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    Thursday June 17th 2004
    Yin And Yang 12:26 am-
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    It’s funny how one conversation about a tattoo will get me interested enough to make a post about it. But this subject is actually one I am interested in. This goes back to one of my all time favorite comic books called the Master of Kung Fu. It was a 70’s era kung fu comic about a character called Shang-Chi. Now Shang-Chi’s name means “the rising and advancing of the spirit” and he was in a constant battle between his good side (himself) and his bad side (his dad) which leads to the whole Yin and Yang thing which this post is about.

    Ying and Yang

    If you don’t know what I’m talking about here is a good definition (and a picture above of what the symbol looks like):

    Yin and Yang are symbolized by the sun and moon. There are two opposing forces active in the universe. Yin exists in Yang and Yang exists in Yin. This is the the changing combination of negative and positive, dark and light, cold and hot which keeps the world spinning and creates Chi – the giving life force.

    Now I’ve always been fascinated by this. To me what this means is that there is a good and bad in everything. The trick is to figure out how to balance the one over the other. But not without forgetting that there is that balance of both in you. And everyone needs balance in their lives. You just got to find it where you can. I guess you can add this to my list of things that make sense to me.

    Views: 325
    Tuesday June 1st 2004
    This And That 12:22 am-
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    The upgrade of my webhosting package has given me a lot more room to play around and I’m pretty happy. I have a few things I want to do/upgrade, that will make the way things work on my website a little bit easier for me (and you). The biggest thing I want to do is switch over to using the great PHP script Gallery for the handling of screen shots and what not. It will take a little work, but the end results will make it easier for viewing and navigating the screen shots on my site.

    Google AdSense has almost generated me enough money to buy one pack of cheap cigarettes. I’m also running them over at the DAoC Guild Site and have had only one comment about getting rid of them. I’m going to give it a month and then go back to my non profit banner ads. I miss seeing the wang references in the Penny Arcade banners.

    By the time I click submit it will be June first. June historically has been a month I’m not fond of. Which in retrospect it’s not even worth going into detail about it as it is in the very distant past. But being the stubborn bastard I am I’ll continue to go on hating June.

    Views: 1,438
    Tuesday May 25th 2004
    Sold Out! 1:34 am-
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    So you may notice the Google AdSense ads that now appear here on my website. I had tried to get these on the site a while ago and was denied. I tried again with my “webmaster” email address and voila I’m in. Which is cool, I’ve been meaning to sell out and never could find the best way to do that fit’s my particular style (or lack of style).

    The neatest part of all of this is that I’ll make some money. And the ads are generated by the contents of the webpage. For example if you look at my page that tells about my time in the game Dark Age of Camelot you will see ads dealing with that rpg or others like it.

    Of course I don’t expect to make a shitload of money off of this. As you can see above I won’t be quiting the hotel anytime soon. Truth be told I’m tickled pink I’ve earned 8 cents already. And as it is the banner add at the top of the page has a 75% chance of showing. I may adjust it depending on feedback from people (if any) or if the ads that are displayed are annoying.

    Views: 953
    Monday May 24th 2004
    This And That 3:08 am-
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    So I canceled City of Heroes. It just didn’t have enough to keep me playing it. Sure it is fun. But it just lacks some kind of depth. I guess what I’m trying to say is that I miss the phat lewt. I can play until the 28th of this month before it’s gone for good. But I honestly don’t think I will log on again.

    I’ve also decided I’m going to upgrade my webhosting package with those fine folks over at Pas-Com Web Hosting. I’ve already got the advanced plan and feel my sites have outgrown that package. With the Webmaster plan I’ll get the following:

    • 3 gigabytes Web Space
    • 30 gigabyte Transfer a Month
    • Unlimited* Pop3 E-mail Accounts
    • Unlimited* Email Forwarding Accounts
    • Unlimited* Email Aliases
    • Unlimited* Email Autoresponders
    • Frontpage Extensions
    • PHP 4 and CGI-BIN
    • 20 MySQL Database
    • 30 something.yourname.com Sub-domains

    3 gigs of web space! Man I can’t wait. Imagine all the god damn screen shots I could inflict on you all. I plan on giving the Guild Site a gig to keep it going. Which will also set up the Guild Site for it’s own domain, just need a good one before that happens. On the technical side the additional MySQL Databases will be quite nice. There are a few scripts I’ve tried out and I’ve had to use one database for four different scripts.

