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    Wednesday May 9th 2007
    The Farmer 6:32 am-
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    I’ve never talked to someone who sells money/powerleveling for mmo’s before. So when one looked me up I of course had questions I wanted to ask.

    [02:32] Brogame: HI
    [02:32] Turk: hi
    [02:32] Brogame: are you the webmaster of Hotelblues.com/wow/ ?
    [02:33] Turk: yes
    [02:33] Brogame: does your site talk about the online games, such as WOW ?
    [02:34] Turk: my main site talks about all kinds of things. Including games like wow. the page your asking about is pretty much done with as it was for a guild that is now defunct
    [02:36] Brogame: ok, did there have some advertising on your site about online games before ?
    [02:36] Turk: just google ads
    [02:36] Brogame: oh, I see

    I thought it was funny that the farmer didn’t come right out and say what it was he wanted to advertise on my site. I did know in advance that this im conversation was coming as the farmer sent me an email first. So I had to ask what the farmer wanted because the dude would have beat around the bush all day.

    [02:36] Turk: what are you selling?
    [02:37] Brogame: we sell the game currency and leveling, we provide the best service all over the world
    [02:37] Turk: I’ve never really done much with advertising
    [02:37] Turk: what site do you run? that does all of this?
    [02:38] Brogame: after browsing your site, we have a plan to advertising on your site, so do you accept this kind of advertising ?
    [02:38] Turk: depends.
    [02:38] Turk: whats your url?
    [02:38] Brogame: http://www.brogame.com/
    [02:39] Brogame: this is our site, we have so many old customers now, I think both of us will earn much more through this case


    Views: 1,605
    Sunday September 17th 2006
    Fired Again 1:02 pm-
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    Fired again. It’s official. Damn near word for word transcription of the recorded phone conversation.

    Sheriff: Good afternoon this is the Sheriff.
    Turk: Hi Sheriff this is Turk.
    Sheriff: Hey yeah.
    Turk: Hey I checked the schedule last night. I’m not on the… I don’t have time on the schedule.
    Sheriff: Oh yeah, I guess I… I guess I forgot to put you on the schedule.
    Turk: So I’d.. Just you know… Am I working or not?
    Sheriff: Umm… No actually, no your not working.
    Turk: Yeah er. Could you care to explain?
    Sheriff: Yeah I will explain. Actually I was going to be in here tonight anyways. But uh, the powers to be have decided to let you go.
    Turk: So I’ve been fired?
    Sheriff: Um. Yeah. I… I’d… If you want to put it in that sense. Yes. It wasn’t my decision. But they’ve let you go.
    Turk: What was the reasoning for my being let go?
    Sheriff: Well like I say. The powers that be let you go.
    Turk: Was there a reason or did just decided just to just let me go?
    Turk: Theres got to be a reason.
    Sheriff: I think part of it was just to let you go. I think they they deemed that the morale of the team would be better without you.
    Turk: (laughing to myself) Ok.
    Turk: Alright I guess that works.
    Sheriff: Yeah. But um. But no I didn’t want to see you go. But of course my vote was out voted by everybody else.
    Turk: No of course. Of course. Thank you Sheriff.
    Sheriff: But no. Because I think. I think your one hell of an auditor and I can work with you. I don’t care what your attitude is or anything like that. I just said your a hell of an auditor and I can work around all… all your attitudes and stuff like that.
    Turk: (laughing again) Well I think my attitudes justified.
    Sheriff: Yeah. And I agree also.
    Turk: Ok well thanks Sheriff you have a good day.
    Sheriff: You do the same Turk
    Turk: Yeah I’ll try.
    Sheriff: Ok.

    The Sheriff ladies and gentlemen. Give him a round of applause for that performance. Bravo!

    Here is the mp3 of the above conversation:

    Fuck him. I think the sheriff has to be heard. Just so one can understand the magnitude of his pussy factor.

