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    Friday March 12th 2004
    It’s Meant To Scare You 3:35 am-
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    Well I missed the mandatory meeting. But I did get my hands on a copy of the “Company Handbook” and wanted to comment on one section in particular. That would be the “Use of Computers and Electronic Equipment” section of this handbook. It starts out reminding me that:

    The Company prohibits employees from using the company’s equipment for personal use.

    No shit sherlock. That’s a given. But it happens anyway. But it’s kinda like the fact I’m breathing “their” oxygen while I’m at work, which I’m sure is against Company policy as well. It then goes on to say:

    Playing computer games at any time is prohibited… Employees will not bring discs, CDs, tapes, or any other electronic data storage device from outside into the workplace.

    Boy they sure got all their bases covered. I like the last part about electronic data storage devices. That wording eliminates a lot of things. Next we have this bit that echo’s the opening:

    Online (Internet and World Wide Web) access is limited to employees who have a business related need.

    I got it the first time. This just hammers the topic home. I’ll know better the next time I want to use their computers and internet for my own personal use. Now we get to the stuff that’s supposed to make you really afraid:

    …employees have no right to privacy and will not expect privacy. The Employer reserves the right to monitor the employee’s equipment at any time, with or without warning.

    Someone hold me. No wait, this doesn’t frighten me. These inept people are going to monitor me? When they couldn’t even delete some games I had installed and hidden? But it goes on:

    The Company reserves the right to inspect and monitor any incoming and outgoing correspondence received or sent by an employee to or from the Employer’s premises, or received or sent using Employer equipment, or that is received or sent via a messenger or service that is paid for or subsidized by the Employer. This right extends to all internal and external mail, messages, electronic correspondence, electronic bulletin board accounts, national electronic messaging service accounts and any other correspondence service that is paid for or subsidized by the Employer.

    One word for you people: Encryption. I use PGP and I would like to see you genius’s crack their encryption protocol. In fact all of this is a very bad bluff. There isn’t a single one of them in management that would even begin to have even a glimmer of any idea what this above paragraph even means. Let alone actually having the know how to monitor someone on the work computers. So the next paragraph doesn’t even have to be quoted as this is just an attempt to scare us ignorant employee’s.

    In fact this kind of thing really irks me. They can’t even track the websites one visits unless they request a log from the Parent Company that provides the isp we have. One just has to make sure that the history is deleted after using the browser. And if your really paranoid just use something like Ad-aware to find out if the computer is being monitored.

    As long as this kind of mentality is in effect my workplace can also start looking else where when it comes to anything regarding computers and websites. Any hope of me helping on these kinds of things just disappeared.

    And keep in mind I have yet to sign any written agreement to not discuss these kinds of things with anyone. So there isn’t much you can do about it. It is unfortunate that there has to be this level of distrust between an employee and employer. Trust is followed by respect. And as long as you lack the one, you won’t get the other.

    Views: 891
    Thursday March 11th 2004
    Twiddling My Dick 12:26 am-
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    There is a mandatory meeting I have to attend at work. It covers the new “handbook”, insurance, and whatever else is important that deems the meeting mandatory. Standard stuff really. It’s what I’ve heard already that makes me chuckle.

    It’s the no games and no internet part of the handbook that I’ve heard about from others. Which is cool. I don’t mind that at all. There are no games anymore on the work pc I use. After they failed at removing the games themselves, I got rid of the rest of the games myself. I don’t need computer games to make it through the night at work.

    I do need the use of the internet. Otherwise I’m just going to be twiddling my dick for seven hours. And that is the sad thing. What I do for my job takes me no longer than one hour. So what is it I’m supposed to do for the other seven? I don’t go to any sites one shouldn’t be viewing from work. In fact I haven’t had anything to say bad about this place for a long while.

    And that’s because I’m happy with my job. I’m getting forty hours a week and that’s all I want. The only thing else I could ask for was vacation pay, and it seems that is coming back. So you won’t see anything bad written by me about my place of employment. I got no reason to say anything bad. Except for this no internet shit.

    Views: 996
    Friday February 27th 2004
    Chatting 2 5:31 am-
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    After iming me every day since the initial conversation the kid finally got on my nerves:

