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    Wednesday August 9th 2006
    The Issue 1:52 am-
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    I was late getting to work tonight. The second shift lady not wanting to have to work my shift calls the sheriff. The sheriff tells the second shift lady to call the gm. Big surprise there. So the second shift lady calls the gm’s Douche Bag’s hotel room. She gets no answer. Another big surprise. She is smart enough to leave the gm a message. Which at just about this point I show up 24 minutes late.

    The second shift lady explains everything that had happened in my 24 minute absence. She warns me that the gm Douche Bag may call in regards to her message. Which he does. Now mind you that I’ve not spoken more than three or four words to the gm since the first time we talked and his subsequent commenting frenzy. His call is as brief as any of our recent conversations. It went something like this:

    Douche Bag: I hear you were late. What is the issue?
    Me: Issue?
    Douche Bag: Yes the issue.
    Me: The Issue why I was late?
    Douche Bag: Yes.
    Me: The issue is that I was late.
    Douche Bag: Ok.

    Now the whole thing was very confusing to me. For a number of reasons. The issue? I’m still stumped by that. The issue is that I hate my job and you and everyone at the hotel and that I have to talk myself into coming into work and I have to continue to talk myself into staying once I get to work. That is the fucking issue. Can I tell him that? Should I have told him that? Fuck him. If the gm does not know my issues with the hotel by now, he will never know them.

    And when did being late really become an issue? The idiot seemed to get by quite fine without ever getting or trouble. I wonder if she had to ever explain the issue of why she was late. And she was late every single goddamn day. I wonder if this will become an issue. I wonder if they will write me up for this? Keep in mind the idiot never got written up for the time she was super late. The idiot was never written up as far as I know.

    Not that any of that matters. I’m filling out applications and turning them in with my resume. It is only a matter of time and luck now. All I need is a job offer and the issue is all gone. I’ll take any job that is full time and equal in pay to this current job. I doubt very much that I will make my “deadline” of the 10th. It will not bother me if I miss my mark. If I do, oh what a glorious day that will be. And my day will come. I have nothing but time.

    Views: 1,088
    Monday August 7th 2006
    F&B Troubles 2:19 am-
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    Trouble in the F&B department:

    August 5th 2006
    Management and Employees:

    This is to notify you that as of NOW Cathy P and Karla B have resigned. We do not feel we owe the Management any notice due to the fact we have already been replaced and you are using us to train your new staff.

    The F&B Manager has hired <Name Removed> as the Restaurant Manager (who has no experience in the restaurant business but is a friend of hers)? <Name Removed> was hired to train as Bar Manager, which he told numerous people both at the Shithole and outside the Shithole. Another new hire for bartending was told her hours would increase as soon as Cathy and Karla are weeded out. This conversation was overheard by another Management employee who informed both Cathy and Karla of this. When Cathy approached the F&B Manager with this info. The F&B Manager told her she needed to chose between Management and bartending. Cathy found the remark confusing, as a Restaurant and a Bar Manager have already been hired along with two other bartenders that are in the training process.

    After three years of loyal service and numerous hours of personal time that we have both invested into the Shithole we have decided not to be used by F&B and the GM to train our replacements.

    Good luck and Goodbye to all of our friends.

    Even though I’ve often said negative things about the hotels restaurant and bar I do feel for the employees of the hotel. To have to put up with this kind of treatment is terrible. This is further proof of the kind of management at the hotel. The kind that does not give two shits about it’s employees. They don’t even care to hide the fact that they try to replace someone. If you work there and you think that the management gives a shit about you, I’m sorry to say that you are sadly mistaken. This management team does not care about it’s employees and they don’t even try to fake it. They are the worst management this hotel has ever had. And they are some of the worst people I have ever had the displeasure to meet.

    Views: 1,136
    Friday July 28th 2006
    Still No Security 1:57 am-
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    Remember when I wrote about the problem with the lack of real security at the hotel? I do of course. And do you remember when the gm said the following in a comment to the security post:

    Letting engineering do security is a temporary solution. The “rent a cops” will be back.

    That was over two months ago. Man the gm has a pretty crazy definition of the word temporary. Perhaps the real problem is that he doesn't really know the definition of the word solution.

