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    Friday October 18th 2002
    This And That 2:58 am-
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    It’s great having a working computer again. But I can’t help feel like I’m waiting for the other shoe to drop. I guess I have had it working so many times like it was fine, just to have it go to hell on me later. I have my fingers crossed.

    I talked to the guy who runs the Coleman Posse website on AIM the other day. It wasn’t a major conversation, it was just a polite hello. I really like the guy, for what I know of him. I urge everyone to go check his site if you have not yet. Apparently he’s been getting some shit from some assholes saying he’s copying another site’s whole vibe. Which is bullshit. Go check him out for yourself.

    And for good measure here are two other links I found at the Coleman Posse links page. Hotmail Sucks and Tourist of Death. Both of these sites are done by the same person.

    Hotmail Sucks made me laugh hard reading about his problems with some AOL user bitching about his Tourist of Death website. After telling the AOl user to “go punch yourself in the balls” the AOL guy narks him out to Hotmail and his account gets yanked. It’s funny stuff and the amazing thing was when the Hotmail Sucks host backed up the guys rights when the little bitch of AOL user e-mailed the website host to complain.

    Views: 837
    Wednesday October 16th 2002
    This And That 8:06 am-
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    Well my PC is finally working again. I gave up on the idea of me fixing it myself. So I took it to a local computer store to have them look at it. I’m kicking myself now. I wasted probably two hundred dollars on three fans, a new hard drive, a new cd-rom, and a new power supply. The problem was that one of my sticks of 256mb of ram had gone bad. I’m a little embarrassed that I didn’t think of trying different ram.

    That stick of bad ram caused a lot of havoc. It was the reason I couldn’t install Windows XP again. It’s amazing what kind of damage one stick of bad ram can do. I’m almost back to the state the computer was in before this all started. It’s hard to believe this has been going on since May 16 of this year.

    Needless to say I’m a very happy guy now. Anyway to commemorate the occasion of having a working PC again here are some shots of the recently released Unreal Tournament 2003 (1024×768):

    One Two
    Three Four

    Unreal Tournament 2003 is lots of fun. Everything about UT2003 reminds me of Quake 3. From the menus to the characters and even the levels. I’m not saying this is a bad thing. I’m just saying it’s a lot like Quake 3.

    Views: 741
    Friday October 11th 2002
    The Truth? 2:02 am-
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    You know the funny thing about truth? It’s all a matter of your point of view. What I consider the truth is all a matter of my point of view. The same thing I think is the truth could be considered a lie coming from someone else’s point of view. The only reason I bring this up is because of some events going on at the hotel. I hear lots of things from lots of people. From my point of view none of what I hear is even close to the truth.

    Mike the guy who has been doing the audit with me has quit. So the mad dash to find and train a new auditor has started. Now according to my truth I’m the only one left who can train someone to do the night audit. I have to say that I’m going to miss Mike. Mike was/is a good guy. He has gone on to sunny California to find some new truths.

    So I’m given a new audit trainee. A very smart and I should say very artistic person. And the whole artistic thing is a good quality as far as I’m concerned. Just seeing some young people who are interested in art makes me want to get going again on the whole artistic front.

    As the usual for this kind of post I have strayed from the point. The point being trust no one. I hate to invoke a X-Files mantra, but that’s the only way to explain the way this hotel works. Take no ones word for granted. Everyone has an agenda. Even me. I will lie and spin the truth willingly for my own purposes.

    Which may make you wonder what my agenda is? And like a great Bond villian I will tell you. Everything I do is to further chaos at the hotel. If I can cause enough trouble for the lying backstabbing management then I’m a happy man. If I can expose these frauds then I’m a happy man. If I can get even one or two other employees to think like I do then I’m a happy man. I guess my ultimate goal is to stick it to “them” as much as I can. And that makes me a happy man.

    Views: 873
    Wednesday October 9th 2002
    News Lies 9:22 am-
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    South Beloit Ramada improvements begin is an Rockford Register Star Online article from the 6th of this month I missed when it first appeared. Here is a couple bits worth pointing out:

    …a new roof was added to one of the wings.


    …the hotel’s heating, ventilation and air-conditioning system has been repaired.

    I am of course not saying the Rockford Register Star is lying. The roof thing I could be wrong about. But I find it odd that last night I’m told to be expecting complaints because the ac was on the fritz again. I’m just saying their fact checking skills are a little weak. Take it how you will.

    Views: 945
    The GuestBook 4:00 am-
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    Well I some action in the GuestBook the last couple of days. It’s kind of funny because it something everyone has done. I’m not talking about signing the GuestBook. I’m talking about signing it as two different people just to pimp two different websites. Either that it’s two guys using the same computer and internet service provider. Both Chuck and Mark have the same ip address. Any way here is what they had to say:

    Name: Mark

    I visited your site and wanted to comment on how visually appealing it is. Nice work

    When you have time please visit my site.


    Name: Chuck

    I really enjoyed what I read. Don’t change a thing. Please visit my site when you get a chance.

    Now I’m not trying to complain or anything. It’s just there is no need to beat around the bush with me. So frick and frack here have some websites.

    Mark has UMoveFree.com a site that offers that they are “…committed to helping you and your family find the best possible place to live and save you time and money.” This guy is operating out of Texas, so it makes me wonder if the Dude sent him my way.

    Chuck’s site Orlando Hotels Motels & Resorts is something that would on the surface seem related to my humble site. Chuck says he enjoyed what he read. But I wonder if he really read anything. The last This And That was a pretty harsh look on how I feel about hotel guests. Chuck’s site is trying to be helpful to possible hotel guests. That is just something I don’t do.

    Either way it was good to have the two of you and thanks for the nice comments about my site.

    Views: 984
    Monday September 30th 2002
    No Traveller Returns 1:10 pm-
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    It was in December when Betty died that my Grandma found out she had cancer. In less than a year the cancer did it’s job. My Grandma died on the 28th of this month.

    There is so much I could say. But that is something I’m going to keep to myself. This is a picture of her bellow. This is how I will always remember her.

    No Traveller Returns

    The visitation is tomorrow some time and the funeral is on Wednesday in the morning.

    I a
    Views: 830
    Thursday September 26th 2002
    This And That 10:58 am-
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    Jesus I hate my job. It’s the people you know. I said this before, even recently. But I can’t stress how much I hate the people at the hotel. And yeah it’s my job to see the people and interact with them. But god almighty I hate it. If I could only be left alone to do my job I would be so happy.

    And it’s the little things that get me thinking like this. This fucking chucklehead comes in this morning. He wants a room. He says he wants it for one day. So I inform him that if he checks in now he has to be out at noon. It’s the way it is. It’s the way it has always been.

    But this asshole has to try to play games. He says to me that the manager had let him do it before. He can’t even get the managers name right. So I tell him if he doesn’t like it he can check in when the manager is here. He asks if she comes in this morning. I tell him no she doesn’t.

    So then the guy leaves. He goes out to the his car and sits for a minute or two and comes back in. Ok now he wants the room. So I reiterate that check out is at noon. And I also charge the asshole full rate for his little stay.

    That’s terrible isn’t it? But you know what? That’s the way it is. It’s my hotel when I’m there. I don’t care who or what has told some customer that the rules are different for them. Not on my shift. I do follow some rules.

    And for the record I treat everyone like this. I don’t give a shit if you the customer thinks they are important. I don’t care if you own a business or have a lot of money. I don’t care who it is you think you know at the hotel. All that doesn’t mean a thing to me. I treat others as they treat me.

    I also want to say this is all dedicated to the schmuck in 254.

    Views: 952
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