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    Sunday August 26th 2007
    Hotel Watch Day 2 12:52 pm-
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    The big question on my mind is how long can the worst hotel ever go with out generating revenue? Today is day two of Hotel Watch here at Hotelblues.com. Hotel Watch is a record of the full days the worst hotel ever is actually closed. Everyday it is closed for business is another nail in it’s coffin. I eagerly await its final death. The proverbial stake through the heart. Below are some shots took this afternoon of the two notices on the front doors of the worst hotel ever.

    Notice of Hazardous Building Flood Damage Note

    As a bonus here are some pictures of the entrance to the flooded basement the Beloit Daily New article mentioned. Also take note of the picture of the generator powering the four pumps used to get the water out of the flooded basement.

    Flooded Basement 1 Flooded Basement 2
    The Power Generator

    I’ve saved the best for last. Pictures of the empty parking lot. Honestly it brings happiness to my cold bitter heart to see such bad things happen to that place.

    Empty Parking Lot 1 Empty Parking Lot 2
    Empty Parking Lot 3 Empty Parking Lot 4

    I honestly won’t be happy until the day I can take pictures of the place being demolished. I worked at that hotel for a long long time and it pains me to see the state it now is in. Blame can be firmly placed on the backs of those so called “new owners” (who call themselves Serena Hospitality) of the worst hotel ever. I wish only failed ventures on these inept people. If you read between the lines you will see that they ruin everything they touch:

    In an interview, Vezzoso said the management style of the inn’s new owner, Noor Tejany, and his management style were somewhat different.

    It’s so sad that they ruin everything they touch. Stick around for Hotel Watch as I count the days the worst hotel ever is closed for business. Hopefully leading up to the point it’s closed for good.

    Views: 1,206
    Saturday August 25th 2007
    Hotel Watch Day 1 10:36 pm-
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    What a great night. It’s like waking up x-mas morning and getting the presents you always wanted. Read the great Beloit Daily News article Ramada Inn shuts down over flooding. This is my favorite part:

    Noor Tejany is the owner of the Ramada Inn, according to South Beloit Mayor Randy Kirichkow. Calls to Tejany were not returned by press time Friday evening.

    I like how the owner doesn’t comment to the press.

    In order for the Ramada to re-open, Wilder said a contractor will have to make sure the fixtures are operating safely and the electric company will need to check levels of humidity and ensure there are no moisture problems.

    Each day closed is lost revenue. How long can the worst hotel ever stay closed? I will be counting the days.

    Below are some pictures taken at night. My camera was acting weird, so in the morning I’ll try to go and get some better pictures.

    Notice of Hazardous Building Flood Damage Note
    Front Doors Locked

    Views: 1,177
    Monday July 30th 2007
    Night Aduit? 6:19 pm-
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    At some point I think people are going to think I’m making this shit up. First the worst hotel ever was hiring everyone. Then they needed bartenders and night auditors. Now it appears they are hiring for the night aduit:

    Now Hiring Night Aduit Night Aduit?

    In my day there were certain steps one took before the sign was done. First usually sales and catering were the ones that decided what went up there. Sales would have this sheet they would fill out that told the bellman what went up on the sign. This sheet was passed to the front desk manager first before the bellmen would get it. At some point between the sales people and the front desk manager spell checking was done.

    I guess the current worst hotel ever managers are actually more incompetent than the ones there around the time I got “fired” for the second time. At least the douche bag who was gm knew how to work spell check. This shit went up yesterday, so lets see how long it is before it gets fixed (they read this site still) or something else gets put up there (with a 50/50 chance of it being spelled right). Of course I wonder if a night aduitor gets paid more than a night auditor? Honestly though what a bunch of retards.

    Views: 1,535
    Wednesday July 25th 2007
    Now Hiring 8:08 am-
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    Some days it just pays to have my digital camera with me:

    Now Hiring Night Audit

    I take great joy knowing that my “replacements” no longer work at the worst hotel ever. You may notice there are a few other pictures in there of that sign. I created that gallery with the hopes that one day I can get a picture of the sign saying:

    Going Out Of Business

    One can dream. Anyone think I should throw my resume in there? It would be a great interview to record.

