I had a nice little chat with the head honcho of the Coleman Posse last night. We had not ever talked to any extent. A very cool guy is the opinion I came up with. So once again I have to pimp their website. Go there at once if you have not made the trip. He even stroked my ego, which grew even bigger with this quote:
“finally , I get to talk to the famous Turk”
I’m not sure my head will fit through the door now. Gary pointed me to their Supporters page. Upon viewing this page I’ve decided I have to add my own image to it. I just really dig their webpage. So hopefully I can figure out something cool that can go up there.
I’m still waiting on Crackhead Bob to return, as promised. Bob mentioned he had to go se the woman before he got on the net. So he may have been to busy “making with the love” as Jay would say. I’m a patient man. Hurry up.