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    Thursday February 1st 2001
    Old Friends? 4:10 am-
    Comments Comments (0) Categories Secretive Permalink Permalink
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    Ok maybe we got off on the wrong foot. Secretive signed the GuestBook, again. Look I’m not trying to make an enemy out of you. I have a sarcastic tone. This is all a game. You make your play and see what kind of reply I make. I then do my thing. A game. It’s a fun game. Why? because this kind of thing stimulates hits. If (and I’m not going to hold my breath) you do e-mail me for a more private conversation I won’t make it personal. Up to you.

    I read your response. Interesting. You know that if we made this a personal chat via your e-mail, you would know who I was. It’s better like this. You are against anyone who wants to teach you things, so you would make this personal – if you knew me.

    I’m all for people teaching me things. I was once taught how to play rummy. A game I wasn’t good at and lost more times than I could remember. But I learned to play the game. What do you have to teach me? Maybe next time you write you can tell me. This is a fun game.

    Why are you so against making money. You don’t want advertisers on your web-site or to earn any profit off the t-shirt shit. Are starving because of this thing that artist’s call artistic integrity?

    I’m not against making money. On the contrary. I’m all about that. Advertisers? Well maybe. Advertisers equal more banners. banners equal .jpg’s or .gif’s. And that increases load times. Let’s see how traffic picks up. As far as the t-shirt, I plan on making profit. I hope. I get the shirts on Friday, so hopefully they look good. More on that later. Now as to my artistic integrity. That’s a hard topic to explain. Artistic Integrity is like love. It’s all in the eye of the beholder. I can’t explain it to you if you don’t have it. Sorry.

    What’s up with that? I know that the delivery guys give you free pizza now and again anyway.

    A clue! You got me thinking now. My brain is just working overtime.

    Like, I said… I know you. Do you know me? Ha. Ha. You don’t, and its amusing. Not to be a dick or bitch, but I love this. Talk to you later.

    Yeah well great. You know me, I know you. We are family. Another clue. So are you confused about your gender? Or is it you just don’t want to give me to much? That’s cool. You know enough about me to drop the pizza bit. You know that I’m thinking you could possibly be two people I knew. See this is is fun. A great game. I again say I have nothing against you for speaking your mind. Maybe we can develop some trust and expand the rules of the game. I’m willing to take it slow on this. I do so love this kind of verbal sparring.

    And just to prove I got nothing against you, let me say to my friends who stop by try not to abuse Secretive. Let’s see if we can all play nice. I’m eager to hear from you.

    Views: 1,068
    Wednesday January 31st 2001
    Dime A Dozen 6:00 am-
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    I have been thinking about what Secretive said. Maybe He/She is right. Of course some things they said are off base. My favorite part that people always assume about me is:

    …people try to figure out if they know you. Well I’ll save you the trouble. I know a lot more than you could possibly imagine.

    No you don’t. I don’t want to be rude to someone who has complimented me so nicely. To quote Kevin Smith ” What you don’t know about me I can just about squeeze into the Grand fucking Canyon. Did you know I always wanted to be a dancer in Vegas?” Sorry couldn’t resist. But really, there is a lot of things I don’t talk about here on the website. Something’s I don’t even tell my friends.

    Maybe you should consider it as a profession, rather than an amusement.

    Ok sure. But I have not been to successful at getting gigs lined up. The only time someone wanted my help I basically told them to go fuck themselves. So I’m not to sure about that. Sure it’s my profession. The same way my profession was an artist. Starving is the adjective here. I can’t quit my day job as of right now. Sure I’m a web designer with a part time hotel job. Of course at parties I still introduce myself as “Turk, Nuclear Physicist.”

    The premise of this seems to be your unhappiness with your job.

    Actually I don’t really have a premise per say. My unhappiness with my job doesn’t really enter into the equation. With out my hotel job this site would be very boring. When I was unemployed my posts on the X-Files seemed to irritate my readers. I go a step further in saying with out the hotel this site wouldn’t be updated. Shit…Maybe your right. I still feel it’s a secondary plot thread. The site is about me. I don’t think my site is weird, yet it doesn’t fall under the header normal either.

