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    Wednesday February 1st 2006
    My First Death Threat 6:10 am-
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    I think I just got my first death threat. Some asshole just called the hotel and left me with a warning to watch my back. I can’t exactly remember the whole thing because I was so intimidated by his weasel like sounding voice. I do remember the last bit though. The part that was the threat. The “you better watch your back” part.

    You are a very dumb fucker you realize that? You call a place of business that happens to record the phone conversations and you threaten one of it’s employees? You realize that that (unlike you) I can use a process of elimination to figure out who it was that called. I’m sure that some random fucking hillbilly sounding yokel will find out the hotel I work at and call to threaten me for shits and giggles. I’m going to even guess that you happen to be related to one of the idiots.

    So with that being said I’ll take my chances with you. You know where I work asshole come on down. But you know your really beneath me. What are you prepared to do? You prepared to kill me or just kick the shit out of me? Be a man. Fact of the matter is I’ve already called the cops and talked to them. I’m prepared to fight for my beliefs, are you?

    Views: 1,007
    No Timecards 4:59 am-
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    You know it’s getting to the point that I wish I could just tell all of you that I make all of this nonsenses up regarding the hotel. I really wish I could. And I often think to myself that the place can’t get any worse. Only to find that even before the thought can clear my mind that it has indeed gotten worse.

    Today for example. Pay periods at the shithole end on every 15th and last day of the month. So on those days whomever is working the audit has to pull the timecards and replace the old ones with new. Pretty simple right? Timecards are left out at the desk for the auditors. Once the last person punches out (other than the auditor) you pull all the time cards and put them in the back for the “accounting” people. Then of course you put the new timecards out. Very simple process.

    So what happens when you don’t have new timecards? Well in the past it was a simple mistake and there have been these spares that you use to show new people how to punch in. Well there are no spare and there are no new ones. I’ve looked all over this goddamn shithole of a hotel for these timecards and I can’t find them. Thank the gods I can still use my old one to punch out with. It makes you wonder why exactly there are no new timecards for me to put out?

    Let me tell you a story. There once was a nice lady who worked in back and she made sure that things in the back office ran the way they should. She was responsible for payroll (because the hotels accounting department is staffed with idiots) and getting me the new timecards. She quit is the happy ending to this story. She was able to find a place that wanted to give her raises. A place that treats good employees the way they should be treated. With respect.

    So all the place has in the back office is the sheriff of operations. Oh jesus we are all fucked! No one is getting payed ever again! Our lives are in the hands of someone who can not even run the front desk the way it should be ran. Run for the fucking hills people! About the only good this sheriff has done (as I see it) is be the inspiration for MyBossIsAPussy.com (shameless plug) and thats not saying much is it?

    I’m going to enjoy this morning as I try to explain to the employees of this hotel why they can’t punch in. Well I’m not really going to explain a goddamn thing to anyone. Everyone is on their own. This place keeps getting worse. I know that every time I say “it can’t get worse” that it does. I shudder to think what tomorrow brings.

    Views: 1,019
    Monday January 30th 2006
    This And That 11:31 pm-
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    I’m hearing some things and I of course wanted to touch on them here. The idiot numero uno is still constantly late. Late as defined by me being not getting your lazy ass into work at the time scheduled. If it say 7 am well get your dumb ass in so that when you punch in it is on or before 7 am. I understand being late a few times. I’m late now and then. So I guess I’m idiot number 3? Well not just yet.

    Today the idiot displayed a behavior I’ve heard about before. At 3 the idiot expects to go home. Yeah that means you better not be late for the second shift. Because that there would be wrong. Today I hear that the idiot was not going to balance their shift. The simple process of a few key presses in the computer. How is it this continues? How is it this idiot can expect to leave work at the correct time? Yet it’s to much to ask to arrive at the correct time? Questions that needed to be answered by the sheriff.

