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Are you hip? Have you wanted certain movies on DVD and have had to wait? Well I’m happy to tell (in case you didn’t know) the Indiana Jones movies are on DVD now. It’s a 4 disc set that just came out. You can get it in pan and scan or widescreen and it’s about 50 bucks for the set. I looked like Indy in the screen capture of course when I picked up my copy at Walmart on the 21st at 12:30am. Yeah I’m a geek.
What you get is the three movies and one bonus disk with a bunch of stuff. What you don’t get is any commentaries or deleted scenes. I’m not complaining mind you.
Now all I need to be happy in life is the original Star Wars films on DVD. And I want both the original un digitized version and the super duper digitally enhanced versions. It’s just that I want to see Han shoot first. And I want commentaries damn it.