    Views: 1,640
    Saturday June 2nd 2007
    The Ugly Revisited 8:07 am-
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    Previously posted on my seven month anniversary at the new hotel:

    I expect a few things from the people who employ me. Reviews and Raises. I expect that after a persons been at a hotel they get a review six months in. I like getting told how I’m doing now and then as it shows me that the managers/owners may actually give a shit about how the hotel is run. It seem like they (management) would want to evaluate the employees they have at least every now and then. The raise of course would be tied into the review. Now I’m not expecting a raise every six months. I personally would be happy with a raise every year.

    This is a retraction of sorts of the above statement. I just find it hard to forget my own history. To forget the way things are run at the worst hotel ever. For the record the last time I got a raise at the worst hotel ever it still was a Holiday Inn and it was not run by the worthless fucks that run it now. So my way of thinking is that I have to beat around the bush with the people who run things. I have to threaten and beg. These were the things one has to do to get a raise at the worst hotel ever.

    It was something I was doing at the new hotel. I started a campaign of sorts in the form of emails to my boss at the new hotel. The idea was to drop hints at what I wanted, at first. Then later as I progressed in my campaign I would then threaten and beg. First line of attack was a reminder on how long I have worked for them.

    To: FDM
    Date: Apr 24, 2007 11:34 PM
    Subject: Start Date?

    Can you give me my start date. I can guesstimate. But I would like to know the exact date.

    What I got back was short and to the point. No bullshit at all. And I figured there would be bullshit.

    To: Turk
    Date: Apr 25, 2007 8:37 AM
    Subject: Re: Start Date?

    Start date 9/27/06

    So the next step in my campaign was to remind about my need for insurance.

    To: FDM
    Date: Jun 1, 2007 6:26 AM
    Subject: Insurance?

    I’m eight months in now and was wondering what the official status of employee insurance is? I know you mentioned it may get axed. But I’ve yet to see any memo stating so. Because I’m of course interested in getting insurance if it has not been cut as a benefit.

    The response again was to the point and free of any bullshit:

    To: Turk
    Date: Jun 1, 2007 2:38 PM
    Subject: Re: Insurance?

    The company no longer offers insurance to employees, due to cost. You will have a pay rate increase of $0.50. It will show on your check on Friday. I will see you on Monday.

    Not only did the message answer me it also completely stopped my campaign. I hadn’t even got to the wanting more money phase of my campaign. It was a few phases before money would even come up. It also made me realize that I have made a series of bad judgment calls.

    The first mistake on my part is to assume that this new hotel will become anything like the worst hotel ever. The second mistake I’ve made is the thought that I need to beat around the bush with these people. They are not the managers and owners of the worst hotel ever and I should not treat them like they are.

    My way of thinking has took a huge hit. I need to rethink everything about how I think about hotels. I basically have to relearn everything there is to learn about how a hotel works. I have to stop comparing the new hotel and it’s mangers and owners with the worst hotel ever or I’ll never survive there.

    Views: 1,630
    Friday April 27th 2007
    Good, Bad, And Ugly 12:12 am-
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    It’s been exactly seven months since I started at the new hotel. I use this post to determine how long it’s been. At the time of that post I had worked my first day at the new hotel. I’ve decided to do a little write up on how things are at this new hotel seven months later. This will be a very simple write up. The Good, The Bad, and The Ugly.

    The Good.

    Number one right off the bat and this is a big one for me. The new hotel is not a shitty Ramada like the worst hotel ever is. It was a huge thing for me to get out of those red shirts.

    Also very important to me is the owners of the hotel. And when compared to the “people” who own the worst hotel ever the people who own the new hotel are a definitely a good thing. I could write a whole post on how the two are different. For example though these new hotel owners upgrade their hotel. And they do it right. They do not hire retards who placed the lowest bid for the job.

