The underlying theme of course is that King <Name Removed> is financier and his “brilliant” controller Prince <Name Removed> is the controller for all of these so called companies. How do I know? From the Prince’s black lips.
Ok I admit it – I have an axe to grind with these lying assholes. But, I probably would have just shut my mouth and gone away if they would have paid me for working 10 days – but they have never paid me. Now I am pissed and I don’t care anymore. Here is my story:
I interviewed with the Prince on 6/28 and the GM on the 30th. The GM hated me and made no secret of it – he said the Prince had ordered him to interview me because he liked me better than the other lady that he thought the GM could overpower. The Prince made the GM hire me – they both told me that. So I’m off to a good start!
Day One
Monday July 3rd 2006
Here is where the lies start. I’m told that my hours are 8-4 monday, tuesday, and thursday. Because the lame noodle that is doing (not doing) the job before me has a second job on wednesday and friday afternoons so she is allowed to leave early both days and on those days my hours are 8-2. So I accept the job with those hours because the pay sucks = $11.53/hour. First you need to know something about me, I am perceptive and yes I did have a bad feeling about this place and I hadn’t heard a good thing about the hotel but I am drawn to this kind of shit I guess.
Ok so day 1. I arrive 8am sharp, the office door is locked. I wait, no lame noodle. I wait, then I go looking for the GM. No GM. Ok so I wait. Feeling really awkward with that sinking feeling that tells you to run and not look back. Wait, she finally shows up looking like a real wet noodle. Hair hanging wet, shoulders hunched over, clothes barely hanging onto her and she gives me a weak smile and apologizes. She overslept. She shuffles thru some papers, grabs some keys and starts her routine.
She acts like I don’t exist. She is obviously not happy to be training me and isn’t prepared. She has no notes and won’t stop long enough for me to make notes. After a couple of hours of this bullshit, I ask her what is the deal. She tells me she hates the hotel. I hear this story from every single employee who has been working at the shithole for more than a day, except the GM’s pet the director of sales. It seems the wet noodle thinks they have done her wrong. They threw her into the position because the previous accounting manager walked out and they dumped the job onto her.
She explains that she spends her days fending off bill collectors and listening to pissed off employees who feel their paychecks are being fucked with (of course they are). She is angry and has no plans to train me, so she thinks. She tells me that her last day is wednesday and tuesday is the 4th of July and she is only working a couple of hours. Great 2 days training with this limp thing. So the shit begins. She works (or pretends to) and I follow her around feverishly writing notes and trying to pry her lips open to explain what the fuck she is doing.
She takes an hour and a half for lunch so I call the Prince in Chicago and explain to him what is going on. He says just go along with her, get whatever information that I can and then he explains to me my real role: SPY. I am to spy on everyone, all managers, the GM, the bar girls (K&C), the sheriff, even the GM’s secretary (who is also quitting). He mumbles on loving the sound of his own voice, finally I can’t take it anymore and hang up. I’ve been duped. So I gather my thoughts and call some of the other job offers that I had, maybe I can salvage something.
Finally the wet noodle returns from lunch and we begin again. Only I have a new program; just get thru the day with this lifeless excuse for a person. I take this failure to train me personally, I feel it is everyone’s fault, the GM, the Prince and even the King is at fault for this. How can they run a company with someone like this acting as an “Accounting Manager”? It just goes against everything I know.
She deletes phone messages from creditors, she shreds mail, she throws important documents relating to “state and federal payroll taxes” in a file she calls “stuff I don’t handle”. She is an “angry employee” who hides it and has been operating like this for a long time. I help her open the mail and we get a notice that the power is going to be shut off in 2 days. Now this to me is funny. I open more mail, we bounced some checks I see, we are having our phones disconnected, we owe back taxes, shit is getting deeper. Didn’t the City give us $400,000 3 years ago? She takes the big stack of bills that came in the mail and puts them on top of a pile on top of a filing cabinet. What are you going to do with them? I ask. Nothing, she says.
So we piss around the rest of the day. She calls her boyfriend and whispers in the phone a lot, then she plays on the internet, so I do too. I can’t wait for Day 2 so I can talk to the “GM”. At this point I am still deceived into thinking he cares about how the place is “run”.
Day Two
Tuesday July 4th 2006
I arrive before 8 and she is late, pissed off at the sight of me, wet (her hair), and the first thing she does is grab the Illinois Labor Law book to try and find some law about working on Holidays (the 4th). This takes awhile, so I get on the internet and play around. Then she calls her boyfriend and whispers in the phone for awhile and then she tells me she is leaving at 11 – by now it is 9am. I decide that after she leaves I am going to talk with the GM. HA HA!! We do nothing all morning and then she leaves and so do I.
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