My Sobos are in the new again. Potthoff leaving on a high note and Potthoff to leave Sobos are two articles telling about how the Sobo Coach is leaving for greener pastures. I don’t know what to say. Here is a blurb from the second story:
“The seniors were happy for me and glad that we’re moving on at the same time,” Potthoff said. “But there were some underclassmen who looked a little upset, and it’s going to be very difficult for me to leave them.”
Apparently it won’t be that difficult for Potthoff to leave them, huh? And sure what do these Senior who are graduating really care if their coach leaves. These guys had a great run and it really doesn’t matter any more for them. But what about these underclassmen? I would be a little upset also. Here is another bit from that second story:
The move is good not only for Potthoff’s career, but also for his family. He and his wife, Marsha, have lived in Woodstock for seven years. His commute to work will now be 15 minutes instead of 55 minutes.
So the way it sounds not only money is a factor, but the convenience of being close to home also plays into his difficult departure form South Beloit. And I can’t blame him there. This is a definite case of tough love. Now I don’t want to sound harsh. But I guess I am. I think whatever Potthoff’s motivation (good or bad) it is a blow to the people and any future football team of South Beloit.
It’s unfortunate this is happening, whatever the reasons. But the Sobos have been down before (I’m not saying their down now) and have came back when no one thought they would. Coaches also come and go. This is another one of those things. Be it for money or because of bullshit school politics. These abandoned underclassmen have got to keep a chin up. And even if this seems to be that their coach is deserting them (and he is). These kids have got to remember that (and I don’t care who say’s differently) they won this championship, not the coaches. And if they have the heart and the determination they can do it again, even without the great Potthoff.