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    Saturday April 17th 2004
    Midlife Crisis Of Infinite Earths 12:17 am-
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    Personal information, a topic I don’t cover often here at the website. At least not for a long while. When I do it’s heavily disguised. But tonight I’m going to open up just a little, covering a few topics that deal with my so called life.

    Starting on sunday I’m going to change the way I do things. Changes that have a lot to do with the fact that I am not getting any younger. I don’t want to label this as a diet. Because I’m to damn fussy to follow any diet (well maybe the John Cash Diet would be ok). But I am going to give up pop. So no more Mountain Dew. No pop at all. I plan to switch to some kind of girly french bottled water. Something like Evian, but probably a cheaper brand.

    I also will be dusting off my weight bench and will be lifting weights again. I used to do it in high school for football, so it shouldn’t be to hard to get back into it. In the day I could bench over 300 pounds. I don’t plan to turn into the hulk or anything. I just need some kind of exercise. I want to loose some weight. I don’t expect to end up looking like some male fashion model. I just want to get my shit together and this seems like a good start.

    Which brings me to the next item. I have noticed as of late my lack of companionship of the female species has been something that’s been on my mind. Now I don’t want to sound like more of a loser than I am, but as a man you just crave these things. Not that I have anything to offer a woman. I have a shit job with which there is no possible advancement. So what future could I provide for any woman? And last time I checked my good looks and charm haven’t been pulling their end. So losing some weight couldn’t possibly make my luck with women any worse.

    Now that I’ve managed to type this much drivel I wonder if my best friend is right. He joked today that I was having my midlife crisis when I told him about these plans. Maybe that’s what this all is. Maybe. I don’t know. All I know is that I’m sticking to my guns this time. I just need to focus on whatever motivation I can find.

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    Tuesday April 6th 2004
    This And That 1:20 am-
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    I’m lazy. I keep opening up my news posting system to write up a new article. But only end up staring at the blank news text box. So it’s a good thing I’ve saved some stuff to write about.

    First up is the annual birthday dinner and a movie with the Izer’s. Each year we do this and each year is fun. I have yet to beat out the birthday of 2000 in the amount of fun I personally had, and I blame no one but me. We did get to see Kevin Smith’s new flick Jersey Girl. I found this movie to be the best of Smith’s work yet. They say he has matured as a film maker and I would second that statement.

    Second and staying on the subject of movies, I saw Hellboy last week. First let me say that I have never read the original Hellboy comic by Mike Mignola. So you won’t find me as judgmental of this movie as say the Hulk or Daredevil movies. With that aside let me say I enjoyed the Hellboy movie. It’s the first comic book movie in a long time that I have enjoyed. I do plan on picking up a collection of the comic book Hellboy one of these days, so I can possibly add it to the list of comic book movies that have fucking sucked.

    Views: 850
    Thursday April 1st 2004
    April Fool, Not Here 12:23 am-
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    Traditionally on the first of April one writes up some bullshit make believe crap that is never true. I stopped even trying to do this kind of post as my imagination just can’t do this kind of thing. My ideas for an April Fool’s Day gag are all morbid, revolving around some kind of personal tragedy of some sort. And in the end I think only myself would be amused by that kind of thing.

    The first idea that pops to my mind when this day springs around is the “I died” kind of post. I would either have my best friend post it, or just post it in his name as him. And start out with:

    It is my unfortunate responsibility to inform the viewers of this website that Turk has passed away.

    Which again, I find this rather amusing. Just to be able to see the reactions that come in (if any). I’m morbid enough to want to have a practice funeral. Just to see what kinds of things people would say about me. And I would be just as amused by the negative comments as the good.

    The next idea is one that would take to much work to pull off. And I’m always tempted to start early on this one. The idea is to come out with an announcement that reveals that this entire website and content it contains are fiction. Say some kind of college theses kind of deal, one that studies the effects of an online community. I think the reactions (if any) would be worth the work alone. But thank god I’m to damn lazy to do anything creative like that.

    Of course there is the work can go fuck off and I quit kind of angle. But that really doesn’t hold any merit in being something creative and interesting. It’s a boring topic and I for one get sick of writing about the hotel. They don’t really read the site in mass enough to get any worthy reaction.

    But then as I said, I’m just no good at this kind of thing. Or I’m just to damn lazy to take the effort to do the work to make it a believable April Fool’s Day gag. So instead I write about the what ifs and maybes. Which in itself is a gag.

    Views: 781
    Friday March 26th 2004
    Pre Birthday Post 5:10 am-
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    So I’m going to be 32 on saturday. I always get bummed out at the beginning of march, wondering about my life. Mistakes I’ve made and shit like that. It goes away by the time the actual day swings around. I got a good friend that shares the birthday with me. And we always go and celebrate our birthdays.

    Getting older is just part of the way things work. I’m just fighting it all the way. They say your only as old as you feel. And some days I still feel like a punk ass teenager. And of course some days I feel like I’m 80 plus. You just got to enjoy your time how you see fit. Play games, booze it up, whatever it takes to live each day. My man Sinatra said it best “You only live once, and the way I live once is enough.”

    This year is kinda cool of course because Troy (my best friend) hits the big 30. So it’s a special occasion and excuse to go and booze it up. Of course we will have his lovely wife to keep us from getting in any real trouble. Not that we would get in trouble. We also have to go see Scooby Doo 2 today. Which I am incredibly excited about. I’m going to see Velma, fuck Scooby and the rest of the gang.

    Views: 731
    Monday March 15th 2004
    Beware! 5:50 am-
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    If your superstitious watch out for today. Today is the Ides of March. I’m not one to worry about days like this but it doesn’t hurt to be paying attention. Maybe if old Julius had been he may have lasted a little bit longer.

    Views: 799
    Tuesday March 9th 2004
    This And That (Now With Hate!) 6:33 am-
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    So I signed up over at Diarist.Net to have my humble site listed in their Registry. Doing this goes against my personal beliefs. For one (and don’t tell anyone) I hate (like really hate) having my site being refereed to as a Journal, a Diary or a Blog. So it’s odd that I would have myself listed at this place. Of course in the end it is another hit or two.

    And on that topic of hate. I also hate the places that pander to these people that find the need to run that kind of thing. Diaryland, Live Journal, and Blogger to name a few. These “hosts” deal the same bland and stereotypical look and feel to the internet like a guy who sells coke to a drug addict.

    And I know a few people that use these services. So I know it’s not all bad what these places offer. But I wonder why they use these places? And I expect a reply to this because it’s something I’ve always wanted to know. How hard is it to setup and run your own website? It’s not that expensive, so that can’t be an issue. Find yourself a nice content management script (and not that fucking Movable Type) and get to it. Sure it’s not as easy as that. But at least try.

    Because if I can do it anyone can. And I know my site is far from perfect. My html is crude and ugly. I don’t even properly use css. In fact I don’t even really know html (ok a little). But who needs to with such products like Microsoft Frontpage (not trying to pimp the evil empire, it’s the only one I know of)? So I say to you diarist’s, you journalist’s and you bloggist’s be creative and be original (or at least steal someone else’s hard work). Again if I can do it so can you.

    Views: 1,013
    Friday March 5th 2004
    The Vow 6:38 am-
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    In an effort to support Gawain in his crusade of not updating his site I have decided to join him in his silence. I will not break this “vow of silence” until he does. I say we all support the big G in this manner. Be it blog, diary, or website. Don’t update. Do it for the entire web blogging, diary, or website community.

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