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    Thursday January 26th 2006
    Firefly 5:40 am-
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    So I recently discovered Firefly. Now I realize that it’s a case of too little too late. Firefly being the Josh “Buffy” Whedon sci-fi show that just melds the western genre so well into it’s science fiction setting. I only watched maybe one or two episodes when it was on tv. It’s one of those shows that just clicked for me. The movie was also very good. But the ending has left me feeling a little down as demonstrated by this chat with Gawain:

    [05:08] Turk: now that I got it on dvd
    [05:09] Turk: I’m going to end up writing a long ass post on how wrong it was to kill wash
    [05:09] Turk: so wrong
    [05:09] Turk: poor wash
    [05:10] Gawain: jesus why don’t you write some fanfic about him coming back to life in some kind of bizarre alternate reality. Or better yet, have picard bring him through some kind of rift in space to TNG.
    [05:10] Gawain: fanboy.
    [05:10] Turk: I just may
    [05:10] Gawain: lol

    I am of course talking about Hoban Washburne the pilot of the Serenity. One can only mourn him in their own way. A moment of silence please. I’m really bummed over it. A great character from a great show. I mourn the show even more. Add it to the list of sci-fi shows canceled before they should have been.

    It should be mentioned that I dug this show so much after watching it that I had to go out and buy the actual dvd’s of the tv show and movie. I felt that downloading this one from a torrent was sort of dirty. It really is worth the purchase if your a fan of science fiction. Now that moment of silence in honor of poor Wash.

    Views: 1,191
    Tuesday May 11th 2004
    Once More 2:50 am-
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    So it appears the hotel has plans to fire me again. I’m surprised and at the same time I have been waiting for this to happen. Here is the im log from my “source” that warns me of my impending firing:

    [01:38] Ex Hotel Guy: wanna hear something fucked up?
    [01:38] Turk: sure
    [01:39] Ex Hotel Guy: i was told by <Name Removed> that they wanted to fire you
    [01:39] Turk: I’m sure they do
    [01:39] Ex Hotel Guy: they are going to
    [01:40] Turk: let them
    [01:40] Ex Hotel Guy: you haven’t written anything on your website lately
    [01:40] Turk: nothing to say
    [01:41] Turk: did my boss say why they want to fire me?
    [01:42] Ex Hotel Guy: no, but she was really excited about it?
    [01:42] Turk: was she?
    [01:43] Ex Hotel Guy: yeah she said she can’t wait to fire you
    [01:43] Turk: heh
    [01:43] Turk: I’m sure she can’t
    [01:45] Turk: personally I’ve been waiting for this
    [01:45] Turk: and have prepared
    [01:45] Ex Hotel Guy: did you hear why they fired me?
    [01:46] Turk: no
    [01:46] Turk: don’t care either
    [01:46] Turk: got my own problems to worry about man
    [01:46] Turk: plan of attack and all that
    [01:46] Ex Hotel Guy: what problems do have
    [01:46] Turk: getting fired?
    [01:47] Turk: that’s a problem
    [01:47] Turk: they better have a good reason
    [01:47] Ex Hotel Guy: how are they going to fire you if there is nobody to replace you?
    [01:47] Turk: little different this time
    [01:47] Turk: well see that’s going to be <Name Removed>s problem
    [01:47] Turk: here in a few weeks
    [01:48] Ex Hotel Guy: why
    [01:48] Turk: it’s a surprise
    [01:48] Ex Hotel Guy: damn

    It seems my appointment to see the lawyer in June has come at a good time. If this is true it’s good to know in advance. I can plan ahead. I can get ready to start emailing all the press type people that like to cover this kind of story. And there are lot’s of things I can say to the press that would be interesting reading to anyone who has stayed or thinks about staying at this hotel. Practices that most people have no idea go on. Things a lot of local business would love to hear because it would convince them to take their money elsewhere.

