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The wedding is coming up really quick. And I’m really looking forward to it. It’s been a long time since me, Troy, and his wife Bob had a fun night out. They got a babysitter for the kids already lined up. It’s going to be like a little reunion for us old time Holiday Inn people.
It’s funny how long it has been since the time I often refer to as the good old days. Those days were over a decade ago and to me it seems just like yesterday. Back then I was just starting out at the front desk. The guy getting married was the guy who trained me and back then the front desk manager used to say he was a bad influence on me.
I can’t stress enough how fun it used to be working at that hotel back then. I feel sorry for all of these people working at this place now. They have no idea what it was like then. All they know is the horrible time it is now. But they do say all good things come to an end and this time now is a perfect example of that saying.
But for just two nights I’m not going to think about any of this shit. I’m going to forget about any troubles I think I have and just have some god damn fun. I’ll go back to worrying about shit on sunday. I just wish the weekend could come a little faster.