Well besides trying to rescue a really old Sobo Football cap from falling apart. It is so bad. This is a hat I have thrown up in twice. Ughh. Nasty, huh? Other than that I really have not been up to much. I did make a stop to the temp agency. They don’t have any gigs for me.
My old chum, Sarah , checked in recently with this to say in the GuestBook:
Hey there, It’s been so long since I have checked out your site. I could say I have been busy, but that is a pretty sad excuse. I am glad to see you have kept up with the page, hopefully employment will be in the near future. You should stop by this week Tue-Fri and chat if you are awake in the middle of the night. I’ll see you later. Take care!
I probably will stop in and see her, seeing how I am up all night. The last time I was in there I didn’t get asked to leave or anything like that. So what the hell.
Also my good bud Sergei Fedorov has recommended the book “One Hundred Years Of Solitude” to me. I didn’t find that title at my dads. But I did find “The Autumn Of The Patriarch” also by Gabriel Garcia Marquez. I ordered the other book from the library. The “The Autumn Of The Patriarch” is a little hard to read because it is one big paragraph. Which I find hard because you don’t know where to stop.