    Of course this is all hearsay. My “source” and his motives for telling me this are suspect. It’s not like me and the guy are good buddies. In fact he has no reason to warn me of anything. I’m the reason his hours got cut after all that x-mas bullshit. Which of course could be the perfect motive to tell me bad news. It don’t matter why he told me. I’ll find out tomorrow night when I ask my boss if she plans on firing me.

    Views: 1,260
    Friday February 27th 2004
    Chatting 2 5:31 am-
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    After iming me every day since the initial conversation the kid finally got on my nerves:

    Session Start (Turk:Wannabe Webhost): Fri Feb 27 04:52:25 2004
    [04:52] Wannabe Webhost: hi
    [04:52] Turk: hi
    [04:52] Wannabe Webhost: can you host my forum
    [04:53] Turk: no
    [04:53] Wannabe Webhost: why
    [04:54] Turk: have you even been to my site/forum?
    [04:54] Wannabe Webhost: can I see it and what is the link
    [04:54] Turk: so you don’t even know my url?
    [04:54] Wannabe Webhost: can I see it
    [04:55] Turk: you just picked me off the phpBB forum list?
    [04:55] Wannabe Webhost: nope.
    [04:55] Turk: so how did you get my aim name?
    [04:55] Wannabe Webhost: phpbb forums
    [04:55] Turk: just at random?
    [04:56] Turk: or have you bugged others as well?
    [04:56] Wannabe Webhost: nope. I didn’t
    [04:56] Turk: so I’m special then
    [04:57] Wannabe Webhost: I will block you if you say something else bad
    [04:57] Turk: I’m not trying to be mean
    [04:57] Turk: you imed me
    [04:57] Wannabe Webhost: ok. so tell me… can you host my forum
    [04:57] Turk: no
    [04:57] Wannabe Webhost: why????
    [04:57] Turk: because I said no
    [04:58] Turk: I think blocking is a good idea
    [05:02] Wannabe Webhost: ok
    [05:02] Turk: Hotelblues.com is my site, learn about someone before you try to con them
    [05:04] Wannabe Webhost: you put a conversation of me in your update
    [05:04] Turk: yeah
    [05:04] Wannabe Webhost: why?
    [05:05] Turk: do I have to explain everything to you?
    [05:05] Turk: how old are you?
    [05:05] Wannabe Webhost: 11. and you are an idiot
    [05:05] Turk: yes that could be
    [05:06] Wannabe Webhost: you are AN IDIOT
    [05:06] Wannabe Webhost: IDIOT
    [05:06] Turk: I agree
    [05:06] Wannabe Webhost: IDIOT
    [05:06] Wannabe Webhost: IDIOT
    [05:06] Turk: yep
    [05:06] Wannabe Webhost: IDIOT
    [05:06] Wannabe Webhost: IDIOT
    [05:06] Turk: yep
    [05:06] Wannabe Webhost: IDIOT
    [05:06] Turk: sure am
    [05:06] Wannabe Webhost: IDIOT
    [05:06] Turk: I’m an idiot?
    [05:06] Wannabe Webhost: and delete my conversation
    [05:06] Turk: no
    [05:07] Wannabe Webhost: ok. diiiif
    [05:07] Turk: huh?
    [05:08] Turk: remember I’m an idiot
    [05:08] Wannabe Webhost: I’m blocking you **** idiot
    [05:08] Turk: ok
    [05:08] Turk: bye

    All this is making think about toggling that setting in Trillian that only let’s people on my list im me. Oh and I’m an idiot. I shouldn’t let this get me mad, but it does. I’m getting to old to have to deal with a 11 year olds shit. He’s blocking me? Jeez that is ironic.

