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    Saturday September 1st 2001
    Time Off 12:15 pm-
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    Well I’ve kept quiet the whole four days off. Nothing happened that really needed me to comment on. Oh sure I could have told you how I was playing f’ing computer games twenty four seven. But I didn’t want to put anyone to sleep.

    So you have been warned! Here are some of the PC Games I’ve been playing:

    • Arcanum: Of Steamworks & Magick Obscura-This one is a rpg. A rpg set in a fantasy world which just had an industrial revolution.
    • Max Payne-What can I say? If you got the hardware go for it. A undercover cop framed by the mob killed his wife shoot ’em up.
    • MechCommander 2-Far better than the first one a few years back. Totally 3d and lots of fun.

    Thats about all I did on my four days off. Me and Troy did go see Jay And Silent Bob Strikes Back again. I’m not really to sure how long I will be working again. I think it could be a while.

    Views: 1,071
    Tuesday August 28th 2001
    IE6 Is Out! 5:01 am-
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    Well Microsoft has finally released IE6. I have gone back to my former love, after a brief affair with Opera. Opera is fine. It’s a wonderful browser. I just decided to go back to IE’s loving embrace. One of the reasons I went to Opera was because it ran really well on the old computer. It is a quick browser. But with the new pc I can afford to go back to IE. This is the final release so hopefully it is bug free. You can grab it here.

    Views: 851
    Monday August 27th 2001
    This And That 7:56 am-
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    Well I finally got my comments thing going. It’s a feature I think is pretty neat. It lets anyone comment on the news posts, hence the name comments. It is a add on to the Coranto news script done by a guy named Angst. Zcomment is what its called. I got it setup almost the way I want. If you register for a account (and you don’t have to) some of the text appears out of wack. Otherwise it’s good to go.

    Well try it out. I dare you. In fact I double dare you. Here is a cool link that I think some of you may find funny. The rest of you may be offended. Try the Magic Hate Ball. It’s self explanatory I think. Well that’s it. Go and post a comment.

    Views: 874
    Sunday August 26th 2001
    The Kid Gets A Job 6:49 am-
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    I got another GuestBook entry from Mr. Lee (aka Edris, SoboGuy). The young man has got himself a job. So I welcome him back to the working week. Here is what he had to say:

    Name: Boogy ghost guy
    Email: soboguy007@aol.com
    Website: its here somewhere
    Where: on a bathroom stall
    Date: 08/25/01
    Time: 11:45 PM

    hehe, hey Turk, well the job hunt has ended finally, i got a job at a tire store, the one near a certain octorda etailda on ilwaukeema oadra (i just felt like writin pig latin today for an odd reason) anyways they actually hired me without experience, and well needless to say i think i like the job, i didnt get bored once today. on another note, give me a call sometime to tell me what ya found out about the game i had questions about. um if anything ill talk to ya on aim or some othertime when i can get down to the hotel without the little fucker followin me around. well i gotta go so talk to ya later

    Views: 836
    Saturday August 25th 2001
    Rumor No More 4:51 am-
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    On the 21st of this month I talked about the rumor of the hotel getting sold. The Beloit Daily News had a interesting article in yesterday’s paper called Panel told sale near at Holiday Inn hotel which pretty much ends the rumor. It seems it’s now a matter of time before we get sold. Here is the obligatory quote:

    “The intent is to keep it a Holiday Inn and retain all of its current employees.”

    Sure, though I think us by the hour peons are ok. The article also mentions how they plan to stay with the same brand. Time will tell.

    Views: 994
    If Your A Fan 3:04 am-
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    Well I liked the movie. It really was a movie for the fans. It had just about every character in it fans of the movies would want to see. What I wanted? Well for Kevin Smith to please me, a sequel to Chasing Amy would have been nice. But overall I really dug the flick.

    So if you have seen Clerks, Mallrats, Chasing Amy, and Dogma you should go see this the last of the New Jersey flicks. Otherwise maybe stay away from it.

    Views: 763
    Friday August 24th 2001
    Smiths New Movie 9:45 am-
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    Well today is the day Jay And Silent Bob Strikes Back opens. I have been looking forward to this flick for a while now. It’s playing at the local cinema at 1:00, 3:00, 5:00, 7:10, and 9:15. Which is funny because they didn’t show Dogma. Of course the movies have a little different subject matter.

    The USA Today gave the flick three out of four stars. I’m kinda excited about it. This is the last of the New Jersey movies. Me and the Isley’s are going to see it tonight. I most likely will go see it at the 1:00 showing first. I just can’t wait. And then of course see later with Troy.

    I’ll write up what I thought after I see it.

    Views: 769
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