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    Thursday July 3rd 2008
    Another Raise 12:02 am-
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    Well about one year and one month after my first raise with this new hotel I get this in my email from my boss:

    To: Turk
    Date: Jul 2, 2008 3:15 PM
    Subject: FYI:

    A late welcome back from your week away. I wanted to let you know, there is a change in your pay rate, your new rate of pay increase is $0.35.

    This will show on your check that will be here on Thursday.

    Talk to you soon.

    This is the first time for two things. First he welcomed me back from vacation. Next I got another raise. At the worst hotel ever things were so different. The post marks the last time I got a raise at the shithole. And the way I was greeted from the end of vacation was getting fired.

    I did not even ask for a raise. I did not hint about the idea of getting a raise even. The place continues to surprise me in a good way.

    Views: 1,429
    Friday June 20th 2008
    Work Report 12:13 am-
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    So the two ladies come down to the desk. They both have key problems. The one lady gives the correct room number for her keys. The second lady gets some numbers mixed up and tells me the wrong number. This is an important part of this story.

    So two ladies come down because their keys are not working in their room doors. I ask them if when the key were used if the lock flashed a green light or a red light. Red they say. I reply that this is a good thing. They ask why this is a good thing. I tell them that it is good because it means that neither the lock is broken or they (the guests) did it wrong.

    That is when the lady who tells me the wrong room number for her keys corrects me that the guest is always right. The old lady scolded me like I was some kid who told a lie. The customers are generally speaking always wrong. I will not spit out this manager bullshit speak about the customers always being right. It is a gigantic load of shit.

    So I go about my business making the right keys for the lady who did not put her foot in her mouth. For my costumer who says she is always right I make the keys for the room number she gave me. This was the wrong room. The keys will work, but it is not the room this know it all is in.

    The bit with me giving her the keys to the wrong room was chance. I did not check to see if it was wrong or right. Fate stepped in and provided all with proof that the customer is not always right. The even better part was when they came for the correct keys the always right customer did not come down to get them. I made it a point to ask if the keys were for the lady who said customers were always right. The lady who came for the keys said yes. I smiled and gave her the keys for the old lady who thinks customers are always right. Vacation starts tomorrow. Nine glorious days off.

    Views: 1,004
    Thursday March 6th 2008
    Definition 12:22 am-
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    I was checking some links that lead to me and found Wikipedia’s entry Night Auditor. Wikipedia has a textbook description of what a Night Auditor is and what they do. Here is the first paragraph:

    A night auditor is a hotel employee who typically handles both the duties of the front desk agent and some of the duties of the accounting department. This is necessitated by the fact that most fiscal days close at or around midnight, and the normal workday of the employees in the accounting department does not extend to cover this time of day.

    Very textbook. It lacks the real world flavor that this Everything2.com entry has:

    “Night Auditor” is the glorified term for a hotel front desk clerk that works the graveyard shift (typically 11 P.M. to 7 A.M). This is a nice job if you don’t like dealing with people, but those few that you do have to deal with tend to be mentally ill and/or intoxicated. An upside to this job is that you’re likely to be hired or keep this job despite your incompetence or criminal record, as no one else is willing to work this shift. The usual tasks involved in this job include checking guests in and out of the hotel, running end-of-day reports for the management, making coffee for the early birds, and playing lots and lots of solitaire. Common symptoms of being a night auditor include the inability to see in the sunlight and considering more than one car sharing the road with you to be “traffic.”

    This was funny enough for me to write about. I also feel it is a dead on description on what night audit is really like today. The Wikipedia entry may have been more accurate ten years ago or perhaps in a big hotel. I know my job is more like Everything2.com description. Back in the day I did some accounting type duties, but not anymore. Which I think is one of the side effects of some of the software that hotels use. It’s easier for the computer to do the accounting end than it is for the dumb human that is hired to do the night audit.

    Views: 2,249
    Wednesday January 23rd 2008
    Still Not News 12:01 am-
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    Actor Heath Ledger dies at 28. He died. It should be news one day tops. Not the weeks and weeks of fucking tabloid gossip about this dumb sonofabitch. Other than A Knights Tale I wasn’t a fan. I’m as excited about his Joker as I was about his gay cowboy.

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    Tuesday January 15th 2008
    Not News 3:05 am-
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    CNN is fucking doing it again. I’m supposed to be watching a news station. Not the god damn tabloid channel. Britney Spears jesus. Britney Spears is not news. It seems CNN doesn’t understand this. I can’t wait for Britney to overdose like that blonde air head. Of these two idoits Kevin Federline is the smart one? Brrrr that thought just sent shivers down my spine. Come on natural selection, thin this Spears/Federline stump of a family tree out.

    Views: 977
    Sunday January 6th 2008
    Poor Indy 10:03 pm-
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    I work for the owners of your old job and I have a couple of questions for you, any chance you can hit me up on aim?
    They own the executive inn in Evansville, IN.. I’m just curious about your experience and maybe a little insight to why they’re running my workplace into the ground

    See there was a reason I wrote about that hotel in Indiana:

    If you read between the lines you will see that they ruin everything they touch:

    In an interview, Vezzoso said the management style of the inn’s new owner, Noor Tejany, and his management style were somewhat different.

    Views: 1,108
    Monday October 15th 2007
    Hotel Insider Chat 4:02 am-
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    Here is my chat with the Hotel Insider. We cover a few topics of interest regarding the worst hotel ever. What happened when the cops came to talk to me. What the hotel is like now. The newb auditor turned into a front desk supervisor. And a shared dislike for the biggest douche bag in the universe.

    [3:31] Turk: you work at the desk?
    [3:32] Hotel Insider: no
    [3:32] Hotel Insider: I did do night audit before though at another hotel
    [3:32] Turk: how did you find out about my site?
    [3:32] Hotel Insider: back when you were fired and they were all investigating you etc
    [3:32] Hotel Insider: actually when I seen your site
    [3:32] Hotel Insider: I was like.. “man wish I could of met that guy he sounds pretty cool”
    [3:33] Turk: wow did they make a big deal out of it?
    [3:33] Hotel Insider: cause of the the idiots who stole crap from regal beloit
    [3:33] Turk: oh
    [3:33] Turk: right that shit
    [3:33] Turk: heh
    [3:33] Hotel Insider: well, we had just got regal beloit again for banquets
    [3:33] Hotel Insider: and they were doing like meetings for this new program they paid a mil for or something for managers
    [3:34] Hotel Insider: well these 3 people that use to work there I’m pretty sure stole this like big chest that they would keep there laptops in for the trainees
    [3:34] Turk: yeah
    [3:34] Hotel Insider: and they were watching you and seeing what you were posting etc seeing if maybe you were the one who did it


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