    Session Start (Turk:Wannabe Webhost): Fri Feb 27 04:52:25 2004
    [04:52] Wannabe Webhost: hi
    [04:52] Turk: hi
    [04:52] Wannabe Webhost: can you host my forum
    [04:53] Turk: no
    [04:53] Wannabe Webhost: why
    [04:54] Turk: have you even been to my site/forum?
    [04:54] Wannabe Webhost: can I see it and what is the link
    [04:54] Turk: so you don’t even know my url?
    [04:54] Wannabe Webhost: can I see it
    [04:55] Turk: you just picked me off the phpBB forum list?
    [04:55] Wannabe Webhost: nope.
    [04:55] Turk: so how did you get my aim name?
    [04:55] Wannabe Webhost: phpbb forums
    [04:55] Turk: just at random?
    [04:56] Turk: or have you bugged others as well?
    [04:56] Wannabe Webhost: nope. I didn’t
    [04:56] Turk: so I’m special then
    [04:57] Wannabe Webhost: I will block you if you say something else bad
    [04:57] Turk: I’m not trying to be mean
    [04:57] Turk: you imed me
    [04:57] Wannabe Webhost: ok. so tell me… can you host my forum
    [04:57] Turk: no
    [04:57] Wannabe Webhost: why????
    [04:57] Turk: because I said no
    [04:58] Turk: I think blocking is a good idea
    [05:02] Wannabe Webhost: ok
    [05:02] Turk: Hotelblues.com is my site, learn about someone before you try to con them
    [05:04] Wannabe Webhost: you put a conversation of me in your update
    [05:04] Turk: yeah
    [05:04] Wannabe Webhost: why?
    [05:05] Turk: do I have to explain everything to you?
    [05:05] Turk: how old are you?
    [05:05] Wannabe Webhost: 11. and you are an idiot
    [05:05] Turk: yes that could be
    [05:06] Wannabe Webhost: you are AN IDIOT
    [05:06] Wannabe Webhost: IDIOT
    [05:06] Turk: I agree
    [05:06] Wannabe Webhost: IDIOT
    [05:06] Wannabe Webhost: IDIOT
    [05:06] Turk: yep
    [05:06] Wannabe Webhost: IDIOT
    [05:06] Wannabe Webhost: IDIOT
    [05:06] Turk: yep
    [05:06] Wannabe Webhost: IDIOT
    [05:06] Turk: sure am
    [05:06] Wannabe Webhost: IDIOT
    [05:06] Turk: I’m an idiot?
    [05:06] Wannabe Webhost: and delete my conversation
    [05:06] Turk: no
    [05:07] Wannabe Webhost: ok. diiiif
    [05:07] Turk: huh?
    [05:08] Turk: remember I’m an idiot
    [05:08] Wannabe Webhost: I’m blocking you **** idiot
    [05:08] Turk: ok
    [05:08] Turk: bye

    All this is making think about toggling that setting in Trillian that only let’s people on my list im me. Oh and I’m an idiot. I shouldn’t let this get me mad, but it does. I’m getting to old to have to deal with a 11 year olds shit. He’s blocking me? Jeez that is ironic.

    Views: 975
    Thursday February 26th 2004
    So You Want To Be A Manager? 2:16 am-
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    It’s a question that one time or another every employee thinks to themselves. I know I have in the past. I’ve thought to myself back in the old days “if these stupid fucks can do it, I can”, of course the option to become management never became something I had to worry about in the old days. But it is a question that a person asks themselves, even if they will not admit it.

    Everyone wants to be in charge. Especially when your young and ambitious. It’s just the way it is. The problem of course is if you get rejected. Or even worse if your not even ever asked. I spent a lot of time being angry because I was never even asked to become a front desk manager. But as one ages and loses that fire that pushes you ahead you find out getting angry and spending time worrying about it just isn’t worth it. Sometimes it’s better not being a boss. Believe me, I know what I’m talking about. My adventure in that la la land was more trouble than it was worth. It’s a lot simpler just being a peon. The pay you get just isn’t worth the all the shit you have to deal with.

    And for someone to want to be a manager at the current hotel I work at is sheer folly. If your asked to become a manager at that place don’t walk away. Run! Run like your life depended on it. Of course the current staff at the hotel doesn’t have anything to worry about. There’s only one person at the front desk qualified to be front desk manager if the present one quits and they won’t ask him. And no I’m not talking about me.

    The thing that I’m concerned about is that some people at the hotel are thinking about all this. Do your job and just put all the thought of becoming boss behind you. It won’t happen anyway. They didn’t ask anyone at the desk to be management before the new front desk manager came in. And they won’t ask when the new front desk manager leaves. And I would stop acting like a boss.

    And while I’m on this subject. I don’t appreciate hearing from a co-worker about how I’m making mistakes at work, only to find out it was just a fucking desk clerk that was saying this. It’s not your fucking job to critique me. You would think that a person would have enough sense to worry about themselves. The situation can get a lot worse at the hotel. So concentrate on yourself and let the correct people to do the management.

