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    Tuesday April 11th 2000
    The Bushido Code 11:34 am-
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    Here is a bit on what the Bushido is. Dictionary.com says this:

    Bu·shi·do also bu·shi·do
    The traditional code of the Japanese samurai, stressing honor, self-discipline, bravery, and simple living.

    Bushido was the philosophy of the samurai, or bushi (military gentry), as they were commonly called. It has often been compared to the code of chivalry followed by European knights. Perhaps bushido’s aim was the same, namely to provide a code of honor and rules for living for the country’s armed forces. But bushido is uniquely a thing of the East. It was born of a blend of Buddhism, Chu-Tsu, Confucius and Shinto, and though officially introduced in the seventeenth century, it was ingrained in the bushi from the time of their origin.

    Following are the eight principles of bushido:

    Jin – to develop a sympathetic understanding of people
    Gi – to preserve the correct ethics
    Chu – to show loyalty to one’s master
    Ko – to respect and to care for one’s parents
    Rei – to show respect for others
    Chi – to enhance wisdom by broadening one’s knowledge
    Shin – to be truthful at all times
    Tei – to care for the aged and those of a humble station

    It’s getting weird around here, huh?

    Views: 1,836
    Monday April 10th 2000
    No Point To This 11:54 pm-
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    I feel like I’m in one of those moods were I want to share with all of you fine folks one of my current obsessions. I have been rather quiet as of late about anything regarding my so called personal life. But, I have had just the right amount of white zin (wink wink Isley) to not give a damn. To compliment the wine I have good old Mr. Frank Sinatra playing. Whenever I play Mr. Sinatra it always seems that I repeat Learning the blues. A certain someone has told me that I have a obsession with the Chairman Of The Board. Well so I do, Sinatra is like booze I’m not ready to go without him.

    So here is one of the obsession’s I am willing to talk about. Lately I have had a Samurai movie fetish going on. So I have decided I want and need to own a Samurai Sword. The reason? I’m glad you asked. It’s this, out of respect of humanity I would never think of owning a gun. A gun is a rather simple and destructive weapon. To me a gun is like a mouse, you just point and click. Now a Samurai Sword is an elegant weapon. It is a honorable weapon. It is not as easy to use the Samurai Sword as it would be to use a gun. In fact I would say that I have taken the whole Bushido Code to heart. I like to pride my self on being a honorable person. My Dad of course was quick to point out being honorable isn’t anything to brag about. He says that Honor has caused many bad things. Now I think he is right up to a point. I guess the whole idea of honor depends on your point of view.

    Back to the Samurai Sword. The reason I want one is that I’m getting paranoid in my old age. The question is would I use it? To that I say yes. Spider has mentioned the “Me and Mine” theory I have. If I ever had to kill a person I would honor them by using the Samurai Sword. Also to me I would be more respectful of the Samurai Sword than I would a fire arm. I’m not saying I have plains to commit homicide all I am saying is that if anyone hurts anything I care about I will take care of it in my own fashion.

    Another thing worth mentioning is that I feel an end coming. When I say that I mean that I look at life as an ongoing story. Every story has to have an ending. The pacing on the current storyline just feels like an end is just around the corner. Maybe that is the best thing. I don’t know how much longer I can take it. If I honor myself I have to make it end. Only a select few will understand this. It’s something I don’t talk to with to many people. I guess this is really for Isley. Who I feel I have dishonored. My present course of action has been what I feel another one of those stupid things he has to put up with. Sometimes I get the feeling you are sick of putting up with my problems. I hope this this is not the case. I do admit I have gotten carried away. So I ask for you to put up with my shit for just a little bit more.

    I guess that all I have to say. That and I’m running out of steam. What a drama.

    Views: 1,173
    Friday April 7th 2000
    Fun At Work 11:21 am-
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    For once in a long time I had an enjoyable night of work. I got to “train” a new lady. I shouldn’t call it training, I didn’t do a damn thing. I planted my ass on the couch and sat for nine hours. I also shouldn’t call her new either. Betty is one of those people who I always refer to as people from the “good old days.” She has put in some major time at the hotel in the past. Having her back is really nice. It makes working there a little easier.

