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    Friday November 23rd 2001
    Real World Bah! 3:46 am-
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    So I don’t know if any of you pay attention to stuff on my site or not. On the right below the Hotelblues.com email login there is an info box with my guys name and level. I have been updating it as I have leveled up. I’m sitting at level 16 at the time of this post. The more I play DAoC, the more I love it. There are some deep elements to this game.

    It really is more than a hack and slash kind of rpg. I recently took up trade skills. And this is where the game gets interesting. There are a number of trade skills. Weapons crafting, Armor crafting, Siege crafting, and a number of others. I picked up the Weapons craft. Weapons a player can make are superior to what the npc’s sell. And I figured it goes good with my fighter type guy.

    I also had the privilege to get some time grouping with a Guild Mate named Aix who is level 19. Now this gives the lower level members of the party a huge experience boost. I made two levels in one day. In a number of hours actually. I got to say the joining the AOD Guild was a fine decision. Grouping up with other players is the way to go. Having Guild Mates makes it so much easier to find a group.

    There are so may things to look forward to as I gain levels. I also continue my trade skill apprenticeship. The higher my trade skills are, better weapons become available for me to make. Then there is the realm vs realm aspect of the game.

    This is the player killing feature that is abused in other mmorpg’s. In DAoC realm vs realm is just what it sounds like. You can’t kill players in your own realm. When you get to a level you can handle life in the frontier areas you can meet new people and kill them. No talking, so the immature taunts of teenagers won’t fill your chat interface. Realm vs Realm is handled like an encounter with a foreign people. And it’s small raids in which you can try to conquer parts of the enemy territory. Really cool feature. If a player has sufficient skill in the before mentioned Siege craft, you have actual medieval siege weapons to help with your conquering of enemy castles.

    If you play Everquest or any other mmorpg I suggest giving DAoC a try. You may forget all about those other games.

    Views: 854
    Tuesday November 13th 2001
    Pissed Off! 10:52 pm-
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    Ok I’m a little pissed here. I had some problems yesterday getting on to the game. Now Dark Age of Camelot plays. The bad news is the goddamned thing disconnects me every five minutes. I have tried everything I can think of to fix this problem. I just don’t know what the deal is. And I’m very mad. What can you do?

    I’ll tell you what I’m going to do. I’m going to uninstall that finicky bitch that is Windows XP! And then I will see what happens.

    Views: 755
    Monday November 12th 2001
    Withdrawl 11:48 am-
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    Oh man I got the shakes. I can’t get into the game:

    I can’t get in to play my level 13 mercenary. Oh the humaity!

    Views: 1,060
    Thursday November 8th 2001
    Guild Fun 11:24 pm-
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    So I was telling you about all the fun I had playing Dark Age of Camelot. And I was saying how I joined a guild. The guild I joined is called the Acolytes of Destruction. This is my first experience with being in a guild and so far it’s a lot of fun. Farooq is the guild master and he’s a nice guy to play with. I’ve played with Ivory (by proxy), Chevco, Necromantic, and Edaresh. Every one of them are fun to play with. I have fought and died with all of these guys. Here are a few screens (1152×864):

    One Two
    Three Four

    So if you play DAoC and you play on the Bors server drop in and look me up. Or if you play on Bors and your in Albion and your looking for a guild stop by Friday from 8:30pm est to 9:30pm est at Prydwen Keep where the guild will be recruiting new members. Stop by and tell them I sent you.

    Views: 1,066
    Wednesday November 7th 2001
    Power Session 4:01 am-
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    Well my addiction to Dark Age of Camelot is getting worse. I recently put some major hours into playing my character. I even have joined a guild. Me Mr. Anti-Social is playing well with others. I am starting to see the benefits of playing with others.

    The guild makes it even easier to get a group going. And while you can play DAoC solo. Grouping is more efficient. When you group you get bonus exp based on how big your party is. I made two level in one sitting.

    My bad ass Turk the Mercenary is now level 10. And 10th level is when you really start to get going. I can use chain mail and have the ability to dual wield weapons. Geek stuff? Yes. But I’m having a blast. I have a dilemma though. I get to give my dude a last name now, exept I have no idea what it should be. When I get home I will slap up some more screen shots.

    Views: 1,089
    Saturday October 13th 2001
    New Drug 11:53 pm-
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    Well the good news is I have kicked my Everquest habit. The bad news is I’m addicted to another mmorpg. This one is called the Dark Age of Camelot. This one just went live a week ago or so. It’s fun. And it’s not like Everquest. Here are a few snaps of the game:

    One Two

    New game, so that lets me have my moniker I use here. Which I was happy about. It’s a little more friendly to the people who want to go out on their own. I happen to fit into that anti-social group. I have to get ready for work, but I will be talking about this some more.

    Views: 1,173
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