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    Friday December 15th 2006
    Signature Training 12:48 am-
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    Yesterday we had a Signature Training follow up meeting. Now since I’ve only worked at the hotel for a few months I missed out on the first part of the training. This training was held from 2pm to 6pm, which sucked for me because it’s right in the middle of my sleep times. It was another one of these training programs that spells out common sense down to the letter.

    As it turns out we also use the Mystery Shopping that Signature offers. This is where people from this company call the hotel and go through the process of booking a reservation with whomever is working to make sure they are following their Magic Formula. Their Magic Formula is 16 steps that the hotel has stripped down to 6 steps that guarantees a 100% Mystery Shopping score. Which to me sort of shows the flaws in this Magic Formula of theirs.

    The best part of all of this is that they record these calls that they make checking up on the hotel. The hotel can call a 800 number to listen to the recorded calls to see how they did. You simply enter in your 5 digit hotel id and you can listen to all the calls for your hotel. Or you can alter the 5 digits to listen to other hotels calls. Which in itself should provided hours of entertainment for me when I’m bored.

    But it is a good thing. I’m rusty as hell when it comes to my dealing with the guest skills. I had built up a hate for all guests in the years that I worked at the worst hotel ever. So even though it was all common sense, it was needed (in my case) to put me in the right perspective.

    Views: 1,133
    Saturday October 28th 2006
    Equal Pay Act Update 1:48 pm-
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    The contender for the biggest douche bag in the universe responds to my Equal Pay Act complaint:

    One Two

    For fun the gm douche bag cites two of my posts: Equal Pay Act and Times Up. My response will come in 30 days.

    Views: 1,205
    Saturday October 7th 2006
    Unemployment 2:04 pm-
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    Small update on my unemployment status. Those bastards at the worst hotel ever fought my unemployment. Which really is no surprise seeing the character (douche bags) of both the gm and the sheriff. First pic is the notice of them fighting. The second is the notice saying I get unemployment.

    Shithole Fights Unemployment Shithole Looses, I Win

    Worthless fucks. Honestly I will never stop bad mouthing these people. I will take great glee when we are sold out and people will ask for where else they can stay. I will take great pains to explain how bad the hotel is and how worthless the employees are that run it. I also will enjoy spending my free money from those assholes for my week and a half of unemployment.

    Views: 1,573
    Friday October 6th 2006
    Shithole Robbed, Again 3:02 pm-
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    Man what a day off. Nothing like talking to the man and having your domicile searched.

    The "Good" Cops Card

    Update 4:49 pm
    So as it turns out the shithole that I was fired from was robbed at an undetermined time yesterday supposedly. I have no concrete dates and times because the good cop/bad cop that questioned me didn’t having a fucking clue as they decided it was best to come right away and question me.

    They were following procedures they said in questioning me. They had asked for names of employees recently fired. They were prepared enough when they arrived at my house. One local police car, one county car, and one county van (paddy wagon?). At the station they had also already called in the csi guy to get my finger prints. So excuse me if I don’t believe the “we are following procedure” cover story.

    The questioning was a standard affair. The “good” cop asked the questions and the “bad” cop wrote down what I said. The “bad” cop looked like he was very good at being the tough guy bad cop. The whole questioning revolved around them asking pointed questions all leading up to the same place. As I asked questions back it is revealed that computer equipment was stolen.

    So all of the questions of course did lead up to the inevitable end that I’m am a computer guy so I would steal the computers. I was asked what I had access to. I was asked if I had ever been in stuff that I shouldn’t. I was asked if I knew anyone else who would be disgruntled enough to steal from work. Which I replied everyone who works there, past and present.

    The whole thing was rather scary. If it is as I suspect and I was point blank accused of stealing the shitholes fucked up computer. I don’t know of anyone stupid enough to want to steal those shitty virus ridden computers. I wouldn’t that much is fucking certain. I’m sure as shit not going to keep the shit I stole at my house. More than anything I took that as an insult to my intelligence.

    Let me be perfectly clear that there is nothing I want from that hotel. The only thing that will please me is to hear that the place went out of business. I would smile if I heard that something very fucking horrible happened to either the gm or the sheriff. I won’t waste my time wishing for their demise. In good time every one of those worthless cocksuckers will get whats coming to them. Some sooner than others.

