I have not posted to the site in a while, so let me introduce my self. I am the GM at a hotel in South Beloit. Any one interested in a GM’s thoughts can view my section of the webpage at G.M. Letters. I will be updating it in a week or so.
I want everyone to behave we have had our first visitor from another local hotel. So everyone say hi to Jill an employee at a sister chain here in Beloit. Let me be the first to say Hi Jill. This is what Jill had to say:
I was bored at work (Beloit Express), so I pulled up your web page. I am quite impressed. Encore does suck. I have many more comments, but I haven’t finished looking at your site. I can’t believe that you are posting the FDM’s password. Pretty cool.
This site made me laugh so hard I cried. Maybe I was crying because I was so bored working by myself with the grand title of MOD at the Beloit Holiday Inn Express. God, it is so nice to know that someone thinks the same things as you do about working for Bass Hotels and Resorts Inc.
Turk was very clear when he told me that those are not the FDM’s actual passwords. And I believe that Turk is a honest lad. Also We all love encore. So Jill I don’t see were you comments about encore came from. And Turk also wanted me to put up what she wrote in the guest book, because Turk says the rest of you should learn from Jill here and sign the guest book.
I of course don’t agree with the comment Jill made about working for Bass Hotels and Resorts Inc. Because as everyone knows I am a company man till death. And beside dear employees this is the best job a person can have. So once more everyone say hi to Jill. And be on the watch for my updated G.M. Letters. Till next time dear employees.