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    Friday November 8th 2002
    Desperate Cry For Help 2 2:06 am-
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    Well the kid is in a jam. He was able to get a hold of me on AIM and tried to explain his problem. I was switching from Earth and Beyond and the AIM window the whole time. The last time a new person tried to get me I either wasn’t home or didn’t give a shit about helping them. Here is a screen capture of what I’m talking about:

    Desperate Cry For Help 2

    Views: 827
    Thursday November 7th 2002
    Earth And Beyond Shots 11:33 pm-
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    Okay so I’ve talked about playing mmorpg before. I have played a few of these types of games. I tried Everquest. It was ok. DAoC was the next one and I really dig Dark Age of Camelot. But this game Earth and Beyond just may have something that would get me to stop playing DAoC. It’s the Star Trek Geek in me. You even get to name your ship. Here are some shots showing off the amazing graphics of Earth and Beyond (1152×864):

    One Two
    Three Four

    I’ve made it to level 14 already and I have only played maybe seven hours tops. I don’t know if it’s good or bad to be leveling that fast. I don’t care either because it’s so much fun. This is one to look at if your tired of the fantasy mmorpg.

    Views: 1,327
    Wednesday November 6th 2002
    Age of Mythology Shots 2:08 pm-
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    Age of Mythology is a game I picked up yesterday. It’s published by Microsoft and made by Ensemble Studios. Ensemble Studios are the same people that made Age of Empires and Age of Kings. If you played their games before you will like Mythology. It follows the same pattern of Age of Kings. But has mythical units you can use. All in all it is a lot of fun. Here are some 1024×768 screem shots of the game:

    One Two
    Three Four
    Five Six

    You can expect lots of more screen shots of the games I get. I have the space to waste now.

    Views: 1,033
    Tuesday November 5th 2002
    More Sobo News 12:21 am-
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    SoBos shoot down Missiles is the Beloit Daily News story telling about the Sobos victory against the Milledgeville Missiles. They also mention that the game against Galena is this saturday at 1:30pm.

    Views: 1,561
    Sunday November 3rd 2002
    Sobos Win Again! 10:39 am-
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    Sobos outgun Missiles is a Rockford Register Star article that tells how my Sobos kicked some ass in their first playoff game. The Sobos will now play Galena.

    Views: 927
    Friday November 1st 2002
    Free Speech Is Unpatriotic 11:53 am-
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    President To Author: Your Book Is Unpatriotic is the kind of news story that makes me worry. The author of the book has a website. At this website there is a page that lets you send an e-mail to the President. I find this kind of thing very disturbing. The fact that Bush would send a letter to this guy telling him more or less that in the act of expressing his freedom of speech he is being unpatriotic kind goes against these supposed freedoms.

    If you are interested in this kind of stuff there is a place called Freedom News that will be right up your alley. They cover this kind of stuff every day. They also have a newsletter you can sign up for.

    Views: 1,839
    Thursday October 31st 2002
    Conspiracy? 10:53 pm-
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    So I was going through the Coranto forum and found an interesting thread. Which is about something one of the Addon authors wrote. I had to do some minor detective work to find the url that was removed. But it wasn’t to hard.

    Zac the creator of Zcomment claims that Coranto is spyware in this page called Coranto Build 30 A spy!?. It is a very interesting read. Zac also has AIM logs of chats he had with two high up in the Coranto Community. You can find them here, here, and here.

    Take this stuff for what it is.

    Views: 895
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