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    Friday July 7th 2006
    Nightaudit.com 1:30 am-
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    Every now and then I look around for other sites like mine. Not that there are any site just like mine. What would the odds be on that? No I just look for other sites that cover the hotel/audit topic. So now and then I do a google search for night audit just to see what I can find. Mostly I find links to sites that really are not what I’m looking for. And of course I’m usually in the top 10 in this google search.

    This time when I did my search I found another site. I found Nightaudit.com. A forum that’s set up for people just like me. They currently only have 9 registered user and a total of 2 post (one is mine) and I felt like maybe just maybe I could shift them a little hits by writing about them. Because I know what it’s like to not get a lot of visitors. My first five years were like that. I’ve already informed my forum guys about the place. It would be nice to get some kind of community going regarding this line of work.

    But let’s be clear on what my idea of a community should be. Gawain sums it up perfectly in this aim chat excerpt:

    [00:27] Gawain: lol. its like the luke skywalker to your darth vader.
    [00:28] Gawain: you’re all like.. luke… I am your FUTURE!
    [00:28] Gawain: and they’re all like.. NOOOOOOOOO
    [00:28] Turk: according to whois it’s been registered since 04
    [00:28] Gawain: lol. with zero posts?
    [00:28] Gawain: jesus, you shouldn’t even bother.
    [00:28] Turk: first post there is from 2/6
    [00:28] Turk: yeah
    [00:28] Turk: well
    [00:28] Turk: what the hell
    [00:29] Turk: a community type thing has always been my goal
    [00:29] Turk: just tainted with hate of course
    [00:30] Gawain: lol. and a pinch of disgust.

    I’m not interested in management. Nor do I want to maintain any kind of management friendly vibe in any community I happen to be a part of. I think that (taking a quote form Alan Moore’s V for Vendetta):

    Employees should not be afraid of their managers. Managers should be afraid of their Employees.

    That would be the basis of any community on the net for night auditors that I would have a part in. Which really is what my website is all about really. I’m sure that anyone who frequents my site probably already knows this. I’m sure as that website grows and picks up some people we will find out just what kind of place it will become. Either way if your an night auditor be sure to head over there and sign up so we can see what kind of community it will become.

    On a side note if your idea of a night audit community falls in line with mine make sure to visit my night audit forum and register for my forums. We have over 20 members and over 700 posts. Which until Nightaudit.com gets going you can be sure to find a little more activity in my forums.

    Views: 1,639
    Sunday June 18th 2006
    WTF? 8:14 am-
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    Honestly this is beyond fucking insane:


    New York, N.Y., May 25, 2006 – SCI FI Channel announced that World Wrestling Entertainment®, the producer of the No. 1 weekly basic cable TV series, Monday Night RAW on USA Network, will debut a summer series on Tuesday, June 13, at 10 p.m. ET/PT. ECW (Extreme Championship Wrestling®) will be an alternative brand of wrestling suited to fit the SCI FI Channel’s commitment to fuel the imagination.

    “Research tells us that there’s a healthy appetite for wrestling among SCI FI viewers,” said Bonnie Hammer, President, USA and SCI FI Channel. “With ECW, we’re able to deliver to those fans unique action with a twist that’s perfect for SCI FI.”

    ECW on SCI FI will push the boundaries of sports entertainment in new and unexpected ways,? said Vince McMahon, Chairman of World Wrestling Entertainment.

    I wish I was making this shit up. This has anything to do with Science Fiction?

    Once again the SA Forum sums it up:

    Fuck them. Seriously. Fuck them with a goddamn rusty jackhammer coated with shards of glass and cheap crack cocaine. “Professional wrestling” is bad enough, but the particularly low-brow sluts, blood, and barbed wire style of show is especially repugnant. There’s no connection to Science Fiction even remotely. The only possible correlation is that both groups of fans are 18-30 year old single males.


    Views: 1,000
    Wednesday June 7th 2006
    Politics Test 3:47 am-
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    A Politics Test. Not that I consider myself political. But it’s one of those things I wonder about. If six pages of questions can accurately tell what my political beliefs are. This is me:

    You are a Social Liberal (68% permissive) and an Economic Liberal (21% permissive). You are best described as a Strong Democrat. You exhibit a very well-developed sense of Right and Wrong and believe in economic fairness.

    Basic Famous People
    Political Ideologies Election 2004

    So Strong Democrat it is. Gawain is a dirty Socialist by comparison.

    Views: 1,151
    Tuesday May 30th 2006
    Websites As Graphs 12:33 am-
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    Gawain sent me this link which outputs a website’s html as a graph. It’s fascinating just to watch this thing render a website in this way. Of course my site is a mess. Below is the thumb to the full picture, which includes a key to the colors.