    Ah the art of conversation. Secretive you got a gig for me? And come on, give me a hint. I can be a little slow. Or e-mail me. We can have a civilized chat that won’t appear on this page. I’d actually prefer that.

    Views: 866
    The GuestBook 2:59 am-
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    Well I just love a mystery. I’m a want to be shamus. Marlowe is my idol. This is really good timing. I’m finalizing some things, that will start my biz end of this website. Here is Secretive:

    Name: Secretive
    Date: 01/30/01
    Time: 09:57 PM

    I love signing people’s guestbooks. Especially when its anonymous. You can say anything you want, and people try to figure out if they know you. Well I’ll save you the trouble. I know a lot more than you could possibly imagine.

    You are pretty clever with all this web-site business. Maybe you should consider it as a profession, rather than an amusement. The premise of this seems to be your unhappiness with your job. Remember that you have choices. You can really do what you want. It’s not bullshit. You just have to try.

    Enoughs, Enough.
    Your Unknown Internet Acquaintance

    Thanks for the compliment. I don’t consider myself to clever with this “web-site business”, I am a hack. A cheat, in other words. I don’t know html. But, I have fun doing this.

    So here it is. I’m going to do a t-shirt. A official Hotel Blues t-shirt. I threatened this before, this time it’s a done deal. Tomorrow I go to sign off on the design. A simple design. It will be a black shirt, with white font. It will have the url and my slogan. It should sell for ten bucks. I have yet to figure out my business model. I’m thinking about online credit card transactions. I just not sure if this is a secure server. So most likely people will e-mail me, then I’ll e-mail back telling were to send their check or money order.

    And remember my ulterior motive is not about making money. I just want the the t-shirt for myself. If people buy them then great. I hope to hear from you again Secretive.

    Views: 922
    Thursday January 11th 2001
    Dear Iggy 7:30 am-
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    Well it’s finally here. The first official contribution by a second party. Sure I have people sign the GuestBook before and I posted here on the main page. But, this is different. This is all Iggy. Once again if you don’t know Iggy, you should check Iggy’s greatest hits here. So if you have some kind of problem and you need the kind of advice Iggy deals in, make sure you check out Dear Iggy.

    Views: 929
    Monday December 11th 2000
    Long Time 1:23 pm-
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    Ok so I have been sitting on my duff. Assface took the wind out of my sales. So of you may ask what I have been doing? Not much would be the answer. I have been playing Space Empires IV and Generations more than humanly possible. Anyhoo.

    Iggy stopped by again, this time commenting on the Assface situation. It should be said that I’m not certain I even know Assface. So Iggy’s comments are based on an assumption of mine that this Assface is Sergei. And that is a long story. Whew!

    Just dropped in to say HI! Where is the Dear Iggy Column? LOL hehe HEY Concerning ASSFACE.. I want to personally thank him for the beautiful poinsettia that I got from PAPA JOHNS for being one of their top 200 customers! Woo Hoo! NOW Assface, I have to tell ya, you have definitely made the move buddy to Bigger and Better things.. Poinsettia.. wow…Pizza delivery. wow.. So if you are still working there (I bet not, only BORING people know how to keep jobs) and the next time you come to my house, I will make sure to give you that extra .25 for a job well done in my sincerest appreciation for the Poinsettia! Psst.. hey I hear that Pizza Hut is moving up in the world. You ought to give them a try.. I wonder if they will send you to my house with a poinsettia too? hahahahaha

    Ok So here’s the official announcement. Iggy is going to do an advice column. So if anyone feels like asking Iggy for advice send you questions or comments to iggy@hotelblues.com. It’s all up to you now Iggy.

    Views: 1,021
    Sunday October 22nd 2000
    Speaking Of Iggy 12:53 pm-
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    I threw together an Iggy’s Greatest Hits page. It’s just like the Sergei Fedorov Greatest Hits page but better because it’s Iggy and not that dumb hockey player. So go now and find the greatness that is Iggy!

    Views: 988
    Iggy’s Webpage 11:45 am-
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    Iggy stopped by to see me the other night. It was nice to see her. I promised to plug her website again. I of course forgot to do it yesterday. So Here it is now. Everyone go on over to “TREKKIN’ ON” the Gustafson Family Vacations webpage. Heck the only comment I have is that Iggy needs a links page.

    Views: 904
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