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    Thursday December 20th 2001
    The GuestBook 2:34 am-
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    Hooray! A GuestBook entry, from Mike my Night Audit cohort. Here is what young Mike had to say:

    i really enjoyed the story about the FDM, ha! ha! my girlfriend laughed. Anyway, my email is messed up so i am gonna give you my girlfriends instead, um… have a good night at work!

    Man I aim to please. At least some of the times. But as my oldman say “you can only please some of the people some time, and jerk the rest off.” Okay that’s not something my oldman has said. Actually it was Robin Williams.

    Hey I have a new Poll up over there on the right. The question is what character would you be? The choices are: Doctor Who, Han Solo, Indiana Jones, Harry Potter, and a Girly Vampire. This Poll is of course an attempt by me to poke some fun at some of these goth peoples.

    And if you are one of those goth kinda types I have this to say to you. Don’t get all bent out of shape with anything I say. It’s not worth your time or mine. If you do get bent out of shape send me an e-mail or sign the Guestbook so I can taunt you a second time.

    Views: 1,782
    Wednesday December 19th 2001
    Flights Of Fancy 7:14 am-
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    So I’m chatting with a guy who signed the GuestBook back on April 18th and he thinks I’m a girl. Now I wonder do I write like a chick? I would think my habit of referring to women as chicks would get my gender straight to people who read the site.

    The conversation was unique to say the least. I’m all for flights of fancy. But jesus christ have a foot in the doorway of reality. Sorry that’s a reference for my delight alone. But then isn’t this site all just one inside joke to myself?

    So anyway I could never run around telling people I’m two hundred and fifty year old poet who is mistaken for a vampire hunter. It’s just all kinds of silly. But if it gets your rocks off, hey don’t let me stop you. Personally the idea of traveling in time with lots of female companions while playing it like you have no sexual preference one way or another kind of get me going. But then I’ve always dug the good Doctor. But pretending I’m Doctor Who won’t get me laid.

    Speaking about flights of fancy I have to say I’m looking forward to the Lord Of The Rings movie that opens up today. But I am worried about the flick living up to the books. I was worried about stuffing these long books into a two hour movie. But I guess the first flick is just about three hours long. So maybe it will be ok.

    Views: 814
    Tuesday December 18th 2001
    Whatever 3:27 am-
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    That last one was maybe just a little harsh? Then again maybe it wasn’t. I wonder if you reality tv fucking junkies got off on my tale of poor old grandma?

    Not that I have anything against reality tv junkies. I just can’t understand what you people see in that shit. I’ve decided I’m not going to handle this site with kid gloves anymore.

    Just use some common sense and everything will be cool. For instance there is no more warnings about signing the GuestBook. If you sign it and I think it’s funny or rude in an intelligent way, I’m going to write about it here. With excerpts and all that kind of thing.

    So if you do write something to me or sign the GuestBook throw a line in there saying that it’s a private message. Not that it’s an issue here as of late. I just felt like it should be said.

    Also the comment function is kind on the fritz. Again not that it’s a frequently used feature. Just so you know.

    Views: 1,085
    Monday December 17th 2001
    Angry Post 9:21 am-
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    Well since the last time I wrote, I’ve tried a few times to throw up something. Heh, throw up. I think I’m going to run with that. Let’s see on the 14th I went out with the Isley’s and did some hostile karaoke/drinking.

    I haven’t had a good puke in a while. You see I’m kinda fucked in the head when it comes to the vomiting after drinking. Or for that matter during drinking. It is a refreshing kind of thing for me.

    Sick but true. I did a rather hostile take of a Beatle tune and Sinatra. I was really hostile when I did Margaritavile. And I did Margaritavile my way. Instead of singing “I know it my fault” or some whiny shit like that, I scream out “it’s her damn fault.”

    But I was in one of those moods. You see according to a brain trust of cluster fucks called doctors my grandma has any where from two months to a year. The fucking quacks I wish they would at least get together and all be on the same fucking page when they make shit up.

    Well that’s enough anger for one morning. Back to work. I hate all of these fucks that work here. Except for Stanley.