    Not directly related to the sheriff you may notice the new poll over on the sidebar. It asks the simple question “Is Your Boss a Pussy?” It’s a yes or no choice.

    Is Your Boss a Pussy?

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    It of course does relate to the coming of the website Mybossisapussy.com, which will be coming soon. We plan on offering a few fine products. Top being the My Boss Is A Pussy t-shirt. And maybe if the creative juices flow correctly we can have a I Work With Idiots t-shirt as well. Pricing will be fair. Transactions and shirts will be handled by the fine folks at CafePress.

    Views: 980
    Friday January 27th 2006
    Idiot Tales 12:15 am-
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    Yesterday morning was a little different. Same general structure of course. I want to leave on time and the idiot is of course late. The curve ball comes once the idiot gets to the hotel. I was baffled for a minute. Mind you that it’s at least 5 after 7 and I usually peel out of here once I see the idiot walk towards the front doors of the hotel.

    The odd thing that happened was that after the idiot punched in (I checked) they left the front desk area. I was of course very baffled. Even confused. There was a guest walking to the desk around the time this happened. Now I waited about 20 seconds before I punched out and left. As I walked outside to my car I was told hello by a guest I had checked in the night before. I watched as the poor bastard went in to the lobby and stood behind the guest already waiting.

    Now there are a fews things I could have done. As it is I got in my car and left. Last raise was how long ago? I don’t fucking care about the place once I’m off the clock. Shit I don’t give a fuck about the place when I’m on the clock for that matter. Give me a raise every year (I hear that happens at other local hotels) and I would wait for the idiot. I would help the guests. But as it stands everyone has to fend for themselves. Me, the idiot, and the guest. The guest really have it the worst. At least I’m payed to be at the hotel. I feel sorry for these poor bastards that have to pay the hotel to be there.

    Views: 1,221
    Thursday January 26th 2006
    They Still Suck 12:42 am-
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    So I was going to password protect the last entry. I did for about 2 hours. I took it down even for another few hours. And then I said fuck it. The damage has been done already. If they fire me I’m going to move in with Gawain and his awesome Wife (a Firefly fan!). See as it turns out the wireless internet is coming back. So that makes me a happy employee. I’m not so crazy about getting fired again. As long as I have a good isp to use I’m content.

    Although it should be mentioned they still suck. You know when you check into a hotel and the desk clerk swipes your credit card? We can do that. But there will be no authorization done. So in effect we have no idea if a credit card is good or not. We are flying blind. Can you guess why we don’t get authorizations? That’s right. No pay, no play. The credit card authorization company switched us off yesterday. How did I find out this? The fine young foolish lady who works at MSI told me so. Talk about a case of need to know information. Next time honey hold that shit for the fucking manager/sheriff/head of operations type guy ok?

    That also means I will be delaying the “My Boss Is A Pussy” t-shirt design. I had even come up with a nifty graphic and all that jazz. In the meantime feel free to buy my old boring t-shirt.

    Views: 821
    Monday January 23rd 2006
    They Suck 4:07 am-
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    The hotel sucks so bad. How bad? I’m glad you asked. Where to start?

    Paying bills. They don’t. Well they do only after they have put it off for as long as they possibly can. They dodge phone calls of people looking for money. They get faxes wanting bills payed. It goes so much farther than that unfortunately. When you check in your given a key. The key comes in this little red key holder. Inside this little guy they list 5 bullet points. The big one is:

    • High speed wireless internet

    This is one of those features every hotel really must have to please the business traveler guest. It took the shithole forever to get it. It lasted a month. The local cable company had to pull the plug because (can anyone guess?) the hotel didn’t pay the bill. Which on a related subject I’m glad that it wasn’t that they had caught on to me playing City of Villains at work.

    And I could go on and on about these fucking deadbeats that run/own this hotel. But I would rather talk about the amazing person I call the sheriff. The sheriff is now the head of operations of the shithole. This douche bag gets a promotion for not doing dick? Hurray for the sheriff! Honestly what in the name of whatever god you worship has this person done to deserve this promotion?

