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    Friday November 22nd 2002
    Porrasturvat 2:33 am-
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    Porrasturvat – Stair Dismount is a little game I found that is a lot of fun. Lots of fun in a sick and demented kind of way. The below screenshots are all you need to see for a description of the game.

    One Two
    Three Four

    As you can see it’s a little different. But it is a detailed simulation of knocking some poor bastard down some stairs. You can download it from them or me if you can’t access their site. The 1.98mb file is located down below on my server.

    [drain file 27 show]

    Views: 1,076
    Thursday November 21st 2002
    Sobo News 4:09 am-
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    I have a few Sobo links for you today. One is from the 19th and the other is from yesterdays edition of the Beloit Daily News. As always these are all courtesy of the great Sobo Football website.

    First is Pride of SoBos sweeps Stateline is from the editorial section and it is another example of how the stateline area is behind the Sobos.

    Second we have Band of Brothers which describes that bond of brotherhood one gets either in the military or high school football. Here is a good bit from this one:

    The family tree has grown throughout the years in South Beloit. With just more than half the team being seniors. And after going through numerous good times and bad times each season, the SoBos are finally in full bloom.

    Finally congratulations are in order to quarterback Jered Shipley who made the Illinois High School Football Coaches Association’s All State list. And not to sound like a lineman (I was) but congrats have to also go to the linemen (and the whole team) for this and everything they have done.

    Views: 741
    Wednesday November 20th 2002
    Breaking Policy 10:58 pm-
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    Here is a memo I have personally been expecting. I expected it because I’m paranoid. Because I can add one and two together and get three. Because I have recently trained two other people to do the Audit. Ladies and gentlemen the paper trail begins! I have taken the liberty of posting it right below in it’s all caps greatness:



    The only part missing is the THANK YOU and the managers name. I just love the all cap memos. These are the same people who do this shit in chat and e-mails. It’s annoying. Now I don’t want anyone to get the idea I’m making fun of the memo writer. I’m not. It’s just the subject of the memo I’m making fun of.

    Everyone smokes back there. I’m the only one who gives the management the respect of doing it openly. Because I give them the benefit of the doubt. I assume they are intelligent people. I figure theses people are smart enough to know that I smoke. And that I don’t have to insult their intelligence by hiding the ashtray right before they come in for work.

    So at least I don’t have to worry about insulting their collective intelligence anymore. Anyone who does this based on what a guest said and then they do not ask me about it has no intelligence. Of course the memo writer could say that they are just following orders. But then that excuse didn’t work for the Nazi’s and it doesn’t work here either.

    Views: 731
    Monday November 18th 2002
    Sobos In The News 10:25 pm-
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    Sobo support turns contagious and SoBos smother Aquin are two Beloit Daily News articles about my beloved South Beloit Sobos. That first one is particularly good for a daily news story. Here is a good bit from it:

    With each post-season win, the bandwagon gains an extra car and the crowd grows larger and more boisterous. This patronage is glued on more than just the SoBo’s school bulletin board. And it goes farther than the efforts of any high school booster club.

    It’s kind of neat that even people in on the wisconsin side are rallying for the Sobos. The next game is at the city park. So with the home field advantage the Sobos should plow through Wethersfield.

    Views: 887
    Sunday November 17th 2002
    Sobos Win 11:57 am-
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    Well the South Beloit Sobos beat Freeport Aquin 34-16. The Sobos now head into the semifinals. The Sobos play Kewanee Wethersfield (11-1) this coming saturday.

    Sobos Win Sobos Win

    Views: 732
    Friday November 15th 2002
    Listen To The Game 7:38 am-
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    Tomorrow at 1:00 pm the Sobos play Freeport. You can listen to the game via the internet by going to this page. The radio station WEKZ broadcasts over the net which is pretty neat. I saw this mentioned over at the Sobo Football website.

    Views: 691
    Thursday November 14th 2002
    More Sobo News 2:54 am-
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    SoBos’ defense stepping up, too is the newest Beloit Daily News article about my beloved Sobos. Here is an interesting quote from it:

    South Beloit’s defense can pry a team’s offense at the biggest stages of a ballgame. And this is something that will be the greatest factor in this Saturday’s matchup against top seeded Freeport Aquin, which features two top-notch teams that have made a living scoring the football. As the postseason rolls on for the SoBos though, they’re starting to find that weaknesses are difficult to find at this level.

    Well I’m hoping they find a weakness in this Freeport team. Me and my friends are still going to drive up to watch the game. I hope they win.

    Views: 737
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