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    Monday June 3rd 2002
    Harpy Number 03 4:56 am-
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    I was digging through the Harpy files and found this one. She was another one who worked at the hotel. She was a waitress who again fits definition number three. I invited her to my friends reception and we got kicked out of the reception next door. They had better music next door. She was lots of fun. She isn’t special because of the two photos, it just happens I had these. There from the night of the reception. A kind of before and after. I heard she’s getting married. Lucky guy.

    Harpy Number 03

    Views: 978
    Sunday June 2nd 2002
    Harpy Number 02 4:55 am-
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    Harpy number two is another one that I know. She also is again a definition number three harpy. I have tried to find definition one harpies. I called around to area zoo’s. None could tell me where to find mythic creatures. So entry no 2 will have to do. This one is my Grandma, she wasn’t to thrilled about being on the Internet. I told her she was S.O.L.

    Harpy Number 02

    Views: 1,021
    Saturday June 1st 2002
    At The Library 3:54 pm-
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    Well it’s June first and that means a few things. First off and must important I just hate the fucking month of June. Lots of bad memories. Sand Fest in another reason I don’t like June.

    Another reason I don’t care for June is the fact that my internet service with Jvlnet.com comes to an end today. And I’m thinking good riddance to them. I’m thinking about going with Charter Pipeline. It’s fast. Well that’s the only good thing about it.

    The bad thing about that Charter thing is that it isn’t a dial up deal. This is broadband, or as close as we can get to it. The Library has it and it doesn’t seem so bad. No pricing info was on the Charter site so that is the next deciding factor.

    Well that is about it. I have spent enough time here at the local Library. Time to go home to my still broken computer.

    if yx QVY BgBrpRx
    Views: 971
    Harpy Number 01 4:53 am-
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    This is the first posting of a suspected Harpy. I have no proof that she is in fact a Harpy, this is just my opinion. In fact I don’t mean it in a derogative way. She used to work at the hotel. There was a bunch of us that would hang out. We would work, then go to the bars and drink and bitch about work. Great girl. Really. I mean it. She would sometimes fit definition 3, most of the time she was wonderful. Again I really mean it.

    Harpy Number 01

    Views: 1,265
    Wednesday May 29th 2002
    Working 9:44 am-
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    So playing EverQuest at work isn’t what it’s all cracked up to be. The 28.8 connection was very unforgiving when it came to passing through the different zones. When I zoned I had enough time to smoke a cigarette and go to the bathroom. I’m not kidding. It took forever.

    I got some minor twinking done to me. My brother in law by a far out proxy gave me some stuff that probably doesn’t really count as twinking. But it will help out my level 3 barbarian warrior. Kraig who gets inducted into the Northern Elite guild tonight at 10:30 est. time was my generous sponsor.

    So now I have accounts to EverQuest and DAoC. I’m not sure if I will play both of them. I am of course finding it hard to give up my level 22 mercenary I’m playing on Dark Age of Camelot. But I don’t want to pay for two games and only play one. So I have a choice to make.

    I’m probably going to go with EverQuest. It’s a lot more fun to be able to play with someone you know. And that’s how it is with EverQuest. Dark Age of Camelot just doesn’t have that for me.

    Views: 784
    Evercrack Again! 2:35 am-
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    EverQuest is another one of those things that make me think I’m starting to have some kind of bad karma, technology speaking. I decided to load it up again and have had some big problems.

    First is the fact I had a nice big patch to download. That only took an hour, so I guess it could have been worse. I know it could be worse because at work it took just about two hours with my 28.8 internet connection.

    To make matters worse, once I got the game loaded up and picked my server I ran into the next big stumbling block. After rolling a new character up and trying to get in the game I kept getting kicked back to the desktop. I’m hoping it was because I had the computer on the whole day fighting with Soldier Of Fortune 2. So I hope it was because my GeForce 3 was running to hot.

    And forget SOF2. I just don’t have the hardware to run that bad boy. My video card is ok. But perhaps my AMD Athlon Thunderbird 1.2 is just not strong enough to play SOF2 with all settings on high. It doesn’t seem right. And maybe it’s because SOF2 is a bug ridden piece of software. I hope that’s the case.

    Views: 801
    Tuesday May 28th 2002
    Tom! 9:23 am-
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    Here is what it would look like Stanley. And here is what Stanley looks like.

    Tom! Tom!

    The internet will love you.

    Views: 657
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