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    Friday May 5th 2000
    Pissed!! 5:46 pm-
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    Ok, if either your illiterate or just don’t pay attention to these stupid titles I put before every bit I write, but I am pissed. It’s a work related story. Shock! I have been quite a pussy as of late regarding stuff at work that just really pisses me off. But, this instance happened while I was going in to get my paycheck so I was off the clock. Now the way I figure it I can write anything I want about my time away from work. Also I am willing to chance it. I won’t name names as usual back when I used to bitch and moan about every little thing that got me pissed.

    So I go in to get my pitiful paycheck. Stand in line for five minutes or so. I get to the desk of the lady that hands out paychecks and get ready to sign the sheet of paper that indicates I did receive my paycheck and the lady ask me I I had seen Lyle the insurance guy. Lyle by the way is just some insurance guy so other than the fact he sells insurance and I feel that when my revolution comes insurance salesmen and lawyers are first up against the wall, I have nothing against Lyle for trying to make me wait for my paycheck. You notice I said “trying”. So I give the lady who hands out paychecks my “I hate you all” glare and go “Across the street” (her words) to the board room.

    So in the board room you got Lyle, some other insurance guy, and five other people waiting to talk to Lyle and his pal. Both Lyle and his buddy had people they were talking with. So I stand and piss and moan under my breathe. But, loud enough the people I was waiting with could hear me. Lyle and his bud must of heard me but being in the insurance biz these guys hear this all the time. My patience didn’t last more than say maybe a minute.

    “Which one of you guys is Lyle?’ I ask rather impatiently.

    Lyle looks up and he says “I’m Lyle.”

    I look at Lyle and with as much venomous hate I can muster I say “This thing here your selling, I’m not interested. I don’t have insurance with you guys and I don’t want insurance with you guys. Ok?” And I gave him a curt smile.

    “Ah well.. You still have to sign off on this.” Lyle says. He adds “It will just be a couple of minutes.”

    So I think to myself Fuck It. I figured that Lyle and the Paycheck Nazi probably were not in contact with each other. So I go back to the Paycheck Nazi and she asks If I talked to Lyle. I say yes again with venomous hate and sign my name on the paycheck sheet and toss her pen with force on to her desk. She just kind of looks at me with shock that I just tossed her pen like that. So I pick the pen up again and mimic signing the sheet again and gently set the pen down. She gives me my check and I leave bitching and moaning under my breath. I tell the front desk clerk to tell Lyle to leave me the papers he needs me to “sign off” on and that I would get back to him.

    So my question to you the reader if anyone knows, what law (if any) did the Paycheck Nazi break by refusing to give me my paycheck? Is there one? This is just for my amusement. This rant is satisfaction enough. That and just reading “Paycheck Nazi” cracks me up.

    Views: 1,006
    Wednesday May 5th 1999
    Unemployed Again 10:25 pm-
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    Well my time of employment has ended. Once again I’m without a job. I got the call about a hour ago, they called to tell me I wasn’t cutting it. In a way I’m happy, but on the other hand I’m a little disappointed. I wish management types would be able to tell someone face to face about these kind of things. Why is it they can’t tell you to your face? Do they think one will go postal? That your going to smack them one upside the head? I just don’t get it. If I was a management type I would give you the common god damn courtesy of telling your to your face that your being shown the hatch. But hey that’s just me.

    If any of you management types would like to write in and explain this phenomenon of letting people go with a note or a phone call I will post it with out to much heckling of you. And I expect you people to write in, I know that there is a few management types that read the page every once in a while. So send your excuses to yourfired@hotelblues.com.

    Views: 1,048
    Thursday April 22nd 1999
    How To Get Mo Money 11:32 pm-
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    Ok, here is my response to Scorp’s question. You have to remember that I have been out of the loop as far as the hotel is concerned, so my comments may be of no use to anyone.

    First, they always promised a raise in 90 days to all of the new people. You wouldn’t have taken the job if they told you ” well we can not promise you a raise. But if you wait long enough hell just might freeze over” (Once more let me state this applies to the front desk, I do not know the inner workings of the other departments). In all of my time this has always been the management’s unspoken official stance on the subject of raises. But, and you knew a but was coming didn’t you? There are a few tricks to get a raise out of these fascist money grubbing mongers.

    The first thing you can try is this, ask nicely for your raise. You never know, check the news to see if hell did freeze over. You also have to remember that at the hotel the realm of reason and all things just do not exist. The hotel is in a reality all of its own. So thinking to yourself “I will not demand a raise. I should be given a raise because of my performance and that should be enough.” Ok you can try this too. Except you will never get a raise. Never.

