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    Sunday March 24th 2002
    More Hotel Giant 12:22 am-
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    OK the official Hotel Giant site is up and running. I went over there a few days ago and there was nothing. If your interested in this hotel sim this would be a pretty good place to watch. They say the full version hits stores on may 17th.

    Views: 762
    Saturday March 23rd 2002
    I Love It 5:11 am-
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    Man that Freedom Force is awesome! It’s a comic book geeks wet dream. It’s a squad based real time game with rpg elements.

    The demo has two levels. The first level takes place in a big city park/downtown area. The first mission also serves as a tutorial. It’s so fun picking up cars and flinging them at bad guys. Or belting a baddie with a lamp post.

    The second mission takes place on a aircraft carrier that had been frozen. You can use up to four hero’s in this one. You can also make your own superhero to bring in to the game. You can customize your hero with all kinds of powers.

    You can grab this demo at 3D Gamers. They put up a mirror. So you don’t have to mess with Fileplanet.com. This download page will let you choose from the big or small versions of the demo.

    Views: 854
    Thursday March 21st 2002
    Superhero Game! 5:26 pm-
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    I’ve been following this one for a while. It’s a honest to god super hero game for the pc. Super hero games for the pc have been doomed for some reason. This sucker has gone gold and is supposed to be in stores by the 27 or 28 of this month. Here is a pic and a description of the game Freedom Force:

    Crave Entertainment, Irrational Games, and GameSpy are excited to bring you the demo release of Freedom Force. Set in New York City circa 1962, Freedom Force is a tactical RPG that bristles with the over-the-top action of classic comic books. It’s up to you to form and lead Freedom Force, a team of superheroes capable of standing toe-to-toe against insane villains who are hell bent on crimes that range from bank robbery to world domination! This demo contains two missions and a character creator.


    You can download the demo from Fileplanet.com. A warning about File Planet, you have to register to be able to download stuff from them. Fileplanet.com has two flavors of the Freedom Force demo. There is a small(56.1 MB) and a large(87.4 MB) version to download. One has music and the other does not.

    Views: 1,013
    Oops! 5:01 pm-
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    Those links on that page yesterday don’t work. Here is a page to another place you can download the game Hotel Giant Tycoon.

    Views: 892
    Wednesday March 20th 2002
    Hotel Giant Demo 7:12 pm-
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    Here is a little nugget that I saw over at Voodoo Extreme. Those crazy guys over at Bonusweb.cz have snagged a demo of the game Hotel Tycoon/Hotel Giant. This game is of obvious interest for me. Here is a quote (because I’m funny like that) from Bonusweb.cz about the game:

    Hotel Giant (d?í¶¥ zná­½ jako Hotel Tycoon) je p?ipravovaná ¢udovatelská ³trategie n?meck騯 JoWoodu, kter?a podobné ¨ry specializuje a chrlí ªich ?í­ dᬠví£¥. Duchovní­ otcem tohoto po?inu je tv?rce realtimeové ³trategie Seven Kingdoms Trevor Chan, jeho? ?? k vytvo?ení ˆotel Tycoonu inspiroval fakt, ?e ?asto cestuje po sv?t? a p?i sv?ulkᣨ vyst?í¤¡l velké ­no?ství ¨otel?. Ve h?e samotné ¤ostanete k dispozici t?icet r?zn?p? v osmi r?zn?kací£¨ a p?sobivé §rafice, a? u? si vyberete izometrick?ebo 3D pohled. O vzhledu ji? leccos napov?d?ly ji? d?í¶¥ zve?ejn?né ³creenshoty, nyní ³i v?e m??ete vyzkou?et sami.

    So anyway you can go here to download the demo. For you people who keep track of what I say, here is the link for when I mentioned this game before.

    Views: 1,293
    Monday March 18th 2002
    Episode II 7:33 am-
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    I have mentioned the fact that I am a Star Wars Geek before. Here is some info on that second movie that you have to read if you were disappointed in Episode I. This is an article on Ain’t It Cool News that does contain some spoilers. So stay away if you don’t like that kind of stuff. Here is a snip:

    “How do I explain the success of ATTACK OF THE CLONES? First, I must say that this film makes THE PHANTOM MENACE a better film. In fact, I would have to say that not only does it do that, but suddenly you will realize with horror, exactly why Jar Jar Binks is in the series at all.” [Read More]

    See this just show that what I’ve said is true. The first one was just that. It was the beginning. Man just go and read the damn thing!

    Views: 678
    Sunday March 17th 2002
    Hello To Scalia 1:46 am-
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    I’m always surprised when I find about someone who views my site. More surprised when it turns out they view the site often. Often enough to have read that whole mess about Secretive. So this is me saying hello to Scalia.

    Scalia is a hell of a nice lady who works at the hotel. She has been with the place for 15 plus years. She had asked why I never have mentioned her. So here you go.

    Views: 726
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