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    Saturday November 24th 2001
    The Games 5:51 am-
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    Well beside my DAoC fix, I have a few other games I’m playing that keeps me from getting outside and seeing the real world.

    Tom Clancy’s Ghost Recon. Wow! This one is awesome. If you remember when I talked about Operation Flashpoint and how much I dug that game. Well Ghost Recon has it beat. Big time. Ghost has the other Clancy games like Rainbow Six and Rogue Spear beat also. It’s the closest thing to getting actual combat experience. Wonderful graphics and sound that puts you in the battlefield.

    Empire Earth is also eating away at my free time. This one is made by one of the guys who did Age Of Empires. You could call it Age Of Empires 3. Full 3d and it expands on all the features and ideas that made Age Of Empires such a fun game.

    Return To Castle Wolfenstien the sequel to the classic id game Wolfenstien 3d is also on my pile of current games I’m playing. RTCW is a cool WWII flavored shooter that is a lot of fun. And man does it look good (if you have the hardware).

    And finally you have Aquanox. Aquanox is a game that I picked up just because it takes advantage of all of the bells and whistles my GeForce 3 is capable of. When I got this one to work it sure did look great. Amazing graphics! But this bad boy doesn’t like Windows Xp. In fact Aquanox fucking hates Win Xp. Out of the box it wouldn’t even run. A patch was released today that got it running. For a little bit. Very sad. It may be a great game, I just don’t know yet.

    That’s about it for now. I’m also trying to pick up a copy of Wizardry 8. But have had zero luck in finding anyone who has a copy. Sometime when I have time, I need to get out and see some of my peeps. Who I have been neglecting because of my crack like habit with DAoC.

    Views: 1,092
    Friday November 23rd 2001
    Real World Bah! 3:46 am-
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    So I don’t know if any of you pay attention to stuff on my site or not. On the right below the Hotelblues.com email login there is an info box with my guys name and level. I have been updating it as I have leveled up. I’m sitting at level 16 at the time of this post. The more I play DAoC, the more I love it. There are some deep elements to this game.

    It really is more than a hack and slash kind of rpg. I recently took up trade skills. And this is where the game gets interesting. There are a number of trade skills. Weapons crafting, Armor crafting, Siege crafting, and a number of others. I picked up the Weapons craft. Weapons a player can make are superior to what the npc’s sell. And I figured it goes good with my fighter type guy.

    I also had the privilege to get some time grouping with a Guild Mate named Aix who is level 19. Now this gives the lower level members of the party a huge experience boost. I made two levels in one day. In a number of hours actually. I got to say the joining the AOD Guild was a fine decision. Grouping up with other players is the way to go. Having Guild Mates makes it so much easier to find a group.

    There are so may things to look forward to as I gain levels. I also continue my trade skill apprenticeship. The higher my trade skills are, better weapons become available for me to make. Then there is the realm vs realm aspect of the game.

    This is the player killing feature that is abused in other mmorpg’s. In DAoC realm vs realm is just what it sounds like. You can’t kill players in your own realm. When you get to a level you can handle life in the frontier areas you can meet new people and kill them. No talking, so the immature taunts of teenagers won’t fill your chat interface. Realm vs Realm is handled like an encounter with a foreign people. And it’s small raids in which you can try to conquer parts of the enemy territory. Really cool feature. If a player has sufficient skill in the before mentioned Siege craft, you have actual medieval siege weapons to help with your conquering of enemy castles.

    If you play Everquest or any other mmorpg I suggest giving DAoC a try. You may forget all about those other games.

    Views: 856
    Sunday November 18th 2001
    The GuestBook 4:17 am-
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    Ok I’ve futzed around with the way things work at the site. The GuestBook has been upgraded to a snazzy cgi script. And you all know how much I dig cgi scripts. All of the old entries are still there. You can get to those pages by digging through the Archive. So be the first to sign the new GuestBook.

    Views: 1,265
    Friday November 16th 2001
    Fuck Harry Potter! 7:22 am-
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    Fuck Harry Potter, ok? Fuck him, his little friends, that damn owl, and the school. Even though there is an Episode II trailer showing with this flick, I just don’t care. This whole Harry Potter phenomenon just rubs me the wrong way. And I have no real reason why it does. It just does.

    On the other hand the Lord Of The Rings movie doesn’t get me all hot and bothered either. I will at least go see this flick. I read the books and they hit me. The Lord Of The Rings trilogy just did it for me in a way no other fantasy novels have.

    That’s all I have for this time. The premise of this post sprung from me wanting to be able to say “Fuck Harry Potter”. Anything else was just filler to make this more than an one sentence post. Anyone got any thoughts on this? Or is it just me?

    Views: 1,126
    Thursday November 15th 2001
    This And That 8:58 am-
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    Ok that last one was just a little out there. I just really am in one of those funks. I’ve been having some odd dreams about peoples and places long past. Non sexual stuff, just so the perverts know.

    Historically speaking I have always had a huge problem let the past go. The good old days and all that. Change isn’t something I handle well. I suck at excepting change. What can you do.

    I went out with the lovely lady who has the Crackwhore site. I didn’t mention it not out of disrespect to her. It was more of not wanting any misunderstanding in any form. Chalk it up to past experiences with friends of the female species. Because I don’t do female “friends” well. It was a lot of fun though. Here’s what she had to say in the GuestBook on my idea of a party:

    Name: the one and only crackwhore
    Date: 11/11/01
    Time: 09:13 PM

    hey Turk…. i got the 28th off of work so i say lets party! you should definitely celebrate that kind of thing!

    Well there is one for the idea of a party on November 28th. I will go out that night no matter what. The keg? Well that all depends. It may be more of a buy your own kind of deal.

    So if your off on the night of the 28th stop down to the Bop and join me and the crackwhore for a drink.

    Views: 766
    Des Tages Link 1:55 am-
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    Dieses ist unterschiedliches wenig. Ich bin in einer jener Stimmungen und was kann ich tun? So wollte ich ein t gliches Link tun, das innen mit diesem Artikel bindet.

    Mit der Energie der Babel Fische kann ich, auf falsches Deutsch zu schreiben. Ich sage falsches Deutsches, weil die bersetzung nicht genau ist. Aber Sie erhalten das gist von ihm. Dieses ist eine meiner sonderbareren Ideen, die ich zulasse.

    Ich kann mit dieser dummen Idee fr wenige Tage laufen. Sie knnen die englische Version finden, indem Sie das Kommentarlink anklicken.

    Views: 709
    Tuesday November 13th 2001
    Pissed Off! 10:52 pm-
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    Ok I’m a little pissed here. I had some problems yesterday getting on to the game. Now Dark Age of Camelot plays. The bad news is the goddamned thing disconnects me every five minutes. I have tried everything I can think of to fix this problem. I just don’t know what the deal is. And I’m very mad. What can you do?

    I’ll tell you what I’m going to do. I’m going to uninstall that finicky bitch that is Windows XP! And then I will see what happens.

    Views: 757
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