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    Friday July 12th 2002
    XP Is Not Back! 6:40 pm-
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    Well my fresh install of XP lasted about 30 minutes. I ran into some trouble with updating my GeForce 3 drivers. I’m re-formatting the hard drive as I type this at Troy’s. The hope/plan is that I have better luck than 30 minutes this second time today.

    Views: 767
    XP Is Back? 3:06 pm-
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    It’s strange. I happened to get the energy to fuck with the computer today. I figured for a hoot I would try to install XP again. The really strange thing is that the installation went off without a hitch. Almost.

    I have yet to get the sound card drivers installed, so I hope that’s the reason the sound isn’t on. Windows recognized my GeForce 3 card and my modem. I got to ride my bike over to Troy’s and get my copy of Warcraft 3 over here to test out my system.

    Views: 944
    Monday July 8th 2002
    Blind Date Review 1:17 am-
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    The blind date was something new for me. I have not been a big blind date kind of guy. I have not been a big date guy. So my telling of how the blind date went will be from my perspective. It was three couples that went on this blind date. Me and my date, and the other two couples. For the sake of this review I’m going to concentrate on my “date” only.

    You have to remember I’ve been out of circulation for a long time. So my comments will have a certain misogynistic quality to it. And there I go using that word again. My date was a nice lady. I have nothing bad to say about the chick, ok?

    We went to J.M.K. Nippon. First strike. I don’t like Japanese food. It was cool and all that. But just not something I would do. I didn’t mind the food. I don’t like sushi and I refuse to try it. I tried to be funny and all that. I just felt that there was no vibe going on. Not that I was looking to marry the chick. Again it’s just me.

    Second strike was when we went to Oscars Pub. A bar was something I could do for the second part of the date. Give me some alcohol and I’m fine. But as it is with me, mistakes were made. First I guess I didn’t go and sit by her. So the conversation process was killed. Of course the chick didn’t come and sit by me, either. So it was a wash in my mind.

    The third strike was the fact I wasn’t into the whole spirit of the blind date. I have some issues I still have yet to resolve. Nothing that needs mentioning here. Just something I have to deal with.

    Views: 992
    Saturday July 6th 2002
    More Warcraft 3 Shots 9:43 am-
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    Ok so I have been playing the shit out of Warcraft 3 at work. I admit it. But seeing how the PC at home is not even booting at all now, I have no choice. I have played it a bit at Troy’s. But here at work I can give it all the attention it deserves. So here are two more shots from the work PC(800×600):

    Six Seven

    Man I really like this game. The four races are different enough that it makes it fun playing each race. The Undead are enough like the Zerg from Starcraft that I’ve decided I don’t like them. Again I say pick this one up if you like what Blizzard does.

    Views: 786
    Bob Is Back 7:10 am-
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    Crackhead Bob is back. Here he is sounding off on the way the retarded hotel management does things:

    when one of the bellmen quit, i had plans of taking over his position. i asked the gm if i could do this. he said no because i was needed in the restaurant. now they hired a new server and cashier and now I am no longer needed. so basically i was used until they found a replacement for me. i think that is totally bogus. why didn’t they hire anybody sooner? i mean if that is what they wanted to do, then why didn’t they in the first place. so now i am a full time bellmen, which i wanted to be in the first place, and no longer work in the restaurant NO MATTER WHAT.

    Man that’s the way it is. “They” will use you until they are done with you. What you want does not enter into the picture. The other thing to remember about “them” is that if it would make sense then “they” can’t do it. It really is as simple as that. Common sense isn’t something these collected heads of knuckle we have for managers have. You should know that by now Bob.

    Views: 1,153
    Wednesday July 3rd 2002
    Warcraft 3 Shots 4:25 pm-
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    Yeah it’s been a while, again. Warcraft 3 is out officially now. I say officially because I bought my copy at Walmart on the 1st of July. It was out at Walmart as early as the 30th of June. Not a big deal if you don’t know what Warcraft 3 is. But if you do know, it was neat getting it three days early. Here are some screen shots(800×600):

    One Two
    Three Four

    Views: 882
    Thursday June 27th 2002
    This And That 4:34 am-
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    So I’m fighting with the computer at home again. I can get Windows 98SE up and running. But trying to get back to Windows XP is a different story. Not that I want to go back to XP. It’s just the thought that I spent 199.00 on the damn Professional version and I would like to be able to if I wanted to.

    I also had a chance to talk to the lady whom I’m being set up with. We had a nice conversation. I was asked to call because she was nervous about the whole date thing. I’m not nervous. I guess I feel I’m to old to be nervous. The triple date is slated for July 6th.

    I made sure to plug my site in the phone conversation with my nervous blind date. That’s how much of a pimp I am to my own site. Shit there a lot of stuff here that may or may not paint me as a misogynist. Not that I am, at least I think I’m not. At least I’m not as bad as Cerebus creator Dave Sim. And don’t get me wrong, I dig Dave.

    It’s just I have had my share of bad encounters with the opposite species. I don’t have women friends. Sure I have women who call me friend. It just seems I can’t keep women friends. This bit by one of the Spiders explains a little bit how I feel about them. And you have to remember I was suffering from pot related delusions of grandeur when that was written.

    Views: 904
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