    Now back to my method of training Betty. First Betty has worked at this specific brand of hotel chains for ten years or more. She’s done the Audit for a few of those years. So in my mind the need of a four day training period is a little ludicrous. But hey what do I know? So as I said I spent the majority of my night goofing off. At first I wasn’t going to get any days with Betty. But at the last minute I got a night with added to the schedule. So was all ready to mess around all night.

    All kidding aside I did show her a thing or two. The other auditor showed how to do things, she just showed Betty how to do everything complicated. My way is easier and faster. Which is what I learned from the old man. Well that’s pretty much it. I just about ready to hit the sack.

    Views: 1,187
    Wednesday March 1st 2000
    No News 5:30 am-
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    No news for the entire month of March 2000. But here is a snip from a post in 2001 that tells a little about this month:

    Last March was a lot of fun. The birthday outing was really good. Me and the Izer’s had fun that night. And thanks to the Harem Scarem Escort Service I had company that night. No not that kind of company. We went and saw the Julia Roberts movie Erin Brochivich. Which turned out to be a really good movie.

    Views: 946
    Tuesday February 15th 2000
    For You New People 1:35 pm-
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    I talked to a few of the ladies at work who have just entered the wonderful realm of personnel computing who had a few questions. Now I don’t claim to be a super genius when it comes to this pc stuff. I have been around. So I put up this page that covers how to add pages to your favorites and how to surf to other sites. Now these may seem like a stupid thing to have to show people. But it isn’t. For someone just starting out these are some pretty important questions. So those of you who are already web-savvy can just skip it.

    Now another thing I was telling these ladies about is the AOL Instant Messenger program. It can be downloaded here. This nifty little program lets you talk to other Instant Messenger users or even those people who are actual AOL users. So if you want to be able to IM like all of those AOL fools grab this guy.

    And because I’m feeling nice here’s a link of the day I borrowed from Blue’s News. The link of the day is a place called The Guide To Being L33T. You have to go and read it to really get it. Of course the newbies won’t get it. Sorry.

    Views: 1,193
    Saturday February 12th 2000
    Happy Birthday Lainey 1:00 pm-
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    Well it’s been a whole year since my friends the Isley’s became parents. Last year this time wasn’t much of a happy occasion. But today is different. A year ago the kid came fighting into this world. Now she has to fight off all of the people that love to come over and see her. That is the kind of change for the better that I like to see. Anyway the kid has made turn a little more mellow maybe. I don’t even try to play the tough guy around her any more. I couldn’t even if I wanted to now. I am just a big softy I guess. So I say Happy Birthday Elaine.

    On the bad side of this event, I would like to say that a years time has came way too fast. That pace of time has sped up again. In no time we will be celebrating her 16th birthday. That is the only thing I can say is bad about my friends having kids. Lets see in 15 years it will be? 2015 right? Ok in 2015 I’m going to be…. Oh shit I’ll be forty-three.

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    Friday February 4th 2000
    Because I Can 11:00 am-
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    Well I was going to write a brief bit mentioning that January 31st was the second anniversary of this website, and just didn’t out of laziness. I think it’s kind of funny that this page has made it to two years old. I was out of work last year for the first anniversary of the site. My readership has went up and my frequency of putting up something new has gone down. So I am going to try to put up something more often. I got the forth part of Management Memoirs that I’m stuck on right now, writers block can suck sometimes. Once again I make an offer to anyone out there (be it I know you or not) to write something if you have something you want to say. My old History Teacher told me I should give social commentary a shot, yet I just can’t make up my mind what social commentary is. So if you happen to surf by and you want to be heard send me an e-mail or sign the GuestBook or even toss it in the message board.

    The one other bit of news that is worth mentioning is I have a new Spider coming on board to write some stuff. I have known the guy for a long time so he should put up some interesting material. Spider was a pen name I used to write some rather offensive bits with out having anyone think it was me. It worked for a while. But some people are smart and figured out my so called writing style. Ok only one person that I know of actually figured it out (Hi Pete!). Any way the new Spider has his own password to the server and his own set of tools so he has pretty much free reign to do what he wants. But I trust him with my baby. Hopefully Spider will have something up later today.

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