    Websites As Graphs

    This graph just shows how ass backwards my site design is. Tables are on the way out. Everything should be divs and css. Oh well. For those interested (or bored) here is the link to see my site rendered in real time as a graph.

    Views: 3,576
    Tuesday April 11th 2006
    This And That 4:39 am-
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    On an impulse I bought an iPod nano. I also purchased Peter Jackson’s King Kong and a pc game called Space Rangers 2 that I will never play thanks to Oblivion. All of these things I surely don’t need.

    The game is worth mentioning for the fact that it is a turn based strategy game that has gameplay elements including text based games, real time strategy games, and even a little dab of rpgs. For the longest time this game which was developed in Russia previously had to be imported to be able to play it here in the states. It’s been compared to Elite a few times and it’s as open ended as my current obsession Oblivion. Usually I would have screen shots of the game, but as I said I haven’t even installed it yet. But I will get to it.

    Here is a screen shot. It’s a bad screen shot. Space Rangers 2 has StarForce.


    And the game is uninstalled. My new pc started acting weird after it’s install. Which I figure is the result of that fucking virus called StarForce. That’s what I get for not checking the list first.

    The movie. Well shit what can I say? It’s King Kong. Only this time with that Peter Jackson touch. Whatever his touch is. It’s really long. Maybe that’s his touch. Whatever it is, I like it. I’m a softy for the woman destroys the innocent beast story.

    The iPod is something new for me. I’ve never owned anything Apple. So it’s interesting to see how simple yet effective the interface is for this thing. Makes me wish I could have bought that one that does video. My only question on the iPod is how do I get my music off the iPod if I hook it up at work? I can put music on it, just not take it off?

    Views: 990
    Tuesday March 7th 2006
    Don’t Call Me Turk 12:58 am-
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    I just got a call. I’m at work remember. I answer with my spiel. I’m not even certain I gave them my name. It’s a habit of mine not to. The person on the phone (a female) asks: “is this Turk?” So of course that’s something that is one of my worst nightmares. Honestly. Unless I know the person that’s just not a name I’m going to answer to in the real world.

    And for fucksake I’m not going to answer to that name while I’m on the clock at the shithole. It’s cool and all that people know I’m the Hotelblues.com guy. Shit I may have even known the chick on the phone. But it just isn’t something I’m going to answer to. I like having my site. I like being known for it. I’m just not going to advertise the fact in the real world like that. Maybe I’m way to paranoid.

    For me though it’s always been important to keep the hotel and my website separated in the real world. Sure I write about the place. Yeah I hammer on the idiots I work with. I like the little anonymity that I have. The thought of guests viewing my site is something I’ve always been not to keen on. And a person calling in asking about rooms makes me think thats a potential guest. As much as my ego wants to say “fuck yeah I’m Turk” I won’t.

    So in the future I would suggest those of you who know me that call me at work asking about rooms prices to not ask me if I’m Turk ok? If you know me use my real name. Because if your looking for cheap rooms calling me Turk isn’t going to get you jack shit.

    Views: 3,891
    Wednesday February 8th 2006
    This And That 11:37 pm-
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    No I’m not dead. Neither have I been beat up. I do have a sore neck from all of the wasted back watching I’ve done. Numerous individuals wondered about my demise. And I say fuck you to you pricks. Those of you not wanting me to get the shit kicked out of my I offer my thanks.

    Gawain googled my dads phone number. I don’t think that speaks enough of his character. He joked about road tripping up here to see what was up. I like to imagine that he would do that for his friends. I think he would. I would do the same for my friends.

    My brother has offered more than a few times to beat the shit of this little fuck who called me up on the phone last week. I often wonder how me and my brother will end up. If we will be like my dad and his brother (totally alienated) or if we can manage to stay close as time passes. It’s little things like this that makes me think me and my brother will do ok. The sad thing is the my brother was/is dead serious about kicking the shit out of this guy. It’s also the thing that makes me smile.

    The hotel is unchanged after a weeks time gone by. Idiots still work there. Bills are still not payed. Credit Card authorization/processing is still down. This is the best time to stay at the shithole. Go stay. Pay (hah) with a canceled card. Guess what no one will tell you the card is bad. Charge everything you can to the room and smile fucking wide as you pay with your credit card. It will be a long time before the hotel would figure out what happened.

    My boss is a pussy. Rather Mybossisapussy.com is still out there. Anyone buy a shirt yet? Me either. I’m waiting on payday. Shirts (the I Work With Idiots shirt is coming) are now on sale! At cost. Go Go Go! Honestly I don’t care if no one buys any. Mybossisapussy.com!

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