I don’t care what you hear. I don’t care what you think. I just wanted to be clear on these two things. I made the mistake with the Hulk movie of trying to be clever in telling you it sucked. I’m not doing that this time. Terminator 3: Rise of the Machines was shit. It should have been called Terminator 3: The Same Old Thing. Because this piece of shit was a cheap imitation of Cameron’s second Terminator movie. And that’s being polite.
Avoid this movie. Avoid this movie if you liked the first two. This third flick is the work of a cheap no talent fuck. Is it any surprise that Cameron didn’t have anything to do with it? No, because it’s utter shit. T3 was predictable from the beginning. I’m not talking about the beginning of the flick. Since the first trailer I knew this movie was going to suck.
The worst thing about it seeing this movie was the fact I had said to myself “I’m not going to go see this piece of shit”, somewhere along that thought process I made a mistake. I suppose I shouldn’t get so bent of out of shape about a bad movie. But I do. And here’s the thing. I think the people involved with T3 need to pay a heavy price. They all need to pay for cheapening the great finish of T2. I’m not talking about monetary payment. All though being able to sue over bad movie is a good idea and may need to be explored as an option at a later date.
No I’m saying these people need to pay the ultimate price. Death. Death in a number of different ways. The young people in the flick can be spared. They are young and may not understand about the artistic roll call. So I’m willing to over look it this time. But the director and the producers, they need to be put down. For the sake of future movies. These people shouldn’t be allowed to continue. Whether it be a ban from making movies or maybe they just need to be took out back and be shot. And I’m willing to let them have a clean death. A nice shot right to the back of the head.
I mean what was Schwarzenegger thinking? Does he need the paycheck that bad? Shit if he’s hurting for money, I would be willing to send him what I can. Do these people who make these movies even like the movies themselves? How could they be fans of this series? How could they be fans of this series when they make a movie like T3? I just don’t understand it. It’s to bad Schwarzenegger wasn’t born here in America. Because he would be the perfect bad actor to bad politician since Reagan.
Now you will have to excuse me, I need to exorcise this movie from my system. I think a T2 multiple viewing will help. In time my pain will pass, I hope.