    I tell you what the sheriff hasn’t done. Well nothing. Besides being the biggest pussy to hold the job this person does none of the duties as I see they should. Yeah it’s all my opinion here people. But as I see it the issues with the idiot desk clerk one should have been handled a long time ago. Only at this hotel can you come into work everyday and not get in trouble. But it so much worse than that. The sheriff also likes to shirk their responsibilities to actually come into work. One of the good employees (one of two) had to work sixteen hours yesterday. Because of idiot two not coming in when it had been agreed that certain schedule changes would be made.

    The sheriff also didn’t come in on a day he was scheduled (yesterday) which would have helped the good employee if he had came in to work. Which it is a very amusing coincidence that the pool is closed over the weekend (broken pipe never going to be fixed) and no guest were told when they checked in over the weekend. Who did a lot of the checking in? The sheriff. So is it a big surprise when the sheriff doesn’t come in on sunday when all of these pissed off people checked out? I think not.

    And I’m afraid it’s much worse than that. The hotel is getting split up. So the rooms, restaurant, and banquet hall are going to be separate entities. Which to my mind is just nothing but bad. It means that the place can start to be sold off bit by bit. Rumors have it that this has already happened to the restaurant and banquet hall. How much longer before the hotel end of things is sold or closed even? I say the time is good to be getting. That everyone who has any sense should start looking elsewhere for a job. I know I am.

    Views: 1,040
    Thursday January 19th 2006
    Idiot Time 7:00 am-
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    This subject just manges to confuse and irritate me to no end. But it’s something that I feel needs to be explored. It’s something of a phenomenon now I have decided. Maybe akin to some sort of sci-fi mumble jumble about time warps? I’m talking about the three time zones that manage to inhabit this one hotel.

    First there is real time, followed by hotel time, and finally there is the strange thing I call idiot time. At the top of the page you will find a real time example of what I’m talking about.

    See I had grown to understand that real time and hotel time is different. It was just one of those things. It was something I could deal with. What’s a five minute addition? But the addition of idiot time is just to much for me to take. Adding a generous additional 5 minutes to the hotel time means it’s ten more minutes until I can get out of the shithole. It’s unforgivable that this kind of thing is allowed.

    It also make one question what exactly does the sheriff do at the hotel? He doesn’t seem to want to do his job that is clear. And I am getting really fucking sick of this bullshit. I have to wait extra because this stupid bitch can not make it to work on time? Is that fair? Every fucking day this chick is late. And does this supposed manager do a goddamn thing? No. It makes me wonder what it is exactly the people in charge saw in this guy to pick him over me to be the front desk manager.

    If it was me it would have been real simple. The idiot is late every day? Well guess what? That bitch is fired. Simple as that. And then since I’m not a fucking pussy I would have worked the additional time until I could find a new person. I would have been happy to work in the idiots place. Since in this scenario I would have been the boss and that is just the kind of things bosses do. But not this boss. Not the sheriff.

    I have made it my goal in life to see this bitch shit canned one way or another. I also make it a point to be to work on time when I know the idiot will relieve me in the morning. Now if the sheriff doesn’t mind this idiot being late every goddamn day, I’m betting he may have a problem with the overtime I accumulate because of her. An additional 5-10 minutes a day isn’t anything to ignore when the hotels primary goal is to cut costs and maximize profits.

    I only mention all of this just for the fact that here it is 7:00 am in the morning. It’s all relative of the timezone you happen to keep track of. So far the idiot isn’t here yet. It’s really complicated to figure out if she’s 5 minutes late or 10 minutes late or shit she maybe right on time when she finally manages to get her dumb ass into work. Of course if she happens to come in at 7:00 am real time does that make her any where from 5-10 minutes early to work? It really just gives me a headache.

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