Here is a little nugget that I saw over at Voodoo Extreme. Those crazy guys over at have snagged a demo of the game Hotel Tycoon/Hotel Giant. This game is of obvious interest for me. Here is a quote (because I’m funny like that) from about the game:
Hotel Giant (d?í¶¥ zná½ jako Hotel Tycoon) je p?ipravovaná ¢udovatelská ³trategie n?meck騯 JoWoodu, kter?a podobné ¨ry specializuje a chrlí ªich ?í dᬠví£¥. Duchovní otcem tohoto po?inu je tv?rce realtimeové ³trategie Seven Kingdoms Trevor Chan, jeho? ?? k vytvo?ení ˆotel Tycoonu inspiroval fakt, ?e ?asto cestuje po sv?t? a p?i sv?ulkᣨ vyst?í¤¡l velké no?ství ¨otel?. Ve h?e samotné ¤ostanete k dispozici t?icet r?zn?p? v osmi r?zn?kací£¨ a p?sobivé §rafice, a? u? si vyberete izometrick?ebo 3D pohled. O vzhledu ji? leccos napov?d?ly ji? d?í¶¥ zve?ejn?né ³creenshoty, nyní ³i v?e m??ete vyzkou?et sami.
So anyway you can go here to download the demo. For you people who keep track of what I say, here is the link for when I mentioned this game before.
I have mentioned the fact that I am a Star Wars Geek before. Here is some info on that second movie that you have to read if you were disappointed in Episode I. This is an article on Ain’t It Cool News that does contain some spoilers. So stay away if you don’t like that kind of stuff. Here is a snip:
“How do I explain the success of ATTACK OF THE CLONES? First, I must say that this film makes THE PHANTOM MENACE a better film. In fact, I would have to say that not only does it do that, but suddenly you will realize with horror, exactly why Jar Jar Binks is in the series at all.” [Read More]
See this just show that what I’ve said is true. The first one was just that. It was the beginning. Man just go and read the damn thing!
I’m always surprised when I find about someone who views my site. More surprised when it turns out they view the site often. Often enough to have read that whole mess about Secretive. So this is me saying hello to Scalia.
Scalia is a hell of a nice lady who works at the hotel. She has been with the place for 15 plus years. She had asked why I never have mentioned her. So here you go.
OK I have found a niftier Forum software than the last one. It’s another free kind of deal. I do so love Forums. Not that any forum of mine will get any use. You don’t have to be a registered member to post to it. I’m still messing with to get it to look like the rest of my site. So go and check out my Forum.
Sherry checked in yesterday in the GuestBook with this comment on my up coming b-day:
Name: crackwhore & Kronos Where: the voices inside my head Date: March 07, 2002 Time: 11:31 AM
hey whats up? do you really think that theres only 2 weeks for the hotel? and i was wondering if you had made any b-day plans as of yet. let me know…
Two weeks? Beats me. That’s just the rumor going around. For the record I didn’t start it. Birthday plans? Beats me. I’m sure a large amount of alcohol will be on the agenda.
So it’s March and I have yet to mention the b-day. I have been nice and quiet as of late. Not much is going on at all. It’s just the usual.
Okay about the b-day. I hit 30 on the 27th of this month. This is an event I have been dreading. Because to me it seems that when you hit the three o you are officially old. I’m not ready to be old.
There is a rumor that two weeks is all the Hotel has left. me on a place to find good blogs that interest you. Acolytes of Destruction a Bors Server Guild Gawain the Blind The new home of Gawain on the internet. Penny Arcade News Fucker 3000 Zero Punctuation The Escapist’s groundbreaking video review series starring Yahtzee The Awful Forums The Something Awful Forums Broken Toys A blog about stuff, by a guy who breaks and sometimes fixes stuff. TWiT This WEEK in TECH Evil Avatar Daily Gaming News… With Attitude Kotaku Kotaku: a gamer’s guide that goes beyond the press release. Voodoo Extreme is the #1 gaming site on the web! Reviews, ratings, etc. Blue’s News All the carnage that’s fit to post!