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    Wednesday May 2nd 2007
    This And That 11:59 pm-
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    It’s been a bad week first off. On saturday my good pc died (maybe). Then my car died. Which was coming and I ignored the problem. Cut to tonight. I’m running late. Getting into my brothers car (which I’ve had to borrow) my pants split out at the crotch. So I burn more time as I go in and change pants. Then interstate is tied up because of a car accident and I take the detour not thinking. I’m ten miles out till it dawns on me I have no fucking clue were it is I’m going. So I drive till I can find a place to turn around. Then I take the back roads into work. So when it’s all said and done I get to work over thirty minutes late. Did I mention it’s a full moon tonight?

    Views: 1,061
    Saturday March 10th 2007
    Server Maintenance 1:07 pm-
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    Late notice because I forget to post it until now.

    Dear Customer,

    This is a reminder that this maintenance is occurring today.

    As we continually aim to provide a better experience for our customers, we will be performing a scheduled server maintenance on Saturday, March 10, 2007, from approximately 2:00pm Eastern until 9:00pm Eastern.

    This scheduled maintenance is to reinstall the server’s RAID card, rebuild the server’s operating system, then restore your site from a backup that will be taken earlier in the day.

    While the maintenance window allows for work all between 2:00pm and 9:00pm, we will being working close to 2:00pm and expect sites to be operational again within 2-3 hours.

    Date: Saturday, March 10, 2007
    Time: 2:00pm until 9:00pm Eastern
    Server: pas-com.net (also known as pascomwebhosting.com)
    Estimated Outage Time: 2-3 hours
    Services effected: All

    We appreciate your understanding during this maintenance, if you have any questions or concerns, please feel free to contact.

    Thank you for your continued support.

    PAS-COM, Inc.

    Sorry for any inconvenience.

    Views: 1,523
    Wednesday January 31st 2007
    Nine Years Old 3:09 am-
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    Nine years. It does not seem like it’s been that long. Just one year away from my site hitting ten years old. Which at that point I guess I join some dubious club of people who have “blogged” for a decade or more (is there such a club?).

    Looking back a year ago I laugh at how things have changed. A year ago I was so pissed off at how things where going at the worst hotel ever that I was actively trying to get myself fired. I started up Mybossisapussy.com just to take a potshot at my then boss the sheriff. A site now that really serves no purpose.

    But thats how it goes. This new hotel just is so different. It’s been hard for me to get used to the change. A working and competent front desk manager, desk clerks who come in on time, and desk clerks who also know how to balance. This hotel is also busy. A big contrast to that poor dying hotel.

    A place that really just needs to be put out of it’s misery. Incompetent Owners and Managers have ruined that hotel. One needs only look as far as TT’s Memoirs to get an insider look at how the worst hotel ever is run still to this day.

    With any luck when this time come around next year I will be able to write about how the worst hotel ever died. I really do look forward to that day. The day those Owners and Managers have failed and finally give up and close the doors of that place.

    Views: 1,517
    Monday January 1st 2007
    Happy New Year 12:34 am-
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    So wrong.

    What American accent do you have?

    Your Result: The South

    That’s a Southern accent you’ve got there. You may love it, you may hate it, you may swear you don’t have it, but whatever the case, we can hear it.

    The Midland
    The Inland North
    The Northeast
    North Central
    The West

    What American accent do you have?

    Views: 1,192
    Monday December 18th 2006
    Which Fantasy/SciFi Character Are You? 5:34 pm-
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    Which Fantasy/SciFi Character Are You? which I found at Gawain’s gives me the same empty update as G’s.

    Which Fantasy/SciFi Character Are You?

    Ceaselessly struggling for a well-deserved redemption, you carefully arrange your alliances and energies.

    There is no greater power in the universe than the need for freedom.

    G’Kar is a character in the Babylon 5 universe. Worlds of JMS has a character profile for him.

    I have no clue really if this is good or bad. There is no option to be Wash.

    I’ve done this before way back in 2003 and so has G.

