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    Thursday June 29th 2000
    Out Of The Closet 2:47 pm-
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    Well. here I am back again to say hello. HOWEVER, this time I am letting everyone know who IGGY is. Since I no longer work at the Old PIT AND HOLE called a HOTEL…(hmm now, if one of these letters is left out like most on your GuestBook, would that happen to spell HO EL? LMAO) .. I feel that I can now unleash this cowardice shell I was hiding under and let all of you see who the fuck I am.. (ok let me point out for those of you who need directions..geez.. URL??? does that help??) Turk, it is so great to have come back for a visit. I really miss you and the gang at times..well..actually, it was one time, but as soon as I put the newspaper down, pulled my dress down and headed out the door, the moment was lost. LOL Hope things are going good for you. I became a management type at my new employment, but then decided that staying home and playing on the computer was much more fun. and I am finding out, extremely rewarding financially! Can’t beat that! Hope all is well with you. Your site still kicks ASS in my book, and from what I see, in many others book too! Talk soon buddy! IGGY a.k.a Kathryn or Kathy or most talked about gal in the restaurant to date! haha!

    Views: 814
    Monday January 17th 2000
    The Real World 6:21 am-
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    Well all kinds of interesting things have been going on here in the web world and also back in the real world. I have had a tremendous boost in hits thanks to those fine people at www.ishouldbeworking.com who you go and see by the way. I went from a meager following of three people (and you know who you are) to almost an average of 60 hits a day. I forgot to put up a link to the www.ishouldbeworking.com link page I’m on. I’m at the top of the page for now. So that’s pretty cool. The only bad thing is if I’m going to actually get people who keep coming back I’m going to have to do more than one update a month as my schedule has been the last couple of months. So I’m working on that. I should have a new installment of the Management Memoirs done soon, I’m just waiting on some editorial help that a friend said they would do.

    I’m also kicking around an idea to start a sort of guest commentary page. Another suggestion from my editor friend. So if you are bored and want to write anything, it doesn’t have to be about hotels or anything just something interesting or hell even something not interesting. I would like some more people to get involved in this just send to me. The e-mail address is @hotelblues.com. I also have a few people that write stuff every once in a while. So I’m hoping to hear from my old bud Sergei Fedorov one of these days. So write in.

    Views: 1,063
    Sunday November 7th 1999
    Where Is Sergei Fedorov? 9:57 pm-
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    Sergei Fedorov plays hockey in case you didn’t know. Hockey is a great game. Sergei is a great hockey player. Recently me and Sergei had a misunderstanding. You see I interfered with Sergei and the game. And some words were said. To watch Sergei play the game of hockey is one thing, to get involved with how he plays is another. I guess recently I got to into the game more than I should. So I wasn’t probably thinking to much about how it would effect Fedorov. Hell I probably didn’t care either. Now I don’t think I meant it, maybe in the back of my head I figured the game would be fine without Fedorov.

    Sure you can just chalk this up to delusions of grandeur. Some time it hard to separate yourself from the game. But I know the game is better with Fedorov. In fact this kind of thing happened before. When I stayed away from Fedorov and the game everything was fine. Hell I even thought about that before me and Fedorov’s misunderstanding. Some times no matter what you feel about the game you have to walk away. It’s the best thing to not get involved with the game, for Fedorov sake. Fedorov the hockey player doesn’t need me distracting him. His concentration must be on the game. He doesn’t need any more hecklers calling out from the audience. I like the game don’t get me wrong, but I like Fedorov also. So I would rather be on Fedorov’s side. It’s just best for the game of hockey and that is the most important thing.

    What if Fedorov doesn’t care you may ask? Well that’s ok. I would rather hear about Fedorov and the game every once in a while than interfere with it. Is this a apology? No. It’s just a statement on my part to make sure the game goes on. Is this a rather melodramatic reaction? Could be. But then I have a flair for the melodramatic. Take it for what you will. All I’m saying is that I will not see the game again. I won’t talk about the game. I even won’t ever mention any thing about the game again on the website. You should know me better Fedorov. But then maybe you do.