    Views: 975
    Tuesday February 24th 2004
    Chatting 4:22 am-
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    What do I do to get these weird chats with people? The last time this happened it was some young asl chick. This time it was some wannabe webhost, who you got to give props to for either being that much of a newb or a guy who has very big balls:

    Session Start (Turk:Wannabe Webhost): Tue Feb 24 03:36:33 2004
    [03:36] Wannabe Webhost: Hello Are you there?
    [03:36] Turk: yeah
    [03:36] Wannabe Webhost: do you have a server
    [03:37] Turk: web server?
    [03:37] Wannabe Webhost: yes
    [03:37] Turk: yeah
    [03:37] Wannabe Webhost: and can you host people
    [03:37] Turk: yeah if I want to
    [03:37] Wannabe Webhost: so do you want to host people now
    [03:38] Turk: no, not really
    [03:38] Wannabe Webhost: why
    [03:38] Turk: I’m not in the hosting business
    [03:38] Wannabe Webhost: ok. but can you host me. I’m <name removed>
    [03:38] Turk: I host a few sites for friends and that’s about it
    [03:38] Turk: <name removed>?
    [03:39] Wannabe Webhost: yeah. from phpbb.com/phpBB
    [03:39] Turk: I’m sorry I don’t know you
    [03:40] Wannabe Webhost: ok. but can you host me. I run a hosting company which is closed because I closed it
    [03:40] Turk: sorry to hear that
    [03:40] Wannabe Webhost: ok. and I need a very good host to host my company. would you do it
    [03:41] Turk: nope but these people will be more than happy to help you http://www.pascomwebhosting.com/
    [03:41] Wannabe Webhost: nope. I need free good hosting
    [03:41] Turk: can’t help you I’m afraid
    [03:42] Wannabe Webhost: why. please can you host me… if you host other sites you can host me
    [03:43] Turk: One, as I said the sites I host are friends. Two, I’m running out of webspace
    [03:43] Turk: so you will have to look elsewhere. I’m sorry
    [03:44] Wannabe Webhost: and how much webspace do you have
    [03:44] Turk: 750 megs total and I’m down to less than 50 megs now
    [03:44] Wannabe Webhost: oh.
    [03:45] Wannabe Webhost: and can you install cpanel
    [03:45] Turk: no
    [03:45] Wannabe Webhost: why
    [03:45] Turk: that’s something my host does
    [03:46] Turk: I run a website not a hosting company
    [03:46] Turk: what kind of site will you have?
    [03:47] Wannabe Webhost: hosting company
    [03:47] Turk: you said a company, what you selling?
    [03:47] Wannabe Webhost: hosting
    [03:47] Turk: you want me to host your webhosting company?
    [03:47] Wannabe Webhost: yes. i will be very grateful
    [03:48] Turk: and am I supposed to host all of the people that sign up for your web hosting?
    [03:48] Wannabe Webhost: yes. or maybe no
    [03:48] Turk: yeah, you new to this kind of thing?
    [03:48] Wannabe Webhost: yes.
    [03:49] Turk: so will you be selling this space from your hosting company?
    [03:49] Wannabe Webhost: what space
    [03:49] Turk: your going to be a webhost, are you charging for the webspace you host?
    [03:50] Wannabe Webhost: maybe. maybe not.. I’m thinking of having paid and free hosting
    [03:51] Turk: Again I say no to you then. My webhost is a nice guy and he wouldn’t like it very much if I gave out space to someone who in turn will sell it out for his own profit
    [03:51] Turk: it was nice talking to you though, good luck on your company

    Do I have a sign name that says easy mark or something? Does the name Turk scream out to you all as the name of a guy who is stupid and easily duped into things? This is why I’m always tempted to only allow people on my buddy list access to talking to me. Not that I’m a super popular guy or anything.

    I did pimp my webhost. Pas-Com Web-Hosting has to be the single best webhost on the internet. I don’t just say that because I’m late paying for the month. They really are awesome and I would recommend them to anyone looking for a cheap (yet very good) webhost.

    Views: 1,285
    Sunday December 21st 2003
    Favor System 12:05 am-
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    Now I don’t want to come off like a bad guy or anything. But if you look at the forum calender you will see the way the hotel work schedule is supposed to be. It still amazes me how this simple thing can be such a problem. It’s kind of like the polish guide to fucking. Four days on, four days off, and then repeat.