    Views: 969
    Tuesday November 28th 2006
    Year In Review 2006 6:44 am-
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    Eight years ago I was fired from the hotel I worked at. At the time it was a very unique event in my life. I collected unemployment for a few months and then went to work for a company my Mom worked for at the time. It was a management job and I didn’t last long. So I came back to the hotel that had fired me.

    Even back then I had this site and the whole time I was getting emails from people about how the hotel was doing. So I had a heads up that the two ladies that had been doing the audit in my absence had got fed up and were quiting. At the time I gave my resignation to my management gig the GM that fired me was doing the audit. This guy (a real GM, not a douche bag like the current one at the old hotel) was doing the audit 7 days a week on top of his General Manager duties.

    So I had the advantage of knowing that the hotel needed an auditor. I stopped in to see the GM right after my drive from the management gigs Chicago home office. I talked to the GM for over an hour. I told him everything he wanted to hear. Which was 80% bullshit and 20% truth. It was a nice talk. I had never really talked to the guy that much ever before. The GM told me he would see if they had any openings and would call me in a few days.

    So I went home and sat by the phone. Probably not thirty minutes later I got a call from the GM asking me if I was interested in doing the audit again. So I got my old job back. Hired by the same guy who had fired me. So I started working again at the hotel in the summer of 1999. During the last eight years this day had become my special day. My holiday of sorts. It no longer is special and I’ve decided I’m no longer going to take the day off every year. Neither do I plan to celebrate my new firing day. It’s just not the dubious honor I want to celebrate anymore.

    Getting “fired” from that hotel a second time has made me think back on this last year and my time at that place in general. While I still do not have an official excuse of why I was “fired” again other than the classic line said by the sheriff:

    The powers to be have decided to let you go. They deemed that the morale of the team would be better without you.

    Needless to say I’m happy to be out of that place finally. I don’t ever plan stepping foot in that building again as long as it managed by that douche bag and owned by those worthless cocksuckers. Honestly there isn’t enough breath in my body to fully allow me to say all the bad things I have to say about these people.

    Thanks to TT’s Memoirs I don’t have to say much. This four part look at the then accountants eight days working with the owners/managers gives a special inside view at just how fucked about that hotel is. It shows just what kind of management and owners that place has. And I tell everyone I know to read it.

    So eight years later I can really say that I’m happy with my job. Something I have not been able to say in a long long time. It’s something I’m going to have to get use to. Thanks to everyone who helped me get the job. I owe you all big time for liberating me me from the worst hotel ever.

    Views: 1,638
    Friday October 13th 2006
    The Story So Far 6:01 am-
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    Been a while since I wrote. A recap is on order I imagine. All links open in a new window (tab).

    Everything really started when they hired a female night auditor that made more than me. Which pissed me off enough to file an Equal Pay Act complaint against the worst hotel ever. Meanwhile the higher paid night auditor had some issues doing her job. Then I went on vacation. While on vacation I published two articles looking at the worst hotel ever’s owners and managers. My vacation ended and the next day I’m “fired” over the phone.

    For the next week and a half I drink lots of beer, apply at a number of places, file for unemployment, and update my compliant against the worst hotel ever with the people at the Illinois Department of Labor. I also get my last paycheck and get a copy of my ten page personnel record. The first week of October I’m visited by the police, whom consider me a suspect of a recent robbery at the worst hotel ever. They question me, fingerprint me, and search my house. Around the same time I win my week and a half of unemployment that the worst hotel ever decided to fight.

    Which brings me to right now. I’m working again. As an auditor. I do not wear any red. I wear the blues of the chain I prefer. I’m making more money. This hotel has competent managers and employees. Everyone is kind to each other. And so far I’ve seen no sneaky back stabbing take place. It’s a little strange to work at a place that wants to make money. A place that really cares about the customers. They even pay their bills on time. This hotel is the polar opposite of the worst hotel ever.

    I plan to write more about this new hotel. But it will be positive writing. I can compare the two hotels. I can write about how a real front desk manager acts compared to how the sheriff did things. I can write about the other auditor who does not have bad eyes and studies physics in college. It’s going to be a little weird as I turn into something positive all of the sudden.

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