I will loose my status. What I mean is right now I’m the only one who knows how to the do the audit. I’m valuable. But with a new system I’m just another peon again.

    You also may ask is it a good idea to come out and bad mouth our prospective buyers? Fuck them cowboys I say. This is the last hotel I’m going to work at. I hate this goddamned industry. And on a subconscious level I think I want to get fired again. The website that got one man fired twice and can do the same for you. Gosh that has a nice ring to it.

    Views: 1,107
    Monday August 20th 2001
    The GuestBook Again 11:53 pm-
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    Two GuestBook entries in one day. That’s got to be a record or something. Any way here is Mr. Lee (or Edris as he is known in some circles):

    Name: Sobo
    Email: soboguy007@aol.com
    Website: http://hometown.aol.com/soboguy007/myhomepage/profile.html
    Where: from you ofcourse
    Date: 08/20/01
    Time: 01:15 PM


    Hey Turk,
    finally got around to signin the book…guess im not a total lazyass like most believe. Anyways, the jobsearch still goes on and i hope to find one soon

    So again I say go and stop by the mans website. A very clean cut young gentleman. Except for his hair sometimes. Green one day, blue the other. Fuck the kid don’t know if he’s coming or going. I kid. I’m joking. Except for the part about the hair.

    Views: 688
    The GuestBook 12:50 pm-
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    Heck I was just thinking to myself that nobody signs the GuestBook anymore and whammo I get a GuestBook entry. I have to say this entry will most likely make in as one of my random quotes. So without further adieu here is Mutant:

    Name: Mutant
    Email: sexualvomit@antisocial.com
    Website: http://www.btinternet.com/~j.spence/sv/
    Where: On the Internet
    Date: 08/20/01
    Time: 05:58 AM


    This site is like a big hat: it’s very comfortable, it looks smart and it keeps your head warm. Hats to the extreme!!!!

    Damn I love that. Mutant is from the band Sexual Vomit. You have to go check out the band’s site. Very interesting stuff. I downloaded the tune Skanky Ass Ho’ and it wasn’t what I expected. It certainly wasn’t what I expected from a “Goth” band. So again I say go check them out. Their site is very slick.

    Views: 924
    Day Two 2:25 am-
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    Well it’s day two of my possible two week run of doing the audit (maybe more). By Sunday morning I will have 80 hours. So I will be purchasing my GeForce3. Anyway that’s all.

    Views: 634
    Sunday August 19th 2001
    Spread Like A Fire 2:57 am-
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    Well my idea of wanting more money is working. I stopped in to check if the GM was in to ask about me getting a raise. The GM wasn’t in. I asked the desk clerks if he had been in. One of the clerks is the Front Desk Manager’s daughter. So I told her what I wanted.

    I got in tonight and everyone was asking me if I was going to quit if I didn’t get a raise. This is ok. If “they” think this then fine. If I get a raise great. If I don’t it’s not the end of the world. We will see what happens.

    Views: 781
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