    Which brings me to explaining the title of this post. The Favor System. Which is something I believe in. It’s kind of like respect, that favors have to be earned. I expect if I do a favor for someone that the favor be returned. It’s common sense mafia shit. Now if you don’t do me the favor in return, unlike the mafia I won’t kill you. Just don’t expect to ever have me do you a favor in return.

    Another thing I don’t like is having someone go over my head. That is a big no no. That is a major thing to remember. You go over my head and there are no more favors. You go over my head and you no longer have my support. You go over my head and your on your own.

    Part of the problem I’m talking about can be explained with the following excerpt from Trillian‘s chat log:

    Session Start (Hotel Guy:Turk): Sun Nov 30 06:29:38 2003
    Hotel Guy: hey did u have christmas off last year or did i
    *** Auto-response from Turk: Im in the middle of DAoC, or Star Wars Galaxies. Of course, I could be in the middle of your mom too. Check to see if my car is in your driveway.
    **Swiped from Gawain
    Turk: I don’t remember
    Hotel Guy: ok
    Turk: why?
    Hotel Guy: i asked for the 24-26 off
    Turk: oh
    Turk: why don’t you just leave it the way it is
    Turk: you would have off 25-28 as it is with the 4 on 4 off
    Turk: accept you would have to work the 24
    Turk: which is a big whoop
    Turk: your working 31st
    Hotel Guy: that’s not a problem
    Session Close (Turk): Sun Nov 30 07:02:28 2003

    This is all of the problem actually. Now the way I read this is that the two of us agreed on the way the schedule would be. So you can understand why I’m slightly pissed off. The funny thing about this chat log is that I got it off of the work computer. Unknown to the Hotel Guy Trillian has been keeping a chat log of all of his conversations. Which is cool because here I was thinking I would have to wait till I got home to put this up.

    Maybe this pisses me off more than it should. But all I want is Christmas Eve off. I’m not asking for a lot here. And this whole thing is all about the work schedule changing. When it’s first put out I have my four days off like it is in the forum calender. But it mysteriously changes when I come in to work. Well it’s not all that much of a mystery really.

    Me and the Hotel Guy had just talked about this over the phone a few days ago. He had asked me if I would switch days with him. He wanted to trade some day of his for the 24th. My answer was no. I told him not to be greedy. And this is what this is. I totally understand the need to be with your family on Christmas morning. I understand quite a bit. I got my niece and nephew and these kids make Christmas fun again for me.

    Now not to bring the whole mafia-like vibe back into this topic, but don’t ever go around me again. I don’t threaten, I’m just stating a fact. I’m the kind of person you want with you not against you. Lot’s of things have changed now with this bullshit. Your on your own now. Don’t ask me for favors or help in any matter. It’s to bad this had to happen. Such a petty thing to loose someone that was in your corner over. I’m not saying I’m anything special, it’s just that it doesn’t hurt to have a person on your side. And with the way things are at the hotel a person needs all the help they can get.

    Views: 1,040
    Friday November 21st 2003
    Feel The Love 12:21 am-
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    The following chat log just makes me chuckle. It leaves a warm feeling in my heart that someone would hate me. Job well done I say. Read the following short conversation and see if you can see why I’m laughing:

    Hotel Guy: i found someone that really hates you
    Turk: who hates me?
    Hotel Guy: the bartender here
    Turk: which one?
    Hotel Guy: cathy i think
    Turk: well that’s just to fucking bad
    Hotel Guy: she went on and on
    Turk: heh
    Turk: about what?
    Hotel Guy: she mentioned that you wouldn’t help her on her first day?
    Turk: ain’t nothing I can do to help her
    Turk: she on her own
    Hotel Guy: that’s what she said you told her
    Turk: I don’t know shit about that computer system
    Turk: well I fail to see a problem
    Hotel Guy: what did she want you to help her with
    Turk: can’t remember
    Turk: I don’t give a fuck either
    Turk: they pay me to do the audit, not to help stupid fucking bartenders
    Turk: and until the schedule changes for the both of us that’s all they get