    Views: 3,718
    Thursday August 3rd 2006
    IM Chat Log 4:02 am-
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    [03:52] Turk: Shithole Inn plans for future
    [03:52] Gawain: is that you?
    [03:52] Turk: yep
    [03:53] Gawain: hows that cattails?
    [03:53] Turk: Colleen Vivian is a twat
    [03:53] Turk: it sucks bad
    [03:53] Gawain: aw
    [03:53] Gawain: but it serves good home cooked food at an afordable price!
    [03:53] Turk: bad food
    [03:53] Turk: worse service
    [03:53] Turk: jesus
    [03:54] Turk: that end of the building would be burned down if I was in charge
    [03:54] Gawain: Vivian currently is working on her master’s degree with the American Intercontinental University online. She received her bachelor’s degree from them in business management, with emphasis in marketing. HAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHAHAHAHA
    [03:54] Turk: yeah
    [03:54] Turk: she’s a twat
    [03:54] Gawain: holy crap dude. the Intercontinental University Online
    [03:54] Gawain: seriously.
    [03:54] Gawain: god I wouldn’t want that published.
    [03:54] Turk: heh
    [03:54] Gawain: Id just say I was getting my degree.
    [03:55] Turk: well she is working for the bottom of the barrel
    [03:55] Gawain: This whole article is written poorly. I wonder if I should call your hotel up and ask them If they need a new public relations manager.
    [03:55] Gawain: because jesus christ.
    [03:55] Turk: no such thing
    [03:56] Turk: thats as good as the daily news gets
    [03:56] Gawain: I can’t believe she referred to your area as “working class”
    [03:56] Turk: heh
    [03:56] Gawain: thats rule number fucking one.
    [03:56] Gawain: you NEVER put your customers in a “class”
    [03:56] Gawain: jesus.
    [03:56] Turk: twat
    [03:56] Gawain: what makes me sad is that she probably makes more than me.
    [03:56] Turk: god
    [03:57] Turk: don’t make me think about that
    [03:57] Gawain: lol
    [03:57] Turk: a twat makes more than me
    [03:57] Gawain: her plans include adding a new vending area? THAT IS HER BIG PLAN? ANOTHER GODDAMN SNACK MACHINE??!
    [03:57] Turk: no
    [03:57] Turk: there are no snack machines in the hotel
    [03:57] Turk: none
    [03:58] Turk: as it is now
    [03:58] Gawain: it says shes adding a new vending area.
    [03:58] Turk: yeah sure
    [03:58] Turk: when?
    [03:58] Gawain: I guess that could be a little in-house shop or something.
    [03:58] Turk: news to me
    [03:58] Gawain: lol. its you.
    [03:58] Gawain: they’re gonna give you some boxes of candy bars to sell.
    [03:58] Turk: we have a “gift shop”
    [03:58] Gawain: HAHAHAHAH
    [03:58] Turk: they are open 7am-11pm
    [03:58] Turk: thats it
    [03:58] Gawain: “we’re adding a new vending area. Here he is now, working behind the desk.”
    [03:58] Gawain: HAHAHAHHAHA
    [03:59] Gawain: “hey vending area, go peddle these candybars”
    [03:59] Gawain: im dying
    [03:59] Gawain: hahahahaahaha
    [03:59] Gawain: I can see you wearing a little paper hat
    [03:59] Gawain: hahahahahahahah
    [03:59] Turk: not very funny from were I’m sitting
    [03:59] Gawain: HAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHAHAHHHAHAHAhihagovrebaw
    [04:00] Gawain: oh jesus. oh god. hahahah
    [04:00] Gawain: I woke meg up. shit.
    [04:00] Turk: heh
    [04:01] Gawain: I can’t explain to her why this is so funny.
    [04:01] Turk: heh
    [04:02] Turk: it’s not funny

    Views: 1,603
    Friday July 7th 2006
    Nightaudit.com 1:30 am-
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    Every now and then I look around for other sites like mine. Not that there are any site just like mine. What would the odds be on that? No I just look for other sites that cover the hotel/audit topic. So now and then I do a google search for night audit just to see what I can find. Mostly I find links to sites that really are not what I’m looking for. And of course I’m usually in the top 10 in this google search.

    This time when I did my search I found another site. I found Nightaudit.com. A forum that’s set up for people just like me. They currently only have 9 registered user and a total of 2 post (one is mine) and I felt like maybe just maybe I could shift them a little hits by writing about them. Because I know what it’s like to not get a lot of visitors. My first five years were like that. I’ve already informed my forum guys about the place. It would be nice to get some kind of community going regarding this line of work.

    But let’s be clear on what my idea of a community should be. Gawain sums it up perfectly in this aim chat excerpt:

    [00:27] Gawain: lol. its like the luke skywalker to your darth vader.
    [00:28] Gawain: you’re all like.. luke… I am your FUTURE!
    [00:28] Gawain: and they’re all like.. NOOOOOOOOO
    [00:28] Turk: according to whois it’s been registered since 04
    [00:28] Gawain: lol. with zero posts?
    [00:28] Gawain: jesus, you shouldn’t even bother.
    [00:28] Turk: first post there is from 2/6
    [00:28] Turk: yeah
    [00:28] Turk: well
    [00:28] Turk: what the hell
    [00:29] Turk: a community type thing has always been my goal
    [00:29] Turk: just tainted with hate of course
    [00:30] Gawain: lol. and a pinch of disgust.