    I like this quote even better:

    After many years of dealing with people – I’ve yet to figure out how to MAKE people work somewhere they don’t want to – and frankly I wouldn’t want them to. Whatever their reasoning said or unsaid – if your not able and willing to do the job – find another.

    So the way I read that above is that he didn't want the cops doing security. Just to clarify he says it himself here in this part:

    I’ve yet to figure out how to MAKE people work somewhere they don’t want to – and frankly I wouldn’t want them to.

    So it's funny when I hear the rumor that he himself has asked the cops back to work. It's even funnier when I got confirmation on this rumor. The gm did ask the cops back. Which to me makes him a liar as well as an incompetent manager.

    I call him an incompetent manager and perhaps that is unfair. But tonight, as an example, I would be hard pressed to think of any other adjectives to describe him. Tonight is a busy night. We are damn near full. Sports teams running wild all over the hotel. They were tearing up the pool area and fighting out there. Yet we need no security on the weekday. I received a few complaints and even had a bar employee call me to tell me what was going on in the pool area.

    So I call the gm. He is of course not on property. I know this because there is no answer in his room. I call his cell and of course get forwarded to voice mail. Then I do the only thing I can, call the cops. Which at this point I feel like I'm looking like a complete fucking idiot because I can't handle what's going on in the hotel.

    The gm calls back a few minutes later asking the dumbest thing possible "did you call?" Well no shit I called you, fucking jackass. Who else is going to call you inbetween the hours of 11pm to 7am? His great advice is to call the cops. Not that I honestly expected help from the guy. Like him going to the pool area himself to get order restored. That would be a sight to see.

    Views: 1,006
    Saturday July 22nd 2006
    Comments! 10:01 am-
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    A a guy named Some Dude posted this comment. Every now and then I get one of these. But this is supposedly from fellow night auditor. So much for solidarity huh? Now really quickly I’ll answer each point of his message and then we will look at just possibly who and where Some Dude is, just to give a comparisons between the two of us night auditors.

    I am astonished that you haven’t been fired!

    Honestly this is the only point I agree with you on.

    The attitude conveyed on your site doesn’t seem congruent to the type of attitude needed for the hospitality industry.

    Well fuck me you are way to smart for me man. I don’t think I could even use conveyed and congruent in the same sentence.

    I am a night auditor because I choose and love to do it.

    Believe it or not I also am a night auditor because I choose and love to do it. You may find that hard to believe. But it is true. Perhaps you should read over this site again and see if you can get a clearer picture of what I deal with at my hotel.

    It seems you are soo miserable; if so, why not find another occupation?

    As stated before I love my job. I even love the hotel I’m at. It’s not me, it’s the clueless owners and managers that make me miserable. I was there first. So I expect them to get their shit together and start running the place the way I see it should be run. Which even if my idea of how a hotel should be run is totally wrong, can the chaotic mess these people are causing be the right way? You will have to let me know about that Some Dude.

    Some Dude let’s take a look at him now. Here is his ip. This ip is tied into the first. Which makes me wonder why such an exemplary auditor would be doing google searches for night auditor blog while on the clock at such a nice hotel. Did you read enough to make your opinion of me? I think your more than just a night auditor. Perhaps you are also a Night Manager? Come on you can admit it. Don’t you think your entire statement is suspect just because of your manager status. You managers are in some sacred brotherhood I sometimes think. You all got to stick together and fight the evil injustice that I represent?

    That maybe a tad melodramatic but it’s funny how every manager I get tends to disagree with my views on my hotel. Perhaps you should join in the discussion of night audit in my forums. You will see a different face that the auditors wear over at NightAudit.com. Maybe we could even discuss these topics further. Because I feel like trying to explain myself if you really are a fellow night auditor. So that jut maybe we could win you over to our brotherhood.

    Views: 1,468
    Friday July 21st 2006
    How Bad? 12:20 am-
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    So how bad does the hotel’s bar and restaurant suck? It sucks so bad the gm approves a local redneck bar to put up flyer’s:

    Enjoy Some Great Music And Karaoke Performed
    By DJ/KJ’s <Name Removed> And <Name Removed>. Have Fun Singing, Dancing
    Or Just Kick Back And Listen….