    Views: 1,104
    Saturday August 28th 1999
    Iggy Has A Fever 11:48 pm-
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    Great to see you back working at the good ol’ Hotel! I promised you I would hit your site. but no ranting here today. I am extremely excited to see that your smiling face will be greeting me as I come in the door half dead from lack of sleep! (Please refrain from the philosophical conversation at this time in the morning ok? hehe) At any rate, it sure is good to see you back behind the desk! But I do have one question for you…Why aren’t you updating your page on a regular basis? I do think that maybe it would be great to make the Hotel Blues News a place of sweet smelling roses, brimming with lots of love and happiness about our Beautiful hotel. This would be a nice way to please our Higher up authorities…and show them that not everything about the hotel is all that bad. (Hold on a minute while I go check my pulse. something is wrong here) Okay am back. blood pressure a little low…seems like I have a fever. not sure…Better go make an appt with the dr…On that note I am calling the paramedics now…Talk to ya later buddy!

    Views: 893
    Tuesday May 18th 1999
    One For Him 1:28 am-
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    Well I got some feedback on the subject of the FDM, here’s one person that says the guy is ok. This comment was sent in by my good bud Sergei who is a good judge of character.

    The new front desk manager seems to be one hell of a guy. He meets all of the requirements: He seems nice, he works hard, he is straight, and he generally has a really likable personality. He is better than any other FDM.

    You have to keep in mind those of you that are employees at the hotel to keep your own opinions. I know that a few of you from the front desk check in every once in a while. So make your own decisions on people. Don’t take it for granted because you hear it from someone at work or if you read something here at my site. You have a mind of your own, so use it. Being able to think and make our own judgments is what makes us all unique people. I think it would be boring if everyone thought the same.

    Views: 919
    Thursday April 29th 1999
    This And That 11:23 am-
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    Ok, it’s been a while so I have some catching up to do. Our good friend Sergei has sent along a hilarious wav file that had me rolling on the ground in laughter. The wav is all about the word fuck. Before I get to the links to the wav, I would like to say I already think along these lines. On Sept 26 1998 I wrote a bit called “Proper Usage Of The Word Fuck“.

    I broke the file down a tad because it originally weighed in at 1.14mb. I have broke it down into four chunks. I can’t tell you in words how much you will will like this. It’s something that has to be heard. So here it is:

    Part 1
    Part 2
    Part 3
    Part 4

    My favorite line from it was this: “Dismissal: why don’t you go outside and play hide and go fuck yourself.” I really did laugh until it hurt.

    e FrsCDQWE Lvt k lPF j
    Views: 1,209
    Tuesday March 30th 1999
    Let The Soap Opera End 2:11 pm-
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    Turk, I’m about fed up with hearing it. Yeah that’s right that e-mail did come from me just to test you. However, I don’t appreciate you writing stupid shit when your drunk. I am sorry you are so damn lonely but I am fucking sick of your pity parties. You have to take the initiative to change your life, INSTEAD OF TRYING TO GAIN PITY OVER YOUR GOD DAMN WEB SITE. So let the soap opera end and quit living in the past. I am not upset by what your page originally said however I do view it as a rather pathetic attempt to gain sympathy. Remember I don’t want your hints on how to run a relationships; I have had quite a few and I know what I have. That would be like Me trying to tell a professional basketball coach how to coach his team. That’s crazy. He has more experience and would tell me to get lost. So To clear it up I know what I am doing and I am sick of your pathetic sympathy gaining articles. Your the only one who can change this existence that you presently have. You have to quit feeling sorry for yourself and get out into the “Real World” where the good guys don’t win and where life isn’t fair. That is why I thought you would like One Hundred Years of Solitude BECAUSE IT EXPLAINS LIFELONG SOLITUDE FOR EACH OF THE Buendias. So I am not the one who needs to grow up. Despite what you say you support and condone Pete’s response because you put it on the net to get a response from me. In closing I am the more grown up one. I have my life established, I posses a bright future, I am Employed, and I have a girlfriend. Why? because I took the God damn initiative to get off my ass and do something instead of feeling sorry for myself. I don’t care if this pisses you off hopefully it will inspire you. But have no doubts about who the true adult really is. I think I proved that point.

    Views: 975
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