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    Wednesday September 10th 2003
    Ad-aware Report 12:03 am-
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    Lavasoft Ad-aware Personal Build 6.181
    Logfile created on :Tuesday, September 09, 2003 11:15:13 PM
    Created with Ad-aware Personal, free for private use.
    Using reference-file :01R217 08.09.2003

    Ad-aware Settings
    Set : Activate in-depth scan (Recommended)
    Set : Safe mode (always request confirmation)
    Set : Scan active processes
    Set : Scan registry
    Set : Deep scan registry


    Views: 1,179
    Monday July 28th 2003
    Geek Download: IECapt 6:28 am-
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    Here is a neat little program I found. Here is the info on what it is and what it does (cut and pasted from the site):

    IECapt is a small command-line utility to capture Internet Explorer’s rendering of a web page into a BMP, JPEG or PNG image file.

    You can use IECapt for example for batch processing, to make screenshots of the entire web page rather than the currently visible area or in a CGI script hosted on a Windows web server to provide access to IE’s rendering engine from non-Windows computers.

    Geek Download: IECapt 1 Geek Download: IECapt 2

    I can’t think of any real reason to use this little program. But it’s handy for taking a whole screenshot of a webpage. It does seem to default at a screen width of 800. I say that only because most sites are best viewed at 1024×768.

    Views: 1,847
    Saturday June 14th 2003
    Back Again 12:11 pm-
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    My bout with the bugbear virus is over with. I had a minor set back when I tried to format and reinstall xp pro. But that was fixed by downloading a few utilities to check the disk and partition it and format it. Nothing like a clean install of an os. Now I just need a bit of luck and I should be all good.

    Views: 829
    Friday June 13th 2003
    Bugbear Got Me 3:50 am-
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    Well I got hit by the Bugbear virus that’s been making it around the net lately. This is the first time I have ever got this kind of virus. This page has a lot of info on this little bastard.

    This thing spreads by sending out e-mails to all the people in your address book. To make it even worse it also will disable the popular anti-virus and firewall programs. It also infects a number of popular programs.

    And of course it gets even better. This thing also creates a backdoor into your computer so hackers can do whatever it is they do. This is the part that makes me nervous. Here is a list of things they can do with this backdoor this virus creates:

    • get information about infected computer
    • upload and download files
    • start files
    • delete files
    • terminate processes
    • get process list
    • start keylogger
    • start HTTP server on a selected port

    Did you notice the keylogger entry? Yeah that’s just great. Here are the specifics on the keylogging feature of this bug:

    It saves user’s keystrokes into a file with a random name and DLL extension located in Windows System folder. The worm periodically sends this file to a randomly selected e-mail address from the list of addresses stored together with the corresponding SMTP server names inside the worm’s body.

    I don’t know jack about these kinds of things. But this virus sounds like it’s a clever piece of software (or whatever it’s classified as). I just hope my pc is clean now. I downloaded a few different programs to try to make sure this thing is purged from my pc. As a last resort I’ll just reformat and reinstall my os. I’m not going to dick around with this thing. I’m due for it anyway.

    Views: 1,143
    Thursday September 5th 2002
    Back Again 6:27 pm-
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    Well I have my home computer up and running again. Sorta. Kinda. It runs and then I shut it down and then it tells me to go fuck my self. Really.

    So I have this technique. I reboot the machine, enter safe mode and make a prayer to whatever techno god oversees the crashing and recovering of computers. I go and play with the msconfig for a bit and then reboot the beast.

    Then I have maybe between six to eight hours before the techno gods demand my computer takes a shit on me. I’ve been playing through Morrowind again when the beast is running. Man it really is a good game.

    Views: 1,025
    Wednesday July 24th 2002
    This And That 9:02 pm-
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    There seems to be now end in sight for my computer problems. I’m almost to the point were I say fuck it. It’s just that frustrating.

    I’ve even stripped out everything that wasn’t necessary for the computer to run. Sound Card, Modem, and Burner. I have to leave my GeForce 3 in there, because it’s the only source for video. And god forbid if some how it’s my beloved GeForce 3.

    So I’m on my 30th install of Windows 98/Windows XP. I’ve come to the point were I can do this stuff in my sleep. If I can’t get my problems solved in say ten more try’s, I’m going to go take it to a computer store. Let someone else bang their head against a brick wall, not me.

    Views: 796
    Friday July 12th 2002
    XP Is Back Again! 9:15 pm-
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    Just a small little statement here. I have XP up and running again. The trick was (for me) to use the Windows Update to download the GeForce 3 drivers. Because for whatever reason when I got the drivers from Nvidia reboot was always a no go. It’s all good for now.

    Warcraft 3 runs great! Now I’m taking another shot at Soldier Of Fortune 2. If it works good I will be a happy man.

    Views: 780
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