    Views: 1,131
    Tuesday February 24th 2004
    Chatting 4:22 am-
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    What do I do to get these weird chats with people? The last time this happened it was some young asl chick. This time it was some wannabe webhost, who you got to give props to for either being that much of a newb or a guy who has very big balls:

    Session Start (Turk:Wannabe Webhost): Tue Feb 24 03:36:33 2004
    [03:36] Wannabe Webhost: Hello Are you there?
    [03:36] Turk: yeah
    [03:36] Wannabe Webhost: do you have a server
    [03:37] Turk: web server?
    [03:37] Wannabe Webhost: yes
    [03:37] Turk: yeah
    [03:37] Wannabe Webhost: and can you host people
    [03:37] Turk: yeah if I want to
    [03:37] Wannabe Webhost: so do you want to host people now
    [03:38] Turk: no, not really
    [03:38] Wannabe Webhost: why
    [03:38] Turk: I’m not in the hosting business
    [03:38] Wannabe Webhost: ok. but can you host me. I’m <name removed>
    [03:38] Turk: I host a few sites for friends and that’s about it
    [03:38] Turk: <name removed>?
    [03:39] Wannabe Webhost: yeah. from phpbb.com/phpBB
    [03:39] Turk: I’m sorry I don’t know you
    [03:40] Wannabe Webhost: ok. but can you host me. I run a hosting company which is closed because I closed it
    [03:40] Turk: sorry to hear that
    [03:40] Wannabe Webhost: ok. and I need a very good host to host my company. would you do it
    [03:41] Turk: nope but these people will be more than happy to help you http://www.pascomwebhosting.com/
    [03:41] Wannabe Webhost: nope. I need free good hosting
    [03:41] Turk: can’t help you I’m afraid
    [03:42] Wannabe Webhost: why. please can you host me… if you host other sites you can host me
    [03:43] Turk: One, as I said the sites I host are friends. Two, I’m running out of webspace
    [03:43] Turk: so you will have to look elsewhere. I’m sorry
    [03:44] Wannabe Webhost: and how much webspace do you have
    [03:44] Turk: 750 megs total and I’m down to less than 50 megs now
    [03:44] Wannabe Webhost: oh.
    [03:45] Wannabe Webhost: and can you install cpanel
    [03:45] Turk: no
    [03:45] Wannabe Webhost: why
    [03:45] Turk: that’s something my host does
    [03:46] Turk: I run a website not a hosting company
    [03:46] Turk: what kind of site will you have?
    [03:47] Wannabe Webhost: hosting company
    [03:47] Turk: you said a company, what you selling?
    [03:47] Wannabe Webhost: hosting
    [03:47] Turk: you want me to host your webhosting company?
    [03:47] Wannabe Webhost: yes. i will be very grateful
    [03:48] Turk: and am I supposed to host all of the people that sign up for your web hosting?
    [03:48] Wannabe Webhost: yes. or maybe no
    [03:48] Turk: yeah, you new to this kind of thing?
    [03:48] Wannabe Webhost: yes.
    [03:49] Turk: so will you be selling this space from your hosting company?
    [03:49] Wannabe Webhost: what space
    [03:49] Turk: your going to be a webhost, are you charging for the webspace you host?
    [03:50] Wannabe Webhost: maybe. maybe not.. I’m thinking of having paid and free hosting
    [03:51] Turk: Again I say no to you then. My webhost is a nice guy and he wouldn’t like it very much if I gave out space to someone who in turn will sell it out for his own profit
    [03:51] Turk: it was nice talking to you though, good luck on your company

    Do I have a sign name that says easy mark or something? Does the name Turk scream out to you all as the name of a guy who is stupid and easily duped into things? This is why I’m always tempted to only allow people on my buddy list access to talking to me. Not that I’m a super popular guy or anything.

    I did pimp my webhost. Pas-Com Web-Hosting has to be the single best webhost on the internet. I don’t just say that because I’m late paying for the month. They really are awesome and I would recommend them to anyone looking for a cheap (yet very good) webhost.

    Views: 1,286
    Tuesday February 10th 2004
    Do It Right 12:03 am-
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    I hate when someone does something half ass. It just bugs me. I mean if your going to do something, do it right. This is my “How To Delete Games For General Managers”, just because I think it makes a person look pretty dumb if they delete something and they don’t know how (or is to lazy) to empty the recycle bin. So I have a five step program guaranteed to delete pesky game folders.

    One Two
    Three Four

    Step 1. Find the offending game folder and delete it either by clicking on it and hitting the delete key, or you can right click on it and select delete.

    Step 2. When the little box comes up asking yes or no to delete the file, click yes.

    Step 3. This is where it gets tricky. Right click on the Recycle Bin and select Empty Recycle Bin.

    Step 4. When the box pops up again make sure to click yes to get rid of that pesky game forever. Make sure to remember if you fail to do step 4, the game is not deleted. And it will get back on the computer.

    Step 5. If Step 4 was completed successfully sit back and enjoy your triumph over your employees.

    Views: 958
    Monday January 5th 2004
    Long Live The Consultant! 11:27 pm-
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    The consultant is dead, long live the consultant! The consultant was only mentioned twice directly. The first time I wrote about the consultant it was only obvious to me. In fact if you read that first post that was all about my first meeting with the guy, my feelings now may be apparent. And what are my feelings about the consultant now? Simply that I outlasted another one of the people that come to the hotel to change it for the better. Not that the consultant didn’t make changes for the better. Thanks to the consultant I’m able to smoke in back without reprimand. Other than the now discarded Points System, I guess that was all that the consultant did really. But really that is enough isn’t it?

    Views: 803
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