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    Monday September 10th 2001
    New Game 3:10 am-
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    I played the demo of a game called Operation Flashpoint today. The only reason I loaded up the demo was because I saw that Best Buy had it on sale for 29.99 and I have been in a kick for 3d graphics. After playing the demo I went and bought this guy.

    Wow. It is a cool game. It’s kind of like Rainbow Six and games of that ilk. But its a tough game and it has great graphics. It’s hard to explain what the game does. So here’s what Tycho from the Penny Arcade had to say:

    I’ve been scared nearly to death. I’ve played plenty of games where I have to shoot guys before guys shoot me, that natural axiom is (by now) staid and familiar. Before Operation Flashpoint, I’d never truly meditated on my actual mortality as I took fire. Never thought about the recipients of my fire as human beings. I’ll probably get better at the game itself, but for now I’m a nervous wreck when shit starts to go down. It’s absolute chaos. Half of my squad had been cut down before I reached the forest, and when I got to the cover of those trees I crawled on my belly and just tried not to die. [Read More]

    That’s how I felt playing it. The back of the box says “as close to war as you ever want to get” and it’s right. And man this ain’t no Quake style game. You take a few hits and it’s game over. If you dig military sims this just may be the game for you. I have a lot of practicing to do.

    Views: 760
    Friday September 7th 2001
    My GeForce 3 2:55 am-
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    Heh, I wanted to try to throw this up before I get to doing some work. I got my new video card. You can check out my 3DMark 2001 scores here. Over all I’m happy with the numbers. Jesus the numbers get me all hyped up. I will talk more about it later. After I put it to some more tests.

    Views: 746
    Wednesday September 5th 2001
    This And That 11:17 pm-
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    What’s new? Lets see under the contents over on the left side is a little box that shows some of my Forum stats. It’s not like the Forum gets a lot of use, it just kind of neat to have. For the hell of it I will mention to register for the Forum. You don’t have to, as you can post as a guest. But it’s just an idea. I do dig the whole message board thing.

    I haven’t heard any thing yet about the cowboy’s finalizing their purchase of the hotel. So I don’t know what’s going on with that.

    All I do know is that tomorrow is payday and I’m going to buy my GeForce 3. I’m going to be bummed if I can’t tell a difference in the graphics.

    Views: 819
    Tuesday September 4th 2001
    Damn! 9:27 am-
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    This makes me mad. I saw this article titled GeForce 3 Ultra Soon over at The Shack. I haven’t even got the regular GeForce 3 yet and they announce their making an ultra version of it. Anyway here is the quote:

    The GeForce3 Ultra is likely to get extra memory bandwidth over the standard GeForce3, while the low-end GeForce3 MX models are likely to used single data rate RAM instead of the double data rate RAM based on the higher-spec chips, lowering memory bandwidth but still giving buyers access to the same features.

    Ooh! “Extra memory bandwidth.” It makes me drool.

    Views: 863
    Monday September 3rd 2001
    More Steers And Queers 10:49 pm-
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    I have mentioned the hotel getting sold a few times. First here and then here. I had a hard time finding the guys that are buying us on the Internet. I was given the website address of the prospective buyers by a person who did not want to be named. If you have the chance go see the guy’s from Texas website.

    Before I comment on the cowboy’s website. Let me say I am no expert on this stuff. I have a small artistic background. I think I have some artistic common sense (I don’t know what else to call it). And I don’t think my site is perfect.

    With that having been said, the cowboy’s website is the most pathetic site I have seen. These boys from Texas are supposed to be a fancy hotel management company. I expected something more professional. It looks like a kid did it. Seriously go take a look. The music the pages play, well it makes me want to smash out my speakers and maybe run them over with my car just for good measure.

    It doesn’t say much about their company. I’m worried about these fucks from Texas now.

    Views: 929
    At Work 9:48 am-
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    Well I’m almost at the end of my second night out of who knows how many days in a row. This time I have no relief insight. This time I have no relief. And I’m not as excited about working another long stretch. Because the big check is coming on the sixth. That’s when I will be going to pick up my GeForce3.

    I have also been signing up for every pc game beta I can find. So far I have filled out applications for Neocron, Project Entropia, Earth And Beyond, Jumpgate, EVE:The Second Genesis, Atriarch. Now that I have the hardware to play these games I just can’t wait.

    I heard that the cowboy’s that are going to buy the hotel will finalize their deal on the fourth. So I just want to state for the record that if for whatever reason we don’t get paid on the sixth, that I’m not coming in. The fucking cowboy’s can kiss my ass. The old owners can kiss my ass. Fuck the hotel management can kiss my ass.

    Sorry I got worked up. It’s just that I heard that our old owners haven’t been paying bills. So I find it feasible that they would stiff us on their last check they owe us. Will see.

    r cdWDSF
    Views: 807
    Sunday September 2nd 2001
    Sobo Pride! 8:35 am-
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    Heck I don’t even remember how I stumbled across the site. I just know that it’s there. Sobo Pride is the name of the site. This is the kind of link that really doesn’t apply unless you are a Sobo. For the uninitiated a Sobo is someone who goes or went to the South Beloit High School. Now if you have yet to figure it out, I’m a Sobo.

    I graduated from South Beloit way back in 1991. And for whatever reason I have an undying loyalty to the place. I played football (bench warmer) and participated in the yearbook. I even cut the tip of my thumb off for the yearbook. Long story. So those of you that are Sobo’s (and I know a few of you hang out here) go check this young lads site out.

    It’s also worth mentioning that the football team is 1-1. They had a great opening. The second game was neck in neck. So I hope they keep it up. This reminds me that I got to go and say hi to Mr. Peterson. I overdue for a trip down to the school.

    Views: 873
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