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    Thursday December 5th 2002
    The Forum 1:00 am-
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    The Forum now has two registered members counting me. The newsiest member is Iggy. Iggy who is one of the original viewers of this website. Iggy has her own Greatest Hit’s and her own section of this website called Dear Iggy. So this would be a good time to register for the forum. All I can say is welcome back Iggy!

    Views: 891
    Wednesday December 4th 2002
    This And That 3:03 am-
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    Well I got my disks for the Star Wars Galaxies beta. But I have yet been able to play. It appears they have the servers up only at certain times. So I’m waiting to see what it will be like.

    I stopped playing Earth and Beyond. It was lots of fun at first. But after week it was boring. That’s ok. Because Dark Age of Camelot has it’s first expansion pack coming out today. Shrouded Isles is the name of the expansion pack. It will add more content and upgrade the graphics engine. It also is supposed to have a improved interface. But I hadn’t seen any released screens of it. So I did a search on Google and found one. It looks pretty slick.

    This And That

    I was going to wait to pick up the expansion, but I may have to go get it today.

    Views: 1,072
    Saturday November 30th 2002
    Doom 3 Shots 7:39 am-
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    Did you hear about how an early version of Doom 3 was leaked onto the net? This was so big it even made CNN. It’s been floating around the net now for almost a month and I finally got a hold of a copy. I know that this is wrong. At least form id’s stand point. And I do happen to agree with them.

    But I’m only human. I found a real copy and I had to download it. I won’t give the link out so don’t even ask. Find it yourself. I now know that my computer has once again joined the lowend. I have a AMD Athlon 1.2, Thunderbird with 512mb’s of ram, a GeForce 3 video card, and a nice big 80 gig harddrive. Doom 3 laughs at my pathetic computer. My computer is shit.

    I have to run the leaked alpha at 640×480. Everything is on by default graphics wise. I get a very low 6-8 frames per second. God forbid more than one monster is attacking. Wow, playing Doom 3 just doesn’t make me care about my now pathetic computer. What a game. The monster detail is amazing even at 640×480. Here are 6 screenshots of the doom 3 Alpha leek:

    One Two
    Three Four
    Five Six

    By the way, if you have the leak I do have a link for you. It’s to a forum post that explains how to make the alpha work. This’ll Help U Get Doom Running OK is the name of the post. One thing it forgets to mention is the fact that clicking Single Player and then New Game will make the game crash.

    Views: 951
    Friday November 29th 2002
    Sobos Win 50-22! 4:39 pm-
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    The South Beloit Sobos are the Class 1A State Champions! The Sobos beat El Paso 50-22. The IHSA has a page with all kinds of stats right here. Congratulations to Shipley and crew.

    **Update** The IHSA also has another page here that has play by play summaries, box scores, and quotes.

    Views: 730
    Thursday November 28th 2002
    Year In Review 2002 1:59 am-
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    Four years. Man time flies when your having fun. So four years ago I was fired from this same hotel I work at now because I was not happy. That probably sounds strange, huh? This is a day I have forever vowed to never work again. I had to swap New Years Eve with the Dude so I could have it off.

    I use this for my look back at the past year. Past installments include Year In Review 1999, Year In Review 2000, and Year In Review 2001. Per the usual for me this year has been more of the same.

    Of course it was a strange year for the hotel. The events of the hotel being sold was something new. The whole auction and wondering if the place would still be there was interesting. New owners are always fun. All in all it’s been business as usual. Which isn’t a good thing.

    As I said in the first (which still applies) one I owe lots of people thanks. Thanks for just being there. These thanks go to all of my family and friends. And I of course consider my friends family. So it’s a shout out to all of my peeps, be it friend or family.

    Views: 1,189
    Wednesday November 27th 2002
    Sobo News 12:49 am-
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    Sobos’ success groomed on playground a Rockford Register Star article explaining how Coach Potthoff first learned about this present Sobo team way back in 1996. It’s a good read for any Sobo fan.

    This article does bring up a something I complained about before:

    This season, South Beloit beat North Boone for the first time in 13 years to win the conference title in the last game of the regular season.

    Now unless I just don’t know how to add, we beat them 12 years ago. During the 1990 football season when I was a senior we beat North Boone. It was a come from behind win. I still have the WZOK School Of The Week dog tags to prove it. This just offends my pride. While I wasn’t a super football player, I did play and we beat them. I just wish they get this right one of these days.

    Views: 1,045
    Rules Broken 12:28 am-
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    This post is regarding the Breaking Policy post from last week. It’s kind of funny how rules are made to be broken. It shouldn’t be any surprise to anybody who knows me that I disregard rules. I’m a little disappointed in some of the managers though. The restaurant manager caught me smoking and it appears she hasn’t narked me out. I even told her that when she speaks of me, she speak well.

    If I was a manager I would have narked. I mean that’s what managers are supposed to do. You have to maintain that pretense of some kind of command. I have no respect for someone who doesn’t have the balls to do this. Sure it’s cool she didn’t nark on me. And I’m not looking to get written up.

    It would be different if me and this restaurant manager had some kind of buddy friendship going on. But I don’t really now this chick well enough to consider her a buddy. She sure as hell doesn’t know shit about me. Maybe next time she will nark on me. That is after they read this.

    Views: 738
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