    Views: 948
    Wednesday December 12th 2001
    Props 1:51 am-
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    As it usually goes with these kind of events in my life there is one constant. No matter how bad it gets or how hard I take these things I always can count on a few people. It’s the usual suspects.

    I need to again say that I don’t know what I would do some times if it wasn’t for Mr. Isley. Scratch that, make it all the Isley’s. Troy came with me to go see Grandma in the hospital on Monday. He went with me down to the bop afterwards. No words were spoken regarding the subject at hand. Again as usual words were not necessary.

    But I just can’t possibly ever repay them for all the times they have been there for me. It’s a huge debt I owe.

    Views: 906
    This And That 1:32 am-
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    So I just buried one Grandmother, now it seems my last one isn’t doing so good. The cousins from Florida were closer to my Grandma we buried on Monday. This Grandma means the world to me. The cousins up north are not really that close. Different set of cousins by the way. The Grandma that died is my moms mother. The Grandma that’s sick is my dads mother.

    I took off work for the funeral on Sunday and then took Monday off when I found out about my Grandma. Sunday the guy who does the Audit with me filled in for me. Which was cool for me and him. For me it let me get some sleep for the tiring two days that dealt with the funeral. On Tuesday the Front Desk Manager worked because the guy wouldn’t come in.

    When I heard this I had to laugh. I had been wanting to put the hotel in this kind of situation to see what “they” would do. I heard from a few people something along the lines of “the poor Front Desk Manager.” The FDM had to pull the third shift on Monday night and then had to attend the Manager staff meeting at one on Tuesday.

    Yeah I don’t feel sorry for the lady. Bad me. But this is the person who cut me a hour each day. This is a person who has cut a friend of mine twice now. So you will have to forgive me if I don’t shed a tear for the FDM. Anyway last time I checked that’s what the FDM does. It’s her job.

    Views: 947
    Sunday December 9th 2001
    Not To Be 4:10 am-
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    Well it’s been a while again. A few things going on that has kept me from my site. Real life has a way of getting in the way sometimes. On the 6th of December my Grandma passed away. It wasn’t something anyone would thought would happen. At least happen any time soon. But it did.

    Me and Betty were not close. We didn’t see eye to eye on a lot of things. She could be really mean and at the same time be really funny. She was 79 and she didn’t act her age. This is the greatest compliment I can give her.

    Because she didn’t act like an old person. She went out and did things and didn’t wait around for death to take her. I saw her last on the 4th and me and my Mom and her had a few beers after an ABWA meeting she was a part of. The next day she went in for some procedures.

    The rest is, as they say history. I’ve talked about death before. And as in the past here is how the Bard put it:

    Whether ’tis nobler in the mind to suffer
    The slings and arrows of outrageous fortune,
    Or to take arms against a sea of troubles,
    And by opposing end them?

    To die: to sleep;
    No more; and by a sleep to say we end
    The heart-ache and the thousand natural shocks
    That flesh is heir to, ’tis a consummation
    Devoutly to be wish’d.

    To die, to sleep;
    To sleep: perchance to dream: ay, there’s the rub;
    For in that sleep of death what dreams may come
    When we have shuffled off this mortal coil,
    Must give us pause: there’s the respect
    That makes calamity of so long life;

    For who would bear the whips and scorns of time,
    The oppressor’s wrong, the proud man’s contumely,
    The pangs of despised love, the law’s delay,
    The insolence of office and the spurns
    That patient merit of the unworthy takes,
    When he himself might his quietus make
    With a bare bodkin? who would fardels bear,
    To grunt and sweat under a weary life,

    But that the dread of something after death,
    The undiscover’d country from whose bourn
    No traveller returns, puzzles the will
    And makes us rather bear those ills we have
    Than fly to others that we know not of?

    Thus conscience does make cowards of us all;
    And thus the native hue of resolution
    Is sicklied o’er with the pale cast of thought,
    And enterprises of great pith and moment
    With this regard their currents turn awry,
    And lose the name of action.

    My man Bill makes more sense to me than any bible quote. The “To be or not to be” passage explains how I feel about the subject of death.

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