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    Wednesday February 27th 2002
    The Talk 11:13 am-
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    So I had a talk with the guy in charge last night. This was the first time anyone there asked me about my site. This is the first time “they” even admitted to coming to my site. I was simply asked not to write about the the hotel while I was at work. No threats. If I want to at home well that ok. The direct quote out of the horses mouth was “it’s a free country.”

    Which I guess I didn’t know that. Man it’s a free country. Well that’s cool. Here all this time I thought I had been breaking the law or something. Well now that this free country thing has been brought to my attention it’s a whole new ball game.

    Now that I have the sarcasm out of the way, I can tell you how I really feel. This is all that “they” ever had to do. All I wanted was some communication. Sure I think it slightly illogical to say don’t write bad shit while at work, but if I’m at home well then it’s ok. All “they” had to do was talk to me. Talk to me in a civil and polite manner. I will even honor the guys request.

    This guy has some points with me now. His approval rating among angry sarcastic Hotelblues.com webmasters is sitting at about 71.8% right now. That’s more than any other GM has got. The fact he was talking openly about visiting my site gets him points. Man no one before ever would admit they ever looked at my site. He asked me if I have issues to talk to him before I write about it. The man gets a few more points. This could be love.

    So everything is honky dory right? Well not really. The old “trust no one” X-Files saying is still burnt in my brain. I still plan to take advantage of this “free country” thing he mentioned. I don’t think “they” would fire me again for the website. No “they” will think up something new. If it comes to that. I for one hope it doesn’t have to come to that. Time will tell, it always does.

    Views: 762
    Sunday February 24th 2002
    Paranoid Schizoid 9:13 pm-
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    I saw this test over at Sherry’s website and figured I would give it a go.

    Disorder Rating
    Paranoid: High
    Schizoid: Very High
    Schizotypal: High
    Antisocial: Moderate
    Borderline: Low
    Histrionic: Moderate
    Narcissistic: High
    Avoidant: Moderate
    Dependent: Low
    Obsessive-Compulsive: Low

    It turns out I’m a little fucked up? Anyone think these on-line tests are accurate?

    Views: 1,019
    This And That 5:44 pm-
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    The annual employee Christmas party is tonight, except “they” are not calling it a Christmas party. It’s a employee appreciation party. Also there will be no booze at this party. Which I think this alone will make the turn out low. I don’t know why it isn’t called the employee Christmas party?

    I have a new Poll going on over there on the right under the quick links box. It’s a fill in the blank kind of deal. It’s self explanatory so go and vote. If you don’t know what to pick choose the last choice.

    After the lame party I’m going to meet Sherry at the Bop.

    Views: 851
    The GuestBook 5:37 pm-
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    Another former Sobo who frequents the GuestBook stopped in not to long ago with this to say:

    Name: Jeff
    Email: on a need to know basis
    Where: the man himself
    Date: February 23, 2002
    Time: 02:25 PM

    Just pokin around gettin my online situation back on track. Recently I’ve been playing Evercrack (yes, I hate the game..but its so fucking addictive) and my animud. Been doing alot of things, havent really stepped ouside much cept to go to class my 3 nights a week or to go play D&D. But now its time I go, for Cherryvale mall beckons my friends.. I love going there.. better than janesville.

    Everquest was ok. I really like DAoC. DAoC stands for Dark Age of Camelot by the way. I think it’s a lot more fun than Everquest. I also dig the Cherryvale mall. One of my favorite stores is there, Babbages. It’s good to hear from you Lee.

    Views: 705
    Friday February 22nd 2002
    Adrian Lives! 6:54 am-
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    Here is proof that Adrian’s lifeblood is still flowing. My favorite young former Sobo checked in after a long absence from the GuestBook with this to say:

    hey man, i havent stopped in for a while, so i decided to take the time out of my fucking crazy ass schedule and write! well, i am getting into a fraternity at knox college in galesburg illinois. the sigma nus are founded on the opposition of hazing, so im not gettin my ass beat here, its a great thing. my classes are good, but how would i know truly, cuz i never really go… not good i know, but im goin tomorrow! i promise! also, i have some great friends here, and i am having a lot of fun. i moved into a new room, and its bigger than the room i had at home! ha! well, i got to get some sleep, email me back or at least post me, cuz god knows everyone else thinks that the lack of me means im dead or something! talk to you later, adrian

    Good to here from man. Don’t fret about college, as everyone knows what college is for. Partying! I joke, really I’m joking. Wait no I’m not joking. When I was in college all I did was party. Of course rereading your post I see the word classes. My time at college wasn’t spent attending classes. I’ve went to some great parties. So I guess that doesn’t make one eligible for saying they went to college?

    Which is good, I would have majored in beer. I’m glad to hear no ass beating in a dim candle lit room isn’t in your future man. You got to watch out for those frat boys.

    Views: 709
    Thursday February 21st 2002
    STBC Shots 12:19 am-
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    Here are some more Star Trek Bridge Commander screen shots. These 1024×768 shots show off each of the bridge stations. Tactical, helm, engineering, science, and your first officer. Plus a shot of old big nose Picard thrown in as a bonus. Picard acts as the tutorial in the demo.

    Picard Commander
    Science Engineering
    Helm Tactical

    Views: 981
    Wednesday February 20th 2002
    Even More Star Trek Geek 9:30 pm-
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    Ok the last time I talked about Star Trek Bridge Commander I mentioned my geekly anticipation to play this sucker. Well a week ago I spent the whole night downloading the 110mb demo. So I finally got to play this neat Star Trek game. It’s safe to say this one will be a winner.

    These shots (1024×768) show off the size difference to the starships and starbases (along with a shot of the ship in transit and a bridge shot):

    One Two
    Three Four

    The first four shots are in the “tactical view” and the last one is from the “bridge view”. “Tactical view” lets you see the outside of the ship. This is also the mode to manually control the starship. “Bridge view” is were you are sitting in the captains chair and you do it like Kirk and Picard. You order your crew and they do the best to follow your orders.

    You don’t have to play one way or another. The “bridge view” is the easiest. Or it is the mode that lets you play with out to much micro managing. Fun either way. Here is a page that has six more screen shots showing the different bridge officers/stations you can command.

    Views: 903
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