    Since getting a new job I was ready to forget about filing my complaint against the hotel regarding the Equal Pay Act. But now I’m more than ready to take this complaint stuff to the bitter fucking end. I’m also going to use the Freedom of Information Act to get copies of the police report concerning this matter they felt I was worth talking to about. I’ll post that info here when I get it.

    Views: 1,629
    Wednesday September 27th 2006
    New Poll 6:50 pm-
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    There is a new poll down there. It asks the simple (yet loaded) question: What is the Best Hotel brand? Two choices. One of the few times brand names will ever appear here on this website. Either Holiday Inn or Ramada Inn. Pick the hotel you would stay at. I’m very interested to see what public opinion is on these brands. So scroll down a little and vote! If you have something to share about either of these brands leave a comment.

    What is the Best Hotel brand?

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    Historic Footnote
    This day was my first day at the new hotel.

    Views: 2,046
    Monday September 25th 2006
    The Last PayDay 5:09 pm-
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    Today is payday. Today is extra special because it’s the last time I have to set foot in that poor dilapidated building. The last time I ever have to see those assholes that work there. As per the usual incompetence of that hotel, I of course had no check waiting for me. The sheriff being a hell of a nice guy was able to wrangle out my last check from the foreign gentleman that does accounting now. It is of note that my last check had only my first name printed on it. Even at the bitter end these people fuck it up.

    While I waited for the foreign gentleman to print my check I was able to get a copy of my Personnel Record as per the Personnel Record Review Act. And just so the lardass in the secretary’s office stays informed, below is the bit that says nothing about one asking nicely for a copy of his file:

    Every employer shall, upon an employee’s request which the employer may require be in writing on a form supplied by the employer, permit the employee to inspect any personnel documents which are, have been or are intended to be used in determining that employee’s qualifications for employment, promotion, transfer, additional compensation, discharge or other disciplinary action.

    My Personnel Record is below. All ten pages. None of which are writeups, discharge papers, or other disciplinary actions. The reason for my firing remains that the mysterious “powers to be” decided “the morale of the team would be better without me.”

    Page One Page Two

    For the rest click the read more link.

    Views: 1,418
    Sunday September 17th 2006
    Fired Again 1:02 pm-
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    Fired again. It’s official. Damn near word for word transcription of the recorded phone conversation.

    Sheriff: Good afternoon this is the Sheriff.
    Turk: Hi Sheriff this is Turk.
    Sheriff: Hey yeah.
    Turk: Hey I checked the schedule last night. I’m not on the… I don’t have time on the schedule.
    Sheriff: Oh yeah, I guess I… I guess I forgot to put you on the schedule.
    Turk: So I’d.. Just you know… Am I working or not?
    Sheriff: Umm… No actually, no your not working.
    Turk: Yeah er. Could you care to explain?
    Sheriff: Yeah I will explain. Actually I was going to be in here tonight anyways. But uh, the powers to be have decided to let you go.
    Turk: So I’ve been fired?
    Sheriff: Um. Yeah. I… I’d… If you want to put it in that sense. Yes. It wasn’t my decision. But they’ve let you go.
    Turk: What was the reasoning for my being let go?
    Sheriff: Well like I say. The powers that be let you go.
    Turk: Was there a reason or did just decided just to just let me go?
    Turk: Theres got to be a reason.
    Sheriff: I think part of it was just to let you go. I think they they deemed that the morale of the team would be better without you.
    Turk: (laughing to myself) Ok.
    Turk: Alright I guess that works.
    Sheriff: Yeah. But um. But no I didn’t want to see you go. But of course my vote was out voted by everybody else.
    Turk: No of course. Of course. Thank you Sheriff.
    Sheriff: But no. Because I think. I think your one hell of an auditor and I can work with you. I don’t care what your attitude is or anything like that. I just said your a hell of an auditor and I can work around all… all your attitudes and stuff like that.
    Turk: (laughing again) Well I think my attitudes justified.
    Sheriff: Yeah. And I agree also.
    Turk: Ok well thanks Sheriff you have a good day.
    Sheriff: You do the same Turk
    Turk: Yeah I’ll try.
    Sheriff: Ok.

    The Sheriff ladies and gentlemen. Give him a round of applause for that performance. Bravo!

    Here is the mp3 of the above conversation:

    Fuck him. I think the sheriff has to be heard. Just so one can understand the magnitude of his pussy factor.

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