    The second way comes in multiple tactics. First you can go in to the FDM or GM’s office and scream. You have to raise a ruckus for this to work. I happen to know of quite a few people that received a raise this way. The other thing you have to keep in mind is the idea of tenure and seniority does not exist at the hotel. For example, Maggie received a raise putting her ahead of me in pay when I was clearly above her in seniority. Don’t get me wrong I happen to like Maggie, I’m just using her as an example. You know how she got her raise? She bitched up a storm. Ok the second part to the demanding a raise tactic is to not only bitch and moan about the raise to the powers to be and anyone else who will listen, is to actively seek employment elsewhere. For this to work you have to make sure you tell the people you know will tell your secret to others. When you tell people about you secret always use the line “don’t tell anyone else what I’m about to tell you” or something along that. I think I got a raise out of this, I can’t be certain. I was bullshitting everyone at the time that I was leaving for Menard$. When in truth I hadn’t even went for a interview.

    So ends my guide to getting a raise at the hotel. I offer no guarantees if you do this that you will receive a raise. A lot of factors have changed. For one there is a new FDM, and he might be a nice guy you never know.

    I have to get ready for work so I say goodnight.

    Views: 1,007
    Wednesday March 3rd 1999
    Blowing Steam 4:53 am-
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    I would first like to say hello to a friend I have not seen in a long time. More importantly I would like to remind this friend how little that you are missing by not working at the Hotel. I realize that unemployment brings problems that I surely couldn’t handle, however I sometimes am very jealous of you buddy. My reasons for wishing that I didn’t work there are numerous yet I find it harder and harder to tell the asshole management in that hotel where they can stick it. I might personally e-mail you to enlighten you about these bastards but for now I am content with voicing my concerns anonymously via your GuestBook. I am grateful to you for creating this page. We will talk soon. A friend.

    Views: 941
    Friday February 5th 1999
    Temp Agency 3:19 am-
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    I Learned my lesson for the day. Sometimes the truth isn’t the best policy. I tried my first temp agency today. I will not name the name of the place. Needless to say I wasn’t to impressed by it. The ladies that worked there were very nice. Don’t get me wrong, its not them its me. I am colossal cluster fuck. In the application it asked for reason of leaving your job I wrote “let go”. Which of course is sure to bring up questions. And the inevitable question was asked. I asked “do you want the truth?” like a putz. So I told this nice lady about my website. Because that was the reason of my departure. She looked at me funny and asked if I was going to do one on temp agencies. I told her no that www.hotelblues.com is paid and mine for two years. I thought I was being witty. WRONG. This is not the kind of thing you want to tell people at a temp agency. Any way there are more temp agencies in the phone book. So next time I will not tell them my life story. I’ll tell them something they want to hear. I recommend a strong dose of Dilbert for me and anyone else who takes working to serious.

    If you by chance work at a temp agency let me remind you this my opinion and should not effect your personal or company view on me. That and there’s this thing called Freedom Of Speech you might of heard of, its in the Bill Of Rights.

    Views: 970
    Saturday November 28th 1998
    I’m Not Happy 3:00 am-
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    Well the event I have personally been waiting for has happened. As of 10:00pm I was let go from the hotel by Shawn Kennedy. His reason for letting me see the hatch was that I was not happy at the hotel. So what happens now?

    First I plan on getting ass drunk. Then on Monday I plan on calling my friends at the ACLU. Then I plan on contacting the media. They might like the corporate bastards against the poor little webmaster angle. So any way. Troy’s here, we have to go.

    I would like to thank in no particular order: Shawn Kennedy. Larry W. John W. Paula M. And anyone else that deserves my thanks. You all have been to kind.

    Views: 3,011
    Saturday May 2nd 1998
    Wanting To Get Fired-Part Three 3:00 am-
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    Well I was written up for the shit I described on April 25th. The worthless piece of shit, the front Desk Manager, couldn’t even give it to me in person. No he had it on my timecard waiting for me. I was amazed that they wrote me up for it. I still can’t believe it.

    Part Three

    So I figured I would talk to the Assistant General Manager and use logic to argue my side. Fuck that. Logic isn’t something you can use on these lobotomized excrement ridden fools. She was quite to the point that I am to be at the desk at all times. Doesn’t matter if I have nothing to do. Or if the first shift is there. I tried to make my defense as honest and truthful as I could without out right lying.

    On a good note Menard$ has called and offered me a job. I told them that I had gave my two week notice. But, I’m not sure I can leave. I afraid of the change. After six years of this hotel I don’t know anything else. The longer I wait is just less of a notice I give the old HI. Will see.

    On another note, I would like to add the Banquet Bartending Manager to the list of non-excrement Managers. He is a hell of a nice guy. One of a few at the hotel.

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