    I just can’t stress enough just how much I could give two flying fucks if some bartender hates me. It’s a compliment as far as I’m concerned. Let me say again and in bold type no less, I am a night audit clerk and nothing else. I am not a manager and I do not do anything other than the night audit. I don’t help bartenders who are not trained. I don’t train other employees, be it front desk clerks or front desk managers.

    I’m sorry these people have put themselves in this position, I really am. But management’s mis-management of the place does not fall on my shoulders. But if they want me to be more than just a night audit clerk they need to start paying for it. And I’m talking about more than my hourly wage. It’s the little things that would please me.

    To start I would like a yearly review. I’m not even asking that they give a raise to go with it. I’m just saying go through the motions. Tell me I’m doing a good job. We can work on the raise issue later. But these people don’t even go through the motions. They have skipped that all together. They are the kind of people that would bend you over the table and would fuck you in the ass and then not even have the goddamn common courtesy to give you a reach-around.

    And speaking of raises, do you know the last time I got a raise? It was way back on January 18, 2001. How many years is that? That’s almost two years. I find that pretty unacceptable. I suppose it could be worse. But with all of this other shit I’m just kind of intolerant of this. We don’t even get paid vacations. Again this isn’t me asking for an arm and a leg here. I just expect my employer to be a little more employee friendly. This current regime has no intention of even trying to be friendly to the common hotel employee. And it shows to more than people inside the hotel. What do they think their mistreated employees tell their family and friends? And what do you think the family and friends tell the people they know? It’s a long bitter line that goes farther than they can imagine. But that’s something I don’t think they care about.

    It’s ironic that the fifth anniversary of the day I was fired from the hotel is coming up. On that night all that long time ago I was shown the hatch because I wasn’t happy. It’s ironic because I’m not happy right now. Under the terms of my firing five years ago I should be shown the hatch once again. The sad thing is I think with a few simple and logical changes this could all change. But it’s not my position to tell them what they should do. Who knows, maybe it will change. In fact I know it will change one way or another. I don’t think the change that is going to happen will leave the hotel’s management very happy. One way or another a very simple thing is going to happen. And on that day maybe I’ll finally be happy. Only time will tell, and it always does.

    Views: 1,051
    Wednesday May 7th 2003
    Manager Chat 7:36 am-
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    Because I’m bored here is a little chat I had with the assistant general manager of the hotel. I like to point out there is not a actual general manager. So this makes her the assistant manager of nothing.

    Turk: hey!
    Turk: you going to give me the 25th off?
    Turk: hello?
    Turk: don’t ignore me
    Manager of Nothing: Yes I am giving you the 25th off
    Turk: thank you Boss
    Manager of Nothing: no problem
    Turk: how a copy of the daily sheet so I’m not so bored off my ass
    Turk: how about
    Manager of Nothing: I am working on it
    Turk: is what I meant
    Turk: ok
    Turk: I have a copy of it at home Boss
    Turk: I’ll sell it to you
    Manager of Nothing: bring it in and make a copy on the fax machine
    Turk: bah
    Manager of Nothing: come on do me a favor
    Turk: the fax machine is not a copy machine
    Turk: ok since you got me the 25th off
    Turk: I’ll see if I can find it
    Manager of Nothing: thank you
    Turk: anytime
    Manager of Nothing: gotta go, have a meeting to go to
    Turk: well I got to get back to work
    Turk: bye Boss
    Manager of Nothing: have a great day, I will probably see your mom today
    Turk: ok
    Turk: tell hi
    Turk: tell her hi
    Manager of Nothing: ok
    Manager of Nothing: see ya later
    Turk: yeah

    Welcome to the internet, your famous now.

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