    Views: 1,003
    Friday April 23rd 2004
    Game Time 2:52 am-
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    Man I’ve been neglecting talking about my computer game addiction as of late. I’ve been playing two games that have been keeping me away from anything else. I do plan on getting some screen shots later on, but here is the run on these two games.

    First off is Painkiller. This game is a very old school first person shooter that takes you back to the days of Doom and the original Quake, or more specifically like Serious Sam from a few years ago. It is very fast paced and it likes to throw tons of bad guy’s at you. One odd thing about it. You only have five weapons. Now each of these weapons have a primary fire and an alt fire, so in a sense you have ten weapons. It is a lot of fun. If you have a pc that can run it. The system requirements are kind of high on this one. So be warned if you get it and it plays like shit.

    The second game I’m playing right now is Sacred. It is a game that has a heavy Diablo/Diablo 2 feel to it. And that’s not a bad thing in this case. It is a fun hack and slash rpg. Just don’t expect anything out of the ordinary from it and you will enjoy it. The major downside to this game as of right now is the status of the games patches. The latest patch is version 1.6 and it apparently either breaks or doesn’t fix a number of issues regarding a location you visit later in the game. Again be careful when playing this one. It may be best to leave the version first installed off of the cd on your pc until they get their shit straight with the patches.

    I’ll get some decent screen shots of these two in the next couple of days and put them up when I’m not being totally lazy.

    Views: 847
    Wednesday April 21st 2004
    This And That 1:40 am-
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    Well I’m two nights into my switch from Mountain Dew to Diet Pepsi. I need the caffeine to keep me going at work. If it wasn’t for that I would be drinking water all the time. Maybe I’ll try kicking pop all together later on.

    My entry back into the world of weight lifting went off without to much trouble. The only thing I can say is my poor weak muscles are aching. The pain is good though, that means the shit is working. I’m only going to do weights every other day. I don’t want to go crazy and hurt myself.

    I also need to get myself a pair of sneakers. I plan on riding my bike now and then if it’s nice out. My combat boots just don’t really cut it for that kind of thing. My only other pair of footwear happens to be sandals and that’s not really very good for that sort of thing either. Especially if I do get the motivation to do some walking. Which I may.

    Writing about all this feels weird. But so far I’m three days past any other time I’ve tried to do something like this. And considering the fact my previous attempts never left the planning stages three days ain’t that bad. But I got a lot of work ahead of myself. But I only plan to take it a day at a time.

    Also thanks are due to both Jordan and Ben for their words of encouragement. It really does help to hear that kind of thing. So thank you to the both of you.

    Views: 598
    Monday April 19th 2004
    Midlife Crisis Continues 3:03 am-
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    After careful consideration and the loss of a twenty dollar bet, I have rethought my no pop stance. I’ve decided that is to drastic of a change and opted instead to go with a diet pop instead. I still get the caffeine I need and zero calories. I just got to get used to the taste.

    It’s kind of funny that the last post deals with my lack of female companionship. Looking back at last year this time I had a talk with this girl that I had became emotionally involved with. It’s funny reading that post now. How shaken up I had got just because this chick had called. And really this chick is a perfect example of what I talked about last post.

    What have I to offer to a woman?. Nada, zilch, zip. While me and this chick made good friends, as soon as I got other ideas the friendship was gone. She didn’t want anything to do with a loser of my caliber. Either because of the fact that I made little money or because I’m just not visually pleasing. Take your pick or it could be both.

    So I wonder does wanting to loose weight and getting in some kind of shape make me a shallow person? Am I doing this all just because I’m fucked in the head? Do I need a woman that bad? Which really is a problem. I’m rather picky when it comes to chicks. Or I guess I just know what I like. And I know what I don’t like.

    Which makes me kick myself I didn’t go after some of the chicks in high school that didn’t fit the description of what I like. Because I know for a fact that at least one of them is looking pretty damn good. But no I had to waste my time on my three year crush.

    Now that I’ve reached the end of this post I can’t think of a good way to end this one. So I’ll just leave it with this being the end of the post.

    Views: 955
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