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    Monday September 23rd 2002
    Sobos 3-1 2:00 am-
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    North Boone wins round 1 another Beloit Daily News article, this time dealing with the Sobos first loss. Here is a bit I have a bone to pick with the Daily News:

    South Beloit’s SoBos figured this was the year they could end a 13-year string of losses to the Vikings.

    Back in 1990 we had a winning season. We even made to the first round of playoffs. We lost. But hey it was a winning season. We also beat North Boone for a come from behind win. I still have the WZOK School of the Week dog tags to prove it. So fuck the Beloit Daily News.

    Views: 726
    Wednesday September 18th 2002
    One More Time 7:08 am-
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    So I was playing it again. I’m having a lot more fun this time around with Dark Age of Camelot. Yesterday night I hit level 24. Tonight I helped out a guild mate named Gagger with an epic quest of his. A level 50 Wizard named Doombinger tagged a long to give us a hand. It was easy with the fire power we had. After the deed was done Doombinger gave us each a level 45 ring called the symbol of loyalty. Check it’s stats in the second screen shot.

    One Two

    The last shot shows what my current stats are. It also show one of the games monsters called a Salisbury Giant. I’m going to miss the game on my four days off.

    Views: 903
    Monday September 16th 2002
    This And That 9:45 am-
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    Ok here is another post about Dark Age of Camelot. I forgot to mention that I hit level 23 the other day. It took forever. I hit 22 somewhere between the months of February and May. Of course if you don’t play you don’t gain experience. I’m well on my way to level 24. I’ve already hit the half point between levels 23 and 24. I would like to think I can hit it in the next two nights.

    On to the hotel front. There has been a lack of news relating to the hotel. This is of course done on purpose. Of course on the one hand it just comes down to the fact there hasn’t been any thing to talk about. Also I have yet to find out how the new beast thinks or reacts.

    Anyway as long as I’m playing Dark Age of Camelot I have nothing bad to say about these new guys. That is of course as long as I don’t get any flack about playing it. Dark Age of Camelot equals high morale for me. Of course the beast won’t see this way I bet. I’ll burn that bridge when I come to it.

    Views: 797
    Sunday September 15th 2002
    More Camelot 7:24 am-
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    So I was talking to Kraig the other day and somehow Dark Age of Camelot got brought up. We were talking about the screen shots I had last week and he wondered what the monsters looked like. So I remembered to get some shots of me doing something other than sitting around. Here are some shots of me and the group I was in camping the ant room in Keltoi Fogou (800×600):

    One Two
    Three Four
    Five Six

    The people who I played with were all very nice. I even played with a guy in the same guild as me. The levels of the group were 19 to 23. We died more than a few times. I had fun playing and got three bubs of xp. So all in all it was a good night playing at work.

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    Sobos 3-0 2:27 am-
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    SoBos crush Durand, 54-0 is the Beloit Daily news article that tells about the Sobos latest win. Man a goose egg! Next week they play North Boone.

    Views: 853
    Tuesday September 10th 2002
    New Stuff In Camelot 3:23 am-
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    I been enjoying the last couple days playing Dark Age of Camelot. There are a few new things I have been able to do. I was able to do a respec of my level 22 Mercenary. I even earned a few points to spend on Realm Abilities. I still have yet to decide on the whole guild thing yet. I’m still in the guild as of now. There really are not to many people in the guild that I know any more. I will have to figure that out later, I’m having a lot of fun playing again.

    Views: 3,469
    Monday September 9th 2002
    Back In Camelot 10:12 am-
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    So I’m playing Dark Age of Camelot again. I just couldn’t help it. I missed the whole mmorpg thing. To commemorate this event of me rejoining the game here is low rez 800×600 shot off of the work computer:


    I still have yet to quit my guild. The guild Acolytes Of Destruction was part of the reason I quit playing the last time. Maybe it’s different now.

    Views: 825
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