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    Saturday May 18th 2002
    Yoda Shots! 3:05 am-
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    I picked up a digital camera and the first thing I did was take some no flash shots of Star Wars Episode II in a dark theater. Home much of a Star Wars geek am I? It’s god damned Yoda man!

    One Two

    Yoda of course being the sole reason to see the movie. George should do some great word of mouth business off of Yoda dueling.

    Views: 1,135
    Thursday May 16th 2002
    Uh Oh 6:22 am-
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    Well you win some and you lose some. My computer has decided to take a crap on me. When I boot up I get this wonderful Windows XP blue screen of death:

    Uh Oh

    I think that I need a new hard drive.

    Views: 928
    Thursday March 29th 2001
    This And That 12:30 pm-
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    A number of items before I can go on my way. First a big thank you to the Ross’s for taking in. I had a lot of fun. Dinner was excellent and I even told my grandma that I ate sausage! Almost Famous is a movie I definitely recommend to everyone. Especially if you really get in to music. And maybe the cat did get to me just a bit. But It was a trip I needed and I glad I went.

    Second some more game stuff. I told Ross about a game called Black And White. I picked this badboy up yesterday and loaded it up at the Izer’s. It is as weird as it is just awesome to look at. You are a god in this one and the neat feature is that you can raise a animal as a pet. It grows to a godly stature. And it does poop. First time I saw this happen I didn’t know what to think. You could hear the creatures stomach rumble and then it squats. Weird.

    My birthday was ok. I had some fun. Dinner with the Izer’s was nice. Only I wasn’t as behaved as last year. I did tear up the t-bone. Me and my little brother went down to McClintock Brewery and Grill for a few. Free beer. A fine gentleman named Craig had a digital camera and snapped a few shots of the Turk brothers.

    This And That This And That

    Craig has a neat site that you can click here to get to.

    After me and my brother were done I went over to Applebee’s. Megan was bartending and she hooked me up with drinkable booze. No offense McClintock. And that was it. I went home and fell asleep.

    Views: 815
    Monday November 6th 2000
    N.A.A.C.P. Patron 11:25 am-
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    Let me just say you can blame this on Larry Cullins. He hit me up when I was broke so I told no. But Larry is a crafty gentleman and knows how to get to me. He said if I donate I could have my website listed under my name. So of course the idea of getting some word of mouth out about my site both scared and intrigued me. On one hand I could get people to see it who never would. Also some of the local College students attended the event. College kids would be a great audience for me. The bad thing is the event was at the Hotel. The Hotel will probably get a copy of the program. And this is the website that helped get me fired so I don’t think they will enjoy seeing the address in bold print listed under my name in the official N.A.A.C.P. program. This is of course a moot point. So for your viewing enjoyment I scanned in the cover and the page I’m on of the N.A.A.C.P. program:

    N.A.A.C.P. Patron N.A.A.C.P. Patron

    Cool huh?

    Views: 1,335
    Tuesday September 5th 2000
    My Helper 6:12 pm-
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    So I went over to the Isley’s to use the net and to do some chores here on the site. I have added the new GuestBook and added another archive page. And just a few other things. I picked up a helper today. A little woman almost two helped me all day. In the pictures below you can see how she shows me to do some of the more complex web techniques. Lainey is quite the little lady. A definite candidate for a future harpy.

    My Helper My Helper
    My Helper My Helper
    My Helper My Helper

    She knows that her Uncle Turk is at her command. If she wants something she knows I’m a sucker. What can you do? She’s my girl.

    Views: 1,315
    Saturday April 8th 2000
    As Hard As It Is, This Is An Apology 5:51 am-
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    One of my biggest problems is admitting when I’m wrong. Back on the Working page called Ericka’s 21st Birthday I made a negative comment about the guy in the last picture on that page. For the record I called him a putz. I never said I hated the guy, for the record.

    As Hard As It Is, This Is An Apology

    So let me say that this gentleman in question, is one hell of a guy. I feel embarrassed to have made a judgment like that. He is a stand up guy. Damn there isn’t enough words in the English language to express my regret for ever making that call.

    So to set the record straight, Steve is a damn good guy. I made a terrible error in judgment. I hope he doesn’t hold this against me.

    Views: 1,203
    Saturday December 5th 1998
    Definition Of Unhappy 3:00 am-
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    Turk sent me a copy of his termination papers and I thought it was so funny I had to share it with the group. First just so we are clear here is the Webster’s Dictionary’s definition of Unhappy:

    Source: Webster’s Revised Unabridged Dictionary (1913) [web1913]
    unhappy \Un*hap”py\, a.
    1. Not happy or fortunate; unfortunate; unlucky; as, affairs
    have taken an unhappy turn.

    2. In a degree miserable or wretched; not happy; sad;
    sorrowful; as, children render their parents unhappy by

    3. Marked by infelicity; evil; calamitous; as, an unhappy
    day. “The unhappy morn.” –Milton.

    Ok here is the hotels definition of unhappy:

    1. Turk had put passwords from encore on his webpage. Several people from the property had seen them.

    2. Turk also was leaving the Frontdesk at 7:00am when he should have stayed until 8:00am. He was going back to the kitchen and eating breakfast.

    3. Turk also had a difficult time dealing with being supervised. He felt he could do as he pleased whenever he wanted and did not have to abide by any rules.

    The Real Deal

    This beautifully written poetry was authored by Turk’s ex-boss Larry. So what Larry is trying to say here is:1. a person can’t have a personal life. I know for a fact Turk put up old password’s of this dipshit’s. The fuck was changing his password every day or two. 2. The employee can not spend time for a break to eat breakfast. Shame. Shame on Turk for doing that. And 3. well I can’t argue with his third reason.

    I should point out that in Larry’s written statement he spells felt as feet so the line reads as: He feet he could do as he pleased whenever he wanted. You explain that to me. Those of you who like to see this document in the flesh click here.

    Views: 1,188
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