Since the last post I’ve managed to make it to level 9. I’ve learned a few things since then. First up hover (which is damn slow) , it is really quite awesome. I took combat jumping on my hero and thought that was cool. It’s just totally a different kind of cool to be able to fly up to the tallest building and look at the city under you. Secondly I still kick all kinds of ass on my Mastermind. Jesus I tell you it’s so different from my hero tanker.
My Mastermind can beat some ass. Mobs in City of Heroes and City of Villains are color coded based on their level. It’s follows DAoC’s line of thinking more or less. Grey, Green, Blue, White, Yellow, Orange, Red, and lastly Purple. White is equal to your current level. And anything above or below that is of course above or below your current level. I can destroy any number of mobs, with the sole exception being those damn purples. My guys (Ron and Dick) can just take them all down.
Now the problem is that there is this new feature to CoH and CoV that I had not know about. And it’s been causing me a lot of pain and suffering. Well not to much suffering since xp debt doesn’t kick in until level 10. You see there is this NPC that will offer to raise your reputation with the city. So I figured that this was some kind of reputation deal. Raise my rep with the city faction was my line of thinking. I couldn’t get any missions from this broker guy I was sent to. So naturally I thought raising my rep would help. It didn’t. What it does is adjust the difficulty of the door missions you go on. Which explains why I had been having so much trouble.
Which brings me to the other new feature that’s not really explained in the manual. Newspaper missions. I had heard mention of this in the general chat channel. I had no idea what the exact nature of this newspaper deal entailed. So I had been looking around for newspaper machines. I was way off of course.
Apparently in my contacts list the newspaper thing was there the whole time. I either didn’t see or I guess I just don’t look at my contact list. It could go either way. After getting the mission difficulty settled I was able to do the newspaper mission I was stuck on. And I finally got introduced to my real contact. It looks like these newspaper missions one shot deals you can get over and over so one doesn’t have to grind it out on the streets. Knowing how these two things work makes the game even funner. Now I’m on a personal mission to make it to level 14 and get my advanced travel power. I can’t wait to be able to really fly. To be able to zip along as I go from place to place. And I need a cape on my bad guy. Won’t get that till level 20. It will be fun getting there.