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    Tuesday June 11th 2002
    Harpy Number 11 3:01 pm-
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    A Fictional Harpy what can I say? It was bound to happen. If you have seen the X-Files movie the you saw the way Scully takes charge in the building that has the bomb, you know she belongs here. Shit if Turk can post Monica I can have Scully.

    Besides being sexier than hell, Scully has brains and that is something I think is important. And the only time I can watch an autopsy is when Scully does one.

    Personally I think her and Mulder just need to get it over with. Its driving me crazy. I just like the way her name sounds. Scully. Scully. Scully. At my count we have two redheads, two blondes, and the rest brunettes. We have one more Harpy to go and then it Harpy of the year and that’s all she wrote. Turk wanted more participation from the crowd. Oh well.

    Harpy Number 11

    Views: 686
    Local News 9:36 am-
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    You have to love the Beloit Daily News. The article called Sand Fest called a success was a news item I found interesting. Here is my favorite bit from this particular informative nugget:

    Trent Isely, of South Beloit, said he and wife, Bobbi, and children Alex, 4, and Ian, 1, have been coming to the parade for more than 20 years.

    “I think South Beloit needs something like this,” Isely said. “It’s tradition. Everyone should support it. It gives great exposure to the community.”

    Trent, that kills me. Man those Daily News goons couldn’t report their way out of a wet paper bag.

    Views: 826
    Free Surfer 5:03 am-
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    Free Surfer is the download of the day. I have been meaning to put this up for a long time and just keep forgetting. Free Surfer is a free pop up window killer. It’s the best I’ve tried. It kills all the pop up and under adds my site generates.

    You can get this here. The download is 1.66MB. It really is a great program.

    Views: 986
    Monday June 10th 2002
    Harpy Number 10 9:09 am-
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    What can I say? I am amazed buy the whole series of events leading up to Harpy number 10. Pia is her name and this beautiful women runs her own site called PJKNFHHJK. She found my site on the Internet and she also does a variation of the Harpy idea. And she is very modest about her site, I think it looks fine. So there is no reason you don’t go and look at her site because she provides more info on what the mythical harpies are than what I cover in the definition scanned up top.

    Pia works for a company called Edita Ltd. They are among the ten largest companies in the Finnish graphic arts industry, covering everything from printing and publishing to Internet related ventures. For enjoyment Pia likes going to the gym, bicycling, swimming, ballroom dancing, and Usenet newsgroups. She also likes to roam the woods picking mushrooms.

    Pia went to college and has learned to use the web herself. Again I’ll plug her site, its really cool. With a very effective layout. Now all she needs to do is translate some more of it into English for us people who only speak one language. Even all of this hasn’t stopped her from starting a family.

    So there you have it. I am honored that she was willing to be harpy number 10. Now everyone go to her site!

    Harpy Number 10

    Views: 670
    This And That 6:11 am-
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    Sugar is the cure for everything. I never would have thought that sugar would cure that which ails you. In my case it’s the hicups from drinking. I’m sorry I have been away so long.

    Sugar has just cured my hicups. I couldn’t believe it. I have not drank this much while updating the website for a long while. And I have updated while being shit faced. I took Kraig down to the Bop. Which if you have read my site you know I pimp the Bop. And I love the Bop.

    Well that’s all I have to say. I have to drink some more beer.

    Views: 585
    Sunday June 9th 2002
    Harpy Number 09 2:59 pm-
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    First let me say that Harpy 9 did not object to being on this page. Her only request was that she could be number 9, not number 8. This is because her birthday is in September. So me being the generous guy I am, honored her request.

    Like Harpy 6 she also brakes a few of the Harpy standards. As you can clearly see in the picture she is a blonde. This is the first known blonde Harpy. She does fit the rest of the standards. She is a very outspoken person. She definitely has a mind of her own.

    Harpy 9 works at the Frontdesk. She is a charm to work with. And she makes up her own rules. Trying to get her to balance direct bills is a task indeed. When she does balance she says that if she wasn’t working that they wouldn’t be done. She always leaves work early, even if she is working to eleven. She doesn’t ask if she can leave she just leaves. You can say one thing about her though, she does what she wants.

    And she laughed through Saving Private Ryan. The part in the beginning when the GI gets his arm shot off and he’s looking for it, and then picks it up. She laughed.

    Harpy Number 09

    Views: 980
    Saturday June 8th 2002
    Harpy Number 08 2:54 pm-
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    What can I say? Let me think a moment. I know. Bill, Bill, Bill. What the fuck were you thinking man? Really I mean it. What was going through you head? Besides Monica. With all of the media coverage of the whole Clinton-Lewinsky thing I felt she was a definite for this page.

    First, the most noticeable thing is that she is a brunette. She most have either a intelligence like the other Harpies or its just plain ambition.

    Harpy Number 08

    Views: 712
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