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    Saturday June 22nd 2002
    School Chum 4:25 am-
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    On Memorial Day I ran into Maria (my Prom Queen), who got a small mention here. We exchanged a few words and she said she we come and see me. Now I didn’t think she was lying. Maria is a nice lady, I maybe thought she was just being polite. Besides being a nice lady, she also worked at the hotel for a little bit. This of course was back in the good old days.

    Well she gave me a call tonight. Which was nice. I haven’t really seen any of what I would call my high school friends in a long time. I’ve always been fond of her, in a totally harmless way. She had two items to talk to me about. The first was that her cousins had just tried to make a reservation and was told we were sold out. So I of course get them a room because I can. And we do have few rooms. So it didn’t hurt anything.

    The second item kind of surprised me. She wants to set me up with a friend of hers. I said yes to this, which is totally unlike me. Generally I say no to these blind date like situations. I avoid them like the plague. But due to my possible mid life crisis thing I may or may not be going through I said yes.

    That and the fact their having a party tomorrow for her brother. I’m always up for a party.

    Views: 808
    Friday June 21st 2002
    The Bike Ride 4:10 am-
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    Man my ass hurts. The bike has to have the most uncomfortable seat ever. Or my ass is too sensitive. I’m not sure which it is. I’m hoping that I get used to the seat. The ride to work wasn’t bad. It’s a nice little bit of exercise for me. I hope I can stick with it.

    My no Dew policy is still going. I’m just drinking water. I would also like to cut out drinking again. I may take a shot at it for a month or so. Then of course the cigarettes have to go.

    I don’t know what this is all about. Maybe I’m having my mid life crisis? Is thirty mid life? I don’t know.

    Views: 603
    Thursday June 20th 2002
    This And That 8:26 am-
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    The computer still isn’t acting at it’s best. She’s heating up something fierce. I’m pretty sure it was the combination of the cd burner and a bad hard drive. I can’t afford any more major replacements for a while. I may pick up another fan to install in the box.

    I’ve decided that once again to quit the Dew. I’ve been clean of all pop for almost a week. The smokes are still here. I can’t quit both at the same time. I’ve tried that and failed. I also had my Dad’s bicycle repaired. I’m going to start riding that sucker to and from work.

    I’m firm in the mindset that I have to start getting in to a some what good shape. And I wouldn’t mind losing some pounds. I’ve been sensitive about my girlish figure for a long time and with hitting thirty I decided it’s time to do something.

    Mind you I was going to start my official un-official diet at the beginning of the year. I’m ready for a change. And why not start with the body. The mind will be worked on next. I’m not sure if this may be more than I can handle. I’ll find out tonight when I ride the bike to work.

    Views: 670
    Tuesday June 18th 2002
    I’m Up! 8:52 pm-
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    I wanted to shout out to everyone who views the site, messing with the chance this will ruin my solid uptime with the computer. Everything is working out peachy, so far. I think the new CD-ROM did the trick. I have some more stuff to install and I will get back to you.

    Views: 746
    Thursday June 13th 2002
    Harpy Number 13 3:06 pm-
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    This was requested, so I figured it was about time to bring the whole harpy thing back to life. That and I got sick of seeing the default page that comes up when you click on Harpy World over on the left in the contents.

    Harpy 13 is an old friend and a relative. Harpy 13 fits the description up top. That is she can be a scolding, nagging, bad-tempered woman. Sometimes. The other times she is a great person to know.

    And I’m glad that I do know her. Harpy 13 also worked at the hotel. She was there back when I got fired. She even warned me to the fact I was going to get the ax. I of course wanted to get fired so I ignored her warning.

    Her and the Hubby both were there when all kinds of shit happened. Offering advice when asked. The both of them are good people and back when the shit was going down I glad I knew them. Of course I didn’t always follow the advice that was given, but that was my fault.

    So you asked for Johnson and you got it.

    Harpy Number 13

    Views: 1,240
    Wednesday June 12th 2002
    Harpy Number 12 3:02 pm-
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    First and fore-most let me say one more time I do not mean this as an insult (except maybe for Monica). This is my way of saying I have met some pretty extraordinary women in my life up to now. And it has been a honor just to know them. I re state this first because number twelve is married and I don’t want any lawsuits or threats on my life because of this. Second I figure I should state for the record my stance on the whole Harpy thing.

    I worked this lovely lady at the hotel up until the 28th of November. She has been at the hotel for ages. She was the only person I could truly talk to who would listen and offer her honest advice/opinion on things. I will miss her. Its been a honor working with her. I hope she continues to check out the page and I wish the best.

    For the record, I never doubted that you had any thing to do with my departure. Sometimes one has to bluff to get to the bottom of things. I have learned the art of deception and have become a master at it.

    Harpy Number 12

    Views: 704
    Join My Team 12:00 pm-
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    Have I ever mentioned the fact I hate the whole business/sports metaphor? I may have mentioned this before. Back when the jackass before “The Dude” was here and his what seemed like endless spewing of football metaphors. TOUCHDOWN and Liars In The News are good examples of what I’m talking about. Here is the latest one:

    “..everyone who is currently employed at the hotel will have the opportunity to join my team..”

    I just don’t like the wording there. The opportunity? Well I’m sorry to inform you of this. But if you want an Audit team, your going to have to join my team. I’m not joining any more teams. In fact the last team I joined was the high school football team. Ok?

    Or for that matter you may have the opportunity to keep me hired. But then that’s your prerogative. There is a lot of opportunities. You just have to know where to look.

    Views: 745
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