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    Sunday September 8th 2002
    Sobos 2-0 2:02 am-
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    SoBos charge past Raiders and SoBos charge by Pec are some Beloit Daily News articles I missed about my beloved Sobos. The first article tells how the Sobos crushed Ashton-Franklin Center 40 to 6. The second from today tells how they beat Pecatonica 33 to 7. Keep up the good work Sobos.

    Views: 1,155
    Saturday September 7th 2002
    This And That 6:06 am-
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    It’s the little things that make me happy. Coranto, the script I use to update this site has a great community. Their forum is the only place to find help with the script. The people there help with the development of the script because the guy who created it has gone awol.

    I’m not the biggest contributor to the forum. I have only 60 posts or so. I keep to myself and only chime in every once in a while. So I always get a kick when I interact with those guys who live on that forum. And that’s not an insult. This year it was one of the guys on the forum who wished me happy birthday before anyone I knew had done so. It’s little things like that that make me proud to be in the community.

    Sumaleth has been writing up some documention for using Coranto and has a number of how to’s. The how to for headlines has my headline style shown in the picture at the top of the page. Now it may just be a random grab or not. I see stuff like that and think it’s very cool.

    Views: 1,627
    Thursday September 5th 2002
    Back Again 6:27 pm-
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    Well I have my home computer up and running again. Sorta. Kinda. It runs and then I shut it down and then it tells me to go fuck my self. Really.

    So I have this technique. I reboot the machine, enter safe mode and make a prayer to whatever techno god oversees the crashing and recovering of computers. I go and play with the msconfig for a bit and then reboot the beast.

    Then I have maybe between six to eight hours before the techno gods demand my computer takes a shit on me. I’ve been playing through Morrowind again when the beast is running. Man it really is a good game.

    Views: 1,004
    Sunday September 1st 2002
    Site Problems 3:05 am-
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    I have been meaning to get around to put up a post that tells that the search feature and the news commenting system are both on the fritz.

    The search function is totally fubared. The comments work. But you are going to get an error message. If you do post a comment and get the error don’t worry it’s been posted.

    Views: 1,438
    Saturday August 31st 2002
    Bobo The Bastard 3:31 am-
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    Bob the Builder has a bastard child. I was as shocked as the next person. The idea that the children’s cartoon star would do something like this. Here are some shocking side by side pics that show Bob the Builder and his bastard child Bobo:

    Bobo The Bastard Bobo The Bastard

    Of course if this isn’t a case of a bastard child, then it most likely means that the hotel I work at is using copyrighted material for it’s own use.

    Views: 993
    Friday August 30th 2002
    The GuestBook 4:00 am-
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    Well my old friend Kenan signed the GuestBook again. He was pleased about the photo.

    this web site is now filled with the presence of the dark side.

    You also can find that pic and some other old timers here.

    Views: 743
    Sunday August 25th 2002
    I Love My Job 5:13 am-
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    You ever hear those people talk (you know the ones were you work) who say they love their job. Well I’ve decided to jump on the bandwagon. I don’t want to left out any more when I talk to these corporate shills. But me being me, I do have one minor variation to this love of the job.

    Ok so I love my job. I love the work I do. It’s the people I hate. And when I say the people, I mean all the people. The customers and the people I work with, I hate them all. I hate the people on the phone. I hate them be it phone reservations or just some lazy fuck calling for bus information.

    So can I be one of those annoying I love my job people? No I didn’t think so. Sometimes I just want to strangle those lying empty pathetic bastards.

    Because I feel that those people who say they love their jobs are liars. Sure maybe sometimes I like my job. Maybe sometimes I may even love my job. Sometimes I even enjoy doing my job. But not all the damn time.

    Liars are bad people and lets not forget that. If a guy tells me they are going to order shirts for the front desk, then they better get their bald ass in gear and order the damn shirts.

    But then I’m just saying this as I think out loud.

    Views: 911
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