    Eat, Drink And Have A Good Old Time!

    ***Saturday Nights 9 pm Until 1:00 am. ***

    I know our bar and restaurant sucks. Believe me I know. But jesus do we need to advertise a place like this? This bar above is the kind of place that closes at bar time and then opens again early in the morning. It’s the kind of place that has a sign out front saying they will tow away any car that is not American made.

    But this is the place the gm wants our costumers to go to. Which says a whole lot of his ability to run the hotel. I’m starting to really wonder about this guys qualification’s. Perhaps it was a padded resume that made the owners hire him. Or more likely it is another sign that the owners have less a clue than the managers they hire on how to run a hotel. Either way it’s sad. Sad that this is the way the hotel is.

    Views: 968
    Thursday July 13th 2006
    Times Up 3:44 am-
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    I make eight dollars and seventy five cents a hour. I've not received a raise in over five years. That's half a decade. I've been told that is a long time to go without getting a raise. I'm also told quite often that I should have my head examined for still working at the hotel. For this half decade it's not really bothered me all that much. It's not bothered me because I knew that the hotel was not getting it's 8.75 a hour from me. If they are lucky they get about 1.25 a hour from me any given night.

    This all changed late sunday/early monday. You see not only did I not give them a full days wage I also played computer games every night at work. It ended when Node 1 died. Which it's not very surprising when you look at how the hotel handles computers. How any of these computers have lasted as long as they did is nothing but luck. When we got WinPM we received 8 computer systems. We now have 2 or 3 left running. I've often told these stupid fucks what they need to do. They choose not to listen to me. Which is fine. Let their retarded "IT" guy handle this shit.

    So I played games. I played a lot of games. I played EverQuest, Dark Age of Camelot, World of Warcraft, and City of Villains at work. Each night I played these games for just about the entire 8 hours. It's what made having this crap job ok. It's why I didn't mind making only 8.75 for the last 5 years. Where else could I get a job were the bosses are so dumb that they let the employees play computer games all night? It's even worse when you realize that the management had no clue I was doing so. Nor could they stop me if they wanted to.

    But now this job just isn't good enough. The lack of raises has finally caught up with me. I can go and find another job and get payed more to do the same (no games) thing. Why settle for this piece of shit job now? It's not like these clueless fucks at work even give a shit. So while I go from playing computer games all night I now will be getting my resume put together and be using work time to look for a new job. It also means I have more time to work on my website. Which is the next best thing to playing games at work.

    It just feels like my time is up. My time has been up for a long time. I've just postponed it. Maybe in august I will do the unexpected. Next month is special because that is when the lady who does the audit on the weekends is supposed to quit. It would be rather satisfying to quit at the same time just to really fuck them over good. No two weeks notice either. Eight dollars and seventy five cents a hour doesn't get them a two weeks notice. At 8.75 they would count themselves lucky if I called them up in the middle of then night to say go fuck yourselves. Nope I'm going to leave nice and quiet. When the times up.

    Views: 1,405
    Wednesday June 28th 2006
    Cheap Fucks 5:29 am-
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    It’s been a year and a half since the hotel’s anti-virus license has expired. They still run the useless outdated McAffe Virus scan on some of the computers here. But it appears that more than a few of the computers are running AVG Anti-Virus Free now. It’s funny how management totally disregards the License Agreement:

    AVG Anti-Virus Free is for private, non-commercial, single home computer use only. Use of AVG Anti-Virus Free within any organization or for commercial purposes is strictly prohibited.

    So I’ve decided to narked them out. Fuck them. I’ve had it with these fucking cheap ass cocksuckers and their continued nickel and diming. It seems these people never have heard that you have spend money to make money. Yeah I’m more than a little pissed off that it’s been over five years since I got a raise. With all of this cutting corners and cheating the system the hotel does I would think they can afford to give me a raise. But no. They just keep doing shit like this.

    At some point I keep thinking that shit will change. That the managers and owners will eventually wake the fuck up and start running this hotel the way it is supposed to be run. I also think that they should have taken better care of covering up shit like this. I guess they have no clue just how pissed off a guy can get when it’s been over 5 years since his last raise. Sometimes you got to learn the hard way.

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