    A word or two also needs to be said about the front desk staff. I have no complaints what so ever. They are on time and know how to balance credit cards. There are no idiots here. Nor are there any half blind night auditors who work when I don’t. It really is quite a joy to be able to work with people that have their shit together. The Front Desk Manager I will only say this: He is not a pussy.

    Last but not least under “good” are the guests who stay at the hotel. There is a huge difference in the quality of the guests this new hotel attracts. We do not get any bar time drunks. Nor do we get any of the general scum that the worst hotel ever seems to attract. Which is only echoed by the fact that I have yet to call the police on any of the people that stay at this new hotel.

    The Bad

    Just one here. Managers who can’t print folios. Now this may seem like a petty thing. But to me what does it say about the people who are supposedly above me if they can not print their own folios out when they do a transaction in the computer. I’ve often wondered why it is these managers do this. I’ve only ever been able to come up with two excuses.

    1. They are lazy.
    2. They are incompetent.

    I just can’t peg which it is here at this new hotel. Lazy or Incompetent? And why does it always seem to be Sales people that do this?

    The Ugly

    Why is it I can’t find an employer who really cares about their employees? While these owners do take good care of the building and of the guests, I really feel they are very lacking when it comes to their employees.

    I expect a few things from the people who employ me. Reviews and Raises. I expect that after a persons been at a hotel they get a review six months in. I like getting told how I’m doing now and then as it shows me that the managers/owners may actually give a shit about how the hotel is run. It seem like they (management) would want to evaluate the employees they have at least every now and then. The raise of course would be tied into the review. Now I’m not expecting a raise every six months. I personally would be happy with a raise every year.

    I also expect medical insurance. I’m not getting any younger here. It’s just something I need now. These owners at this new hotel have seen fit to cancel medical insurance a few months ago. I don’t understand why they would cut the benefits of the employee. It should be the other way around. They should be adding to the benefits of the employee.

    As it is I have absolutely no loyalty to these people as it is. Why should I? I drive 17 miles each way. If I can get a job in my immediate area I have no problem at all quiting this hotel for a local one. I need insurance. I need raises. These are things that I have to have to keep me being the employee that my employer wants to have around. Without these kinds of things I’m going to slowly turn back into the way I used to be at the worst hotel ever.

    Views: 1,768
    Sunday February 18th 2007
    Fuck NBC! 9:53 am-
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    Fuck NBC! I do the equivalent of having something taped off of the tv by a buddy and have it given to me to watch and I get this shit in my inbox? I don’t see the difference. I don’t have cable. So if I have my friend tape it off of tv will we get hit with this shit when we are trading vcr tapes? For the record I really liked My Name is Earl. I bought the first season on dvd. I won’t be buying the second now. Also I’ve learned my lesson on using external trackers on Demonoid.

    Re: Unauthorized Use of NBC Universal Properties Notice ID: 14-10266913
    2 Feb 2007 05:26:41 GMT

    Dear Sir or Madam:

    Please be advised that NBC Universal and/or its subsidiary and affiliated companies (collectively, NBC Universal) are the owners of exclusive rights protected under copyright law and other intellectual property rights in many motion pictures and television programs, including the title(s) listed below (the NBC Universal Properties). NBC Universal diligently enforces its rights in its motion pictures.

    Title: My Name is Earl (TV)
    Infringement Source: BitTorrent
    Initial Infringement Timestamp: 19 Jan 2007 19:42:50 GMT Recent Infringment Timestamp: 19 Jan 2007 19:42:50 GMT Infringer Username:
    Infringing Filename: my.name.is.earl.02.10.11.hr-yestv.avi
    Infringing Filesize: 734334976
    Infringers IP Address:
    Infringers DNS Name: 66-190-57-0.dhcp.mdsn.wi.charter.com
    Infringing URL: http://www.torrent-downloads.to:2710/announce


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