    I’m not interested in management. Nor do I want to maintain any kind of management friendly vibe in any community I happen to be a part of. I think that (taking a quote form Alan Moore’s V for Vendetta):

    Employees should not be afraid of their managers. Managers should be afraid of their Employees.

    That would be the basis of any community on the net for night auditors that I would have a part in. Which really is what my website is all about really. I’m sure that anyone who frequents my site probably already knows this. I’m sure as that website grows and picks up some people we will find out just what kind of place it will become. Either way if your an night auditor be sure to head over there and sign up so we can see what kind of community it will become.

    On a side note if your idea of a night audit community falls in line with mine make sure to visit my night audit forum and register for my forums. We have over 20 members and over 700 posts. Which until Nightaudit.com gets going you can be sure to find a little more activity in my forums.

    Views: 1,639
    Tuesday July 4th 2006
    Independence Day! 11:36 pm-
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    Here is a one sided conversation with Gawain:

    Session Start (Turk:Gawain): Tue Jul 04 23:23:39 2006
    [23:23] Turk: Happy Independence Day!
    [23:24] Turk: do you realize of the five people so far I’ve seen at the hotel, they have looked at me oddly when I said that. And responded isn’t it the 4th of july?
    [23:25] Turk: which makes me feel to smart and sad that americans as a whole are fucking stupid
    [23:25] Turk: one person answered my question of how old the country is by saying 235 years old
    [23:26] Turk: so not only are they ignorant of their own history, they are also bad at subtraction.

    Be proud America in your people.

    Views: 1,380
    Monday June 19th 2006
    My Night 1:50 am-
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    Was going to “blog” about this but decided it was another time to post a Gawain chat log:

    [01:33] Gawain: what up?
    [01:33] *** Auto-response sent to Gawain: Yeah I’m playing Dark Age of Camelot at work! You think those assholes pay me enough to do work?
    [01:34] Turk: hey
    [01:34] Turk: I had a drunk I called the cops on
    [01:35] Turk: guy just looked fucking odd
    [01:35] Turk: set off my spidey sense
    [01:35] Gawain: lol
    [01:35] Turk: turns out the guy was like drunk I’m going to die drunk
    [01:35] Gawain: nightauditey sense?
    [01:35] Turk: yeah
    [01:35] Turk: so I may have saved the guys life
    [01:35] Turk: plus the dumb fuck had a warrant
    [01:36] Turk: so the moral of this story is don’t call the night auditor 5-10 times in a 2 minute time period

    Honestly folks if you have a warrant out on yourself try not to annoy the disgruntled night audit guy. Because when you call down six times and the first time you worry about being a pain in the ass and the audit guy say no of course your not a pain in the ass. Well guess what? You are a pain in the ass.

    Views: 1,370
    Sunday January 29th 2006
    MyBossIsAPussy.Com 10:48 pm-
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    It has been foretold:

    [13:42] Turk: www.mybossisapussy.com I think that is open hahahaha!!
    [13:42] Gawain: oh jesus
    [13:42] Turk: I’m going to make it my alt url
    [13:42] Turk: heh
    [13:43] Gawain: I dunno. what if your boss gets fired or quits? then you’re stuck with a site that doesn’t apply anymore. its too specific.
    [13:43] Turk: a line of tshirts
    [13:43] Turk: fame and fortune!
    [13:43] Turk: theres are ip
    [13:44] Turk: domain is open
    [13:44] Turk: we sell shirt with whatsitcalled at first
    [13:45] Turk: and if it hits we look into a cheaper means with more profit
    [13:45] Turk: what guy/girl who works for some schmuck not want a shirt like that?
    [13:45] Gawain: I think you lose your job if you do that.
    [13:46] Turk: well
    [13:46] Gawain: though I admire your ability to be an asshole. : )
    [13:46] Turk: me?
    [13:46] Turk: come on it’s a cash cow
    [13:46] Gawain: I will design shirts if you get the domain.
    [13:46] Turk: it gets picked up by a big site and the orders come in
    [13:46] Turk: ok
    [13:55] Turk: fuck it I’m doing it
    [13:56] Gawain: lol
    [13:56] Gawain: goddamn dude, you really hate that guy
    [13:57] Turk: I hate all bosses
    [13:57] Turk: yours, mine, everyone
    [13:57] Turk: anyway
    [13:57] Turk: I don’t hate him
    [13:57] Turk: thats another shirt all together
    [13:57] Turk: my boss is a pussy
    [13:57] Turk: simple as that
    [13:57] Turk: holy crap I’m insane
    [13:58] Gawain: its true.

    Insane? Yes I am